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Bomber Pilots Unite!


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Really loving the minelayer. I was surprised this weekend by how it performs well in TDM in addition to Domination. Once I ditched the hyperspace beacon for a shield power converter, the beast really showed its tanking style. The minelayer is an up-close brawler that fights best in tight, enclosed spaces.


The different playstyles in GSF are just such a delight.

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Anyone else tried the minelayer in TDM? Works great in the Kuat Mesas map if you get down in the canyons and tunnels. I was surprised how well it performed. I previously though the minelayer would be a sitting duck in TDM. It's less effective for imperials in the space TDM map. Pubs have that shipyard area to hole up in but the imps do not have a comparable structure or map density.
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