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Making Factions and Characters relevant


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Hello SWTOR fans, Kyrone here with a suggestion that I would like to see some debate on.


Making Factions and Players relevant.


Sounds sweeping right? let me explain my meaning behind this, so far we have a single player game with mmo aspects that allow us to play with a lot of people, great right? yet something feels missing. So far it doesn't matter which faction you pick as both factions are identical copies of each other and worse of all no matter what you do as a player you are no different than someone else who is playing the same experience like you are playing a game that has been played a thousand times and you might as well not bother.... but what if there were a way to make it more engaging and worth playing? I am going to hit both these two aspect separately in the coming suggestions so please bear with my musings, good job to those still reading!



Your side is one of the first questions you get asked when making a character.... then that stops being relevant once you click it.... especially in non pvp servers. Sure you might start on a different class planet, you hang around on a different fleet and play with one half the community but that is all there is to it, nothing makes you feel like a Republic defender or Imperial warrior. What we really need is weekly server events that pit Republic vs Imperials.

Now not everyone likes pvp, which is why pve servers exist for those wanting to play casually so two ways, an event that doesn't just cause players to need to be on a pvp world like Ilum to win in any variety of point based objectives to give their faction a little weekly buff, maybe it is damage, exp, money gain, better loot drops or easier commendation gain and something that means for a week your faction has a prize that the other will want to win back another week but also a PVE require for the other side. A point based operations against the other faction, not pvp, but pve, where one team of maybe 4 or 8 are in one section of the operation and the other faction of the same size are in another area and you are all racing to a common goal where you can hinder each other OR maybe even win points to overall win the operation. Combining the operation results and the open world pve event or warzone events to see which faction wins for that week.


Sure this needs some development but can you see where I am going with this? Forcing factions to be at war.... like they are suppose to be, not just grinding side by side.



So far, if you personally leave the server, nothing happens. If you play everyday once you have your top gear, nothing happens. What is the point of it all? what if the game had something to achieve other than gear? How about faction councils and leaders? have guilds compete in operations and warzones to win their guild points so for the following month their leader has a council spot and possibly the councils could then elect a leader. Which means guilds have a purpose and something to try to obtain, leadership.

Now what could be the point of it other than some title? how about during these weekly events council members/leaders could have special powers such as the ability to call in support for the previously mentioned weekly events? an aura buff that gives allies boosts for pvp in these events and race negatives if the leader is killed until they respawn, it would throw a whole curve into warzones for one.


So far this is a very rough outline and I would like to see how everyone in the community feels about this sort of idea, because this is definitely an expansion I would pay for. So what are your views and suggestions on this?

Edited by LordKyrone
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Making Factions and Players relevant. Sounds sweeping right?

No, it sounds vague.




What we really need is weekly server events that pit Republic vs Imperials.

Those are best left for players to organize, If no one cares, the game itself can't make them care.


Now not everyone likes pvp, which is why pve servers exist for those wanting to play casually so two ways, an event that causes players to need to be on a pvp world like Ilum to win in any variety of point based objectives to give their faction a little weekly buff

LotRO has something like this. But it doesn't make non PvPers PvP. You can't make people PvP if they don't want to PvP.


The other side is point based operations against the other faction, not pvp, but pve, where one team of maybe 4 or 8 are in one section of the operation and the other faction of the same size are in another area and you are all racing to a common goal where you can hinder each other

"Hinder each other"= PvP.




So far, if you personally leave the server, nothing happens. If you play everyday once you have your top gear, nothing happens. What is the point of it all?

The point is to have fun, just like in any other game.


what if the game had something to achieve other than gear? How about faction councils and leaders? have guilds compete in operations and warzones to win their guild points so for the following month their leader has a council spot and possibly the councils could then elect a leader. Which means guilds have a purpose and something to try to obtain, leadership.

You clearly think these ideas are great. But again, the game can't make people care about stuff like this. If you want to have a guild with leaders and such, then make one and recruit members into it. Adding it to the game? Not even close to worth the development bother.


So far this is a very rough outline and I would like to see how everyone in the community feels about this sort of idea, because this is definitely an expansion I would pay for. So what are your views and suggestions on this?

I wouldn't pay one thin dime for it. And I suspect I am in the vast majority.

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Ah I see you caught me out in a mumbling of ideas, I have corrected this as I had not intended it to try to be worded that it forces non pvp players in pvp but gives people a way to benefit their faction through PVE as well, such as through gaining points by finishing operations.


Now you say what is the point of this as the players could just organise it, but they don't, they go on the play other games. Which is why servers had to be downsized from launch. I remember playing on one of the largest servers then everyone quitting because of the ranked warzones delays. The whole concept of this is to bring players back into the game and to add something more for people who still play it; a reason not to just go off and play another game.


It is weird reading your reply because you post like someone who doesn't like the mmo aspect of an mmorpg, but that could just be my interpretation of your post, it all seems very jaded to me and I could be reading too much into it or maybe there are those who are completely against the idea of an mmorpg having mmo aspects....


However I do like that your brought up some aspects of other games that do stuff similar like lotro but I was thinking more like RF online that had events for 3 factions together competing for a goal.

Even those who did not PVP would get involved as there was a faction wide objective to achieve that gave everyone buffs or worse negatives if they didn't help their faction win.

Overall it would give more to the game than the old level and grind which gets dull very fast and doing the same limited operations and warzone maps can only do so much. So why not expand how we do these by really making their a competition between factions?

An event that happens once a week on a random planet that causes both imps and reps to rush to a planet to take and hold controlling points to win that planet for your faction and reap whatever rewards may come, do you really believe that would be something that many would not enjoy? or doing an operation and because another team beat the boss first the easier corridor closes you off forcing you to have to fight tougher enemies and then you have to push harder to get to the next one first to force them off the easy road?


Googling around I have actually been looking into the elder scrolls online since reading your attitude on the idea of giving relevance to players and factions. Seeing what other games have done with the concept and judging if it worked or failed. Funny enough ESO seems to be having something very similar but a little bit more developed than my musings. It will be interesting to see if players "care" about it, as you put it and if it works maybe we might see something similar get implemented in swtor anyway.


I am still curious to see how it all develops and what is a head for swtor, I still think this is a foundation for a good idea for the game.

Edited by LordKyrone
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