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Operative Concealment Build?


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Just made a new Op, and just wanted a little advice on the general build to use for leveling Concealment and maybe dabbling into the medicine tree for some off-heals. Also, do Ops use cover at all? My guy is only 15 but I've not really ever needed to drop into cover once, so I just took it off my key bindings....not sure if that's advised or not but I think I'm doing it right since I do well enough in Low tier PvP and in PvE...But mostly a general build would be helpful since I'm just going with what I think right now, which would be this:




Not sure the viability of the build as I just threw it together based on what I thought was good. I also know about the upcoming changes in 2.7, but I don't care very much since I'm not using BS as it is anyways now since its a later ability.


Any help is welcome! Thanks!

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Saeari's post is what most concealment ops run, although some people trade the debilitate CD reduce for the +1 TA on kolto injection, personal preference, really, although the 30s CD on our stun really helps out a lot with most fights.


In 2.7, depending with how it goes, you probably won't take Jarring Strike, it'd be more beneficial to put the points into either Inclement Conditioning, Deadly Directive, or Revitalizers (if they'd just make this an instant 15% heal this would be a great defensive talent).

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Saeari's post is what most concealment ops run, although some people trade the debilitate CD reduce for the +1 TA on kolto injection, personal preference, really, although the 30s CD on our stun really helps out a lot with most fights.


In 2.7, depending with how it goes, you probably won't take Jarring Strike, it'd be more beneficial to put the points into either Inclement Conditioning, Deadly Directive, or Revitalizers (if they'd just make this an instant 15% heal this would be a great defensive talent).


Can't take Deadly D. It's in Lethality, so you'd be short points. Revitalizers would need a buff to be remotely useful, and to be honest, 1.5 second root > 4% HP. Yeah, it sucks, but 4% HP is about a 1.4k health increase based on the average health pool in PvP (31k). So, a crit blaster shot, or a non-crit... anything. :rolleyes:

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Saeari's post is what most concealment ops run, although some people trade the debilitate CD reduce for the +1 TA on kolto injection, personal preference, really, although the 30s CD on our stun really helps out a lot with most fights.


In 2.7, depending with how it goes, you probably won't take Jarring Strike, it'd be more beneficial to put the points into either Inclement Conditioning, Deadly Directive, or Revitalizers (if they'd just make this an instant 15% heal this would be a great defensive talent).


Hmmm if they made revitalizers an insta-15% heal that would actually be really useful, it'd be pretty much the exact same as the assassin's Overcharge Saber.

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Can't take Deadly D. It's in Lethality, so you'd be short points. Revitalizers would need a buff to be remotely useful, and to be honest, 1.5 second root > 4% HP. Yeah, it sucks, but 4% HP is about a 1.4k health increase based on the average health pool in PvP (31k). So, a crit blaster shot, or a non-crit... anything. :rolleyes:


It's 4% every three seconds. You get 4 ticks over the 15 second duration of Stim Boost. On a 31k Operative that's 4960 health restored. It's not amazing, but it's more than 1.4k health. It would be nice if they added an extra tick at the beginning, right when you activate Stim Boost.


A 1.5sec root is still pointless. It's a terrible replacement for a knockdown, for reasons previously discussed. Unless the Backstab buff lasts for the duration of combat Jarring Strike is going to be a dead trait come 2.7.

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It's 4% every three seconds. You get 4 ticks over the 15 second duration of Stim Boost. On a 31k Operative that's 4960 health restored. It's not amazing, but it's more than 1.4k health. It would be nice if they added an extra tick at the beginning, right when you activate Stim Boost.


A 1.5sec root is still pointless. It's a terrible replacement for a knockdown, for reasons previously discussed. Unless the Backstab buff lasts for the duration of combat Jarring Strike is going to be a dead trait come 2.7.


Wasn't (s)he talking about Inclement Conditioning instead of Revitalizers when mentioning the 1.4k health increase ?

Edited by EnderSeventyFour
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Ok so I had one more question. Do Ops use cover at all? I can see it being used after opening up with BS (for now until I get HS) and doing the rotation but I usually either burn the guy down or am dead by that time, so idk if cover is really even useful just to launch explosive probe or something. Do you use it or cover for anything as a op?
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Ok so I had one more question. Do Ops use cover at all? I can see it being used after opening up with BS (for now until I get HS) and doing the rotation but I usually either burn the guy down or am dead by that time, so idk if cover is really even useful just to launch explosive probe or something. Do you use it or cover for anything as a op?


You are correct about cover only being used for explosive probe. We used to get some defensive benefits from being in cover but those were removed during recent balance changes.


Also, you definitely should be using explosive probe as a part of your arsenal. Its one of our heaviest hitting abilities and works from range, so a common tactic is to save to save it for when the enemy is low and trying to run off. Drop into cover, hit em up with EP then rattle off a rifle shot and hope the probe crits enough to finish em off.

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You are correct about cover only being used for explosive probe. We used to get some defensive benefits from being in cover but those were removed during recent balance changes.


Also, you definitely should be using explosive probe as a part of your arsenal. Its one of our heaviest hitting abilities and works from range, so a common tactic is to save to save it for when the enemy is low and trying to run off. Drop into cover, hit em up with EP then rattle off a rifle shot and hope the probe crits enough to finish em off.


If it's off CD, yes, then this is a usual tactic, although in most 1v1's I save EP for my opening burst.

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Can't take Deadly D. It's in Lethality, so you'd be short points. Revitalizers would need a buff to be remotely useful, and to be honest, 1.5 second root > 4% HP. Yeah, it sucks, but 4% HP is about a 1.4k health increase based on the average health pool in PvP (31k). So, a crit blaster shot, or a non-crit... anything. :rolleyes:


Oh, right, forgot you'd still have to use the 2 points to get acid blade. Yeah, I dunno. With these sniper changes, doing any damage to a sniper without the knockdown is going to be tough.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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for pvp this is what i use:


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#4010cZGbdbdrkrhGRZhM.3 the last two points depend on what you like, honestly IMO 4%+ endurance > 2% RNG dodge where majority of attacks cant be dodged anyways, people often underestimate endurance, ive had this same argument even on TANK specs for pve on our guides, where people believe grabing w/e random 2% dmg buff on something that does 20k dmg total > 3-5k more hp.


Debilitate CD meh, its debatable, most of the time you dont get to really NEED it twice, but it can be really useful sometimes, cant argue that however flashbang 20% lower accuracy helps a lot against assassins and marauders / jugs, whenever they jump to burn you (even if smashers) just flashbang them and it "could" help them miss some abilities, theres also the case where it doesnt help or there is no melee, so its up to each person.


for pve dps is really straightforward: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#4010cZGrdbdbkrGhRZG0oz.3

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When it comes to PVE you are much better taking Lethal Injectors than reducing the cooldown on Debilitate. Having a shorter cooldown on your stun is nice, but extending the duration of poison dart leads to more overall sustained damage.


I haven't really given up on taking Jarring Strike come 2.7, but based on what I am reading from the Devs the root is going to be utterly useless. It would be nice if they made it a stun rather than a root, but then again I don't get why they are even changing it in the first place.

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