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Unintentional Force Camouflage/Medpac Combo?


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This came up during my Guild's first 8-man HM Kill of Dread Master Brontes. At the end of the final "Hands and Fingers" phase there was a stray Orb up attached to my sentinel, I was instructed to detonate it as quick as possible, knowing I only had a Medpac and Camouflage as my available CDs at the time, with approximately 42% (16,484) of my 39,249 HP remaining. I used Force Camouflage whilst running toward the Orb, activated a Prototype Impeccable Medpac that healed me for 6,292, and received a heal from Medical Probe for 5005, giving me a total of about 27,000 HP.


Here's where I found the problem.


Activating the Medpac removed the benefit of Force Camouflage's 50% damage reduction allowing the Orb to detonate for 48,791 damage instead of the reduced 24,396, which would have left me with 3,000 HP or better. In a fight where every little thing is super important due to the many RNG factors, with the difficulty of the fight and enrage timer, this hiccup could've turned the tides of our first successful kill. Luckily it didn't, but I would rest easier if one of two things happened:

a.) Indicate in the Tooltip for Force Camouflage that direct heals end the effect prematurely, or the better option:

b.) Allow Medpac to be used while affected by Force Camouflage and not end it's effect prematurely.


Thank you for your time in reading this and here's to a brighter future!

- ScicleX

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Correct me if i'm wrong but i'm not sure you could use force camo to detonate it anyway and it'd probably go on someone else. I know it works on things Heirad Ciphas and Kel’sara nightmare to cheese doom with gbtf but not sure it would work on a ball surely that would knock you out of camo anyway? :S Edited by AngusFTW
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I've done it before, it does affect the incoming damage of the Orb's detonation. Force Camouflage lowers your threat on the orb, but the orb will still target you regardless of other threat meters. The only exception is the 6 second window where taunts force something to attack you, which allows those classes to detonate orbs for others within that 6s window. As soon as the 6s is over it reverts back to the original target. Same would apply with Force Barrier, it would take you off the threat table for the duration of the channel, transferring the orb to another target temporarily, but once you break the barrier the orb will immediately re-target you. Edited by ScicleX
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