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Few questions


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-If you go (almost) full on the Light side as a Sith, what are you? Gray Sith? Is that even possible? To just be free of all control and do whatever you please as long as it does not hurt (too many) others/be a magnet for the force disregarding both teachings. That sounds promising...


-about the classes and their inspirations:


Jedi Knight: Luke Skywalker

Guardian: Luke

Sentinel: Mace Windu? He seemed bent on hunting the guilty instead of protections the innocent...


Jedi Counselor: Yoda

Sage: Yoda

Shadow: ? Nobody I know used a doubler. Going by personality(and abilities), I'd say Qui Gon Jinn/Obi Wan Kenobi(either of them)


Trooper: ?

Commando: that Commander from the clone wars

Vanguard: Commander Shepard lol? That's not even SW! Who from the SW?


Smuggler: Lando, Han

Gunslinger: that bloke from the intro movie. Malcom whatever.

Scoundrel: take a wild guess. Han Solo.


Sith Warrior: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

Juggernaut: Darth Vader/Marka Ragnos

Marauder: besides the Naga Sadow, the only popular char that'd fit the prereqs(not Nec the weapons used, but rather character traits) is Darth Maul! Who else?


Sith Inquisitor: Darth Sidious

Sorceror: Darth Sidious

Assassin: Count Dooku(he prefered to channel the force through his sabre, don't forget! And if that is not an Assassin behaviour, idk what is)


Bounty Hunter: Jango/Boba Fett

Powertech: The Fett family

Mercenary: Cad Bane? I know that Fetts are not mercs so...


Imperial Agent: Grand Moff Tarkin

Sniper: ? James Bond lol? Jason Bourne? *** those aren't SW characters! Anyone from the actual SW universe?

Operative: G.M.Tarkin


Are those guesses of mine correct?

Edited by Cuiwe
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-If you go (almost) full on the Light side as a Sith, what are you? Gray Sith? Is that even possible? To just be free of all control and do whatever you please as long as it does not hurt (too many) others/be a magnet for the force disregarding both teachings. That sounds promising...


You'd be a guy that draws on passion and emotions to fuel his power without degenerating into a psychopath like most Sith.


Knight: Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan


Consular: Yoda, Qui-Gonn


Trooper: Storm and Clone Troopers


Smuggler; Han Solo


Juggernaut: Vader

Marauder; Asaj Ventress


Sorcerer: Dooku, Palpatine

Assassin: Maul


Agent: Tarkin+James Bond


Powertech: Boba Fett

Mercenary: Jango Fett

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-If you go (almost) full on the Light side as a Sith, what are you? Gray Sith? Is that even possible? To just be free of all control and do whatever you please as long as it does not hurt (too many) others/be a magnet for the force disregarding both teachings. That sounds promising...


I'd argue that Malgus was pretty Light Side. He wasn't a bigot like many Imperials, he was willing to work with others, and he was pretty amicable to plans that didn't involve violence.


-about the classes and their inspirations:


Jedi Knight: Luke Skywalker

Guardian: Luke

Sentinel: Mace Windu? He seemed bent on hunting the guilty instead of protections the innocent...


I don't think class really factors into personality. There's no reason Sentinels would be more likely to hunt down enemies than Guardians.

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