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Combat and CCs


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Can anyone tell me how do they deal with CCs as a combat sentinel in PvP?


Just to be clear, I am not asking for rotation/spec advise, as I have been playing sentinel (formerly Watchman) since 1.2. I switched to Combat after Watchman was pretty much nerfed to the ground during 2.0.


I find that people often CC me or pop a DCD almost immediately once I get my first PS attack in, since they notice the sudden drop on their health bar. So I am asking, what methods do you use to deal with this?


Here are some of the problems concerning CCs that I have:


1. Hard Stuns, or Mezz makes me miss my burst window.

2. While CCed, Ataru procs don't trigger, which causes the ICD to become misaligned with PS CD. This could make the next HoJ pop a few seconds before PS comes off CD again.

3. I get rooted or slowed while leap and camo is on CD already.


If you guys could input your solutions, that be great.



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Can anyone tell me how do they deal with CCs as a combat sentinel in PvP?


Just to be clear, I am not asking for rotation/spec advise, as I have been playing sentinel (formerly Watchman) since 1.2. I switched to Combat after Watchman was pretty much nerfed to the ground during 2.0.


I find that people often CC me or pop a DCD almost immediately once I get my first PS attack in, since they notice the sudden drop on their health bar. So I am asking, what methods do you use to deal with this?


Here are some of the problems concerning CCs that I have:


1. Hard Stuns, or Mezz makes me miss my burst window.

2. While CCed, Ataru procs don't trigger, which causes the ICD to become misaligned with PS CD. This could make the next HoJ pop a few seconds before PS comes off CD again.

3. I get rooted or slowed while leap and camo is on CD already.


If you guys could input your solutions, that be great.




One of the most effective ways to deal with this is to select targets that are tunneled on someone else. A great tactic is to wander towards the enemy back line keeping your healers in sight and leap to a stealther that pops on your healer. They almost always still burn their CC's on the healer leaving you free to burst them.


Also on force cammo, learn opposing classes roots and snares and save it for long duration effects or when you are rooted and about to get hit hard.


You will always have some PS windows interrupted, but if you are patient you should be able to land some. Also remember that zen buffed BR spam will still frequently do enough damage to elicit a CC allowing you to burst hard out of the CC.

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Can anyone tell me how do they deal with CCs as a combat sentinel in PvP?


Just to be clear, I am not asking for rotation/spec advise, as I have been playing sentinel (formerly Watchman) since 1.2. I switched to Combat after Watchman was pretty much nerfed to the ground during 2.0.


I find that people often CC me or pop a DCD almost immediately once I get my first PS attack in, since they notice the sudden drop on their health bar. So I am asking, what methods do you use to deal with this?


Here are some of the problems concerning CCs that I have:


1. Hard Stuns, or Mezz makes me miss my burst window.

2. While CCed, Ataru procs don't trigger, which causes the ICD to become misaligned with PS CD. This could make the next HoJ pop a few seconds before PS comes off CD again.

3. I get rooted or slowed while leap and camo is on CD already.


If you guys could input your solutions, that be great.




As a 4 meter melee class you are bound to eat CCs and roots. Just try to eat these CCs outside your burst window, and when your DCDs are up. The biggest thing is to be unpredictable. The majority of enemies will assume you will unload your burst the moment you jump them as combat sentinel, so do not. I typically go in the first 2-3 globals with fillers, and eat a CC/knock back. Sometimes I may hold on precision slash for 10-15 secs, until I am semi confident enemy is out of CCs/knock backs. I also sometimes use precision slash to force a CC, so I can unload burst on the second precision slash proc. It is all about outsmarting the enemy. You come in all hot, they will proceed to shut you down.

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Some good advice here.

Main advice i would give is say... use precision pretty much asap if you haven't had a reset proc recently this will bait stuns even if you dont get any good burst then more often then not you will have the cd reset on precision with all the procs when you come out of stun... and go for people that are tunneling someone else like said above. Do your own kinda hard switches on someone if you think they arent paying attention. This class burst if someone eats the whole thing they will die.

Edited by AngusFTW
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One of the most effective ways to deal with this is to select targets that are tunneled on someone else. A great tactic is to wander towards the enemy back line keeping your healers in sight and leap to a stealther that pops on your healer. They almost always still burn their CC's on the healer leaving you free to burst them.


Also on force cammo, learn opposing classes roots and snares and save it for long duration effects or when you are rooted and about to get hit hard.


You will always have some PS windows interrupted, but if you are patient you should be able to land some. Also remember that zen buffed BR spam will still frequently do enough damage to elicit a CC allowing you to burst hard out of the CC.


Pretty much this, think before attacking and NEVER EVER be the first one to leap into the enemy group at the start of a fight.

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combat should work with a group to maximize your killing blow. If you want to play Rambo and rush into enemy group and destroy one poor guy there, only one situation I assume may work: resolve bar fills, and you have your most defense ready. Then raise your defense, jump and PS master strike, and stealth run away/group cc them/sacrifice yourself as tank, or whatever, before they recover from astonishing. Anyway, the simplest thing you could do to avoid too many cc is to work with some teammate: they stun the enemy, you jump and send your big present, much higher chance than you work alone.
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Pretty much this, think before attacking and NEVER EVER be the first one to leap into the enemy group at the start of a fight.


This is a great tip. See, you wanna go all fast cuz of trancendance but hold back you dont have heavy armor and people fear you so they will use cc's on you. I like to run in an arc parallel to the fight, I force camo, select an "already engaged" target and proceed to jump in, PS, MS, BS = dead.


A lot of the time I will just play wild and jump right to someone and just immediately start PS,MS, BS. Half the time they die before they know what happened, the other half of the time i get stunned and an op opens up on me and I die. But you win some you lose some right?


Best advice is pick your targets, and be patient when you get stunned cuz you will a lot, no getting around it.

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