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Really struggling leveling my rage jug


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I just started leveling a rage jug alt, and right now he's level 35 but my goodness, he is SQUISHY! Jeassa actually seems to do more DPS and have more survivability. :p


At level 35 I'm in orange gear, but they all have level appropriate mods in them. I don't remember struggling this much when I leveled my sent to 55. I mean, sentinels are squishy too, but they do so much damage it doesn't matter. Thinking of unlocking Treek for this toon but really like having Jeassa. She really does do good DPS and often burns through two or three mobs while I'm still whittling away at a silver mob.


Are rage juggernauts just kind of gimped until 50? It's kind of frustrating right now.

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Can't keep agro of Quinn? You must be joking...


Maybe if you keep him undergeared and in DPS stance with DPS powers on you can keep aggro off him. If you actually have him healing his *** off, then its hard to do with taunts on cooldown.


Especially if that ******* change for Threatening Scream gets put into play.

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Maybe if you keep him undergeared and in DPS stance with DPS powers on you can keep aggro off him. If you actually have him healing his *** off, then its hard to do with taunts on cooldown.


Especially if that ******* change for Threatening Scream gets put into play.


Are you joking? My Juggernaut is "only" level 46, but I've leveled with Quinn all the way, and never once had issues with his aggro. Yes, if you never, ever, EVER touch Smash, he'll be taking a lot of hits. Use Smash once and everything is glued to you.


If you're not using Smash with a Rage spec, you're not doing it right.

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Leveled 3 Jugg's one Guard, all 3 specs. spent more time on this class then i dare to admit :) .


used quinn for all 3 juggs (experimented with others, quinn was my main). I think the biggest issue with quinn is adapting to a slightly different playstyle with his aggro. once you do though, he's honestly the best comp to level with outside of treek (which I leveled my guard with...heal spec after lvl 20 all the way).


keep his gear up to date, learn how to piece out mobs. hit the ones you want to keep, let a few stragglers aggro to him, pull them as you polish off the ones you grabbed initially. gear him well and he can tank a silver for a long time...he's even tanked elites for me long enough for me to polish off the adds.


Again, it's a playstyle thing. you have to be aware of him, and watch his health, be ready to taunt if it gets too low...or if it start to drop real fast. may seem like allot to watch...but its actually great practice if you ever decide to tank. And I have never had issues with him being too squishy. So I think allot of it's a playstyle thing.


Note on rage: EDITED - Rage has gotten tons better since pre 2.0 days, but still feels like its missing a bit until you get its capstone ability. the guaranteed crit on smash helps allot, but you do need to play it carefully. I find Vengeance an easier spec for a starting Jugg, but Rage works fine. learn to use your stuns and smashes well to keep mobs stunned. gun down the weak ones first, learn not to waste heavy hitting abilities on a mob that only has a sliver of health left (use the heavy ability on a different mob, and finish the sliver one with an auto attack), stuff like that.


let Jaesa pull threat initially so you can pick and choose the mobs you want to kill. I would personally run an immortal build if i was leveling with Jaesa, but any spec is doable. just need to be a bit more careful when your a DPS spec. You WILL have more downtime with a DPS comp and a DPS build...it's the nature of the jugg. the fastest and smoothest combination I've played is Vengeance and Quinn up through 45, and after 45 Rage and Venge are about equal. Immortal is solid the whole way, but since it's a tank build, it has a different approach to gear/comp selection.


They take a bit of adaptation, but it's honestly a killer class once you get into the 40's. it just matures a bit slower then most.

Edited by Elyx
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Healer Companion = easy relaxed

DPS companion = you better know your stuff


I leveled with Quinn/Jaessa first Jugg and now Treek..


Treek = pure awesome, not only do his AE attack NOT break CC you can switch between healer and tank against that tough champion!

Edited by Cempa
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