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Sith Annihilation Maruader -Crit or Power?


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During my beta testing of Maras(3 lvl 550s) I always stacked accuracy until 110%. I tested more as Carnage, and stacked Power,surge and then crit after accuracy. i would think Annhilation would be around the same stat priority and Rage spec might priortize Crit first after accuracy.


Someone who is a theorycrafter might have a different opinion, but I find the capping accuracy hard to argue against. Less misses=more dps.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Hmm in Anni spec i think crit is more important then power - caus the crits caus self - heals ,

So if you want self heals your dot needs to crit which = crit is more imp - again i Havnt tested this but just seems logical - BTW im talkin pvp here


pve i guess you wana keep a balance between the two, not sure in pve really

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Crit > str > surge > power. Its not hard. I dont understand a) where all these people who think power is a bigger dmg increase than crit come from (math is important. power adds x dmg, crit multiples dmg. 20 crit is going to give a much greater increase in dps than 20 power except when your crit capped) b) why their are 800 posts about this. Edited by harrisonxxi
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surge has the most return per point though , i've been playing around with it and so far i averaged about 1% crit multiplier per 3 points in surge wherease it was like 28ish crit to raise the thing 1% . Atm i sit at around 25% crit for 82% crit multiplier or something.


Didn't have the chance to do much testing though but so far i must say i like it very much. I'm lvl 43 annihilation and my annihilate crits in the 2.9k to 3.2k range. I find surge better than crit actually because we get bonus crit chance per stack of juyo + the berserk mechanic. 3 stack deadly saber critting for 1.5k a tick is yummy :)

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There is a break even point for surge exceeding crit, but without doing a huge amount of math (aka spreadsheet simulation) I dont know what it is. From an itemization standpoint, crit is far easier to find than surge. But somewhere (probably in the 20-30% range for anhil, surge is going to easily eclipse crit as most bang for your buck in terms of points). Also most top end gear has surge and crit or crit and accuracy so its not really going to matter too much. I agree with you though, augments should be all surge though where available. Edited by harrisonxxi
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Wouldn't you prioritize Surge and Power over Crit? Power adds to your bleed attacks, and surge makes your Crits slam. Assuming you're in Juyo Form, you have a 15% increase in Crit chance on your bleeds(your main damage). For at least half the fight, you should have guaranteed Crit on all those bleeds(from berserk), so surge would definitely outweigh Crit. Also, you naturally gain Crit rating from Strength, So crits should still come fairly often.


Please, let me know if this is wrong at all.

Edited by WittTheBit
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