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Best Guide for Intermediate Player?


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Any thoughts or ideas where to find a good guide for an intermediate GSF pilot? For example in which order to spend ship req and fleet req for which components in order of receiving them? Which are the wiser components to enhance in which order would be helpful. By this time there are a few of both kinds of reqs in the inventory but need to know the best way in order to enhance the ships.


dulfy's site has beginning setups for a few ships but does not continue from there.


Also best way to find a compatible guild?


Thank you for any helpful words posted.

Edited by JoseeLaVertueux
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Really you should just start discussion here.


GSF is still so early and even dulfy has some serious issues in the ground game, Where by dulfy over simplifies.


There is no best build it's all about how you play it. I think the only consensus we in this forum could agree on is you need to find the build that works for you. There has yet to be a single ship in this game that everyone thinks is useless.


To your requisition question. I only spend fleet req on thing that require fleet req. I just finished unlocking all the ships and will be starting on the crew companions next. Later I will keep some fleet req on hand for further ship type releases.

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Well, the best way I've seen intermediate players move up to advanced status is to find a really consistently good player and to get to know them. Talk with them about what they do and ask for ideas. I've yet to find a skilled player in this game that's mean. It's all about who you know and who you get to know better.
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For Builds, I suppose the best way to do the builds section is to post our own, and have others critique them, so here we go



Ship: Nova Dive

Main Weapon: Light Laser, Upgrades: all left on tree

Secondary Weapon: Rocket Pods, Upgrades: all left on tree

System: EMP Field, Upgrades: right, then left

Shield: Distortion Field, Upgrades: right

Engines: Barrel Roll, Upgrades: left

Minor Components: Lightweight Armor, Damage Capacitor, Dampening Sensors, Speed Thrusters

Companions: Copilot: Qyzen, Offensive: Qyzen, Defensive: Nadia Grell, Tactical: Treek, Engineering: Yuun


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All right. So far:

177 Battles

24 Kills

0 Average Kills / Battle

597 Total Deaths

422135 Total Damage Dealt

2384 Average Damage Dealt / Battle

2503501 Total Damage Received

14144 Average Damage Received / Battle

5 Hit / Miss Percent

19 Total Turrets Killed


I like many others fared pretty badly at the start (December 4, 2013) and found I was getting killed very often in each battle. I decided to stick it out since if others could become good then I would try as hard as I could to learn how to get much better also. I read these forums and several others as well as strategies and which components and crews would be of the most benefit.


I put into action every tip I found (like it is faster to turn up / down rather than right left etc.) I tried to equip all my ships as best I could and still I am faring VERY poorly. The only thing I can say is that I am getting killed a lot less per battle these days.


When I am hitting an opponent I see numbers in the low 100's coming off them but I find it is nearly impossible for me to get any kills unless someone is just sitting still and not realizing they are getting hit by me. I do realize it is more important to guard satellites than strive for kills. It seems near impossible to get a missile lock since the opponent is moving so quickly. If I stop moving to line up a hit then I am then attacked almost immediately.


I hold nothing against the better pilots for hitting me when they can because I would hit them if I was able if the tables were turned. As far as that goes I think the main problem is not any player or group action but EA needs to consider how to better balance pilots in each match.


Lastly - in Kuat (the one with the pvp only and with no satellites to capture) I have never seen any of the thingies representing a boost for power and the other two boosts. I have flown directly to the map markers and searched literally high and low and have never found any.


I DO need to get with some good pilot or group / guild to join to learn what major thing I am missing. Anyone want to take on a student pilot?


Thank you everyone.

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I DO need to get with some good pilot or group / guild to join to learn what major thing I am missing. Anyone want to take on a student pilot?


Thank you everyone.


if you, or anyone is on the bastion, i'm always happy to take someone under my wing, I've managed to get a few folks to 3 kills, 10k damage regularly, which was a damn sight better than they were before.

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i think the best advice is: keep playing.


for the record, my build:



laser cannon (play around with t4/5 to find what suits you)

rocky pods (extra ammo & plasma)

targeting telemetry take the (debuff + increased crit)

barrel roll (speed)

distortion field (missile lock)

dampening sensors

power thrusters

frequency capacitor.


Co-Pilot: I went concentrated fire with Lt Pierce. (Conc Fire + Targeting Telemetry = molten opponent)

I took the 13% engines & blaster efficiency dude in Engineering (can't recall name).


I sometimes swap Booster Recharge in for TT and switch the thrusters for Speed.

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Two of my ships: (X2 = upgrades)

Scout: NovaDive


Pri: Light Laser Cannon X2

Sec: Rocket Pods X2

Sys: Booster Recharge

Shields: Quick Charge Shields X1

Eng: Barrel Roll X1

Arm: Lightweight

Cap: Range Capacitor X1

Sensors: Range Sensors X2

Thrusters: Power Thrusters X1



Strike Fighter: FT-8 Star Guard


Pri: Rapid Fire Laser X2

Pri: Heavy Laser X2

Sec: Proton torpedoes X2

Shields: Quick Charge X2

Eng: Kologran turn X1

Cap: Range Capacitor X3

Mag: Regen Ext X1

Reactor: Turbo Reactor

Thrusters: Power Thruster X1



Open for any constructive criticism.

Thank you.

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Two of my ships: (X2 = upgrades)

Scout: NovaDive


Pri: Light Laser Cannon X2

Sec: Rocket Pods X2

Sys: Booster Recharge

Shields: Quick Charge Shields X1

Eng: Barrel Roll X1

Arm: Lightweight

Cap: Range Capacitor X1

Sensors: Range Sensors X2

Thrusters: Power Thrusters X1



Strike Fighter: FT-8 Star Guard


Pri: Rapid Fire Laser X2

Pri: Heavy Laser X2

Sec: Proton torpedoes X2

Shields: Quick Charge X2

Eng: Kologran turn X1

Cap: Range Capacitor X3

Mag: Regen Ext X1

Reactor: Turbo Reactor

Thrusters: Power Thruster X1



Open for any constructive criticism.

Thank you.


Assuming x1 or x2 is how many upgrades you have right now, i'd make sure to get your shield and engine up to tier 2 before anything else.


Also, I would highly recommend Distortion field, It's been nerfed, but not so nerfed that it isn't better than every other option.

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I can tell you what I do with requisition to build a new ship.


After selecting the crew which i have unlocked while working on my first ships i move into requisition spending.


Right off the bat the first points are spent on selecting the components that I will want in it when it is finished. This takes a little research and the more you play the less research and more of your own experience you can put into it.


After the ship has the right components I work on getting 1 box in everything because it gives quick returns for cheep all around.


Next I take both primary and secondary weapons up to 3 boxes. This makes the ship more viable and more able to get more points.


I then max out the minor components because they are cheep and give nice value. Then I take system, shields, and engine up to 3.


Now your ship is totally viable and able to fill it's role well. After that it is a matter choice as i decide what gives the most value for my requisition from this point until master.


This is just how I do it but it is working well for me I hope it helps you.

Edited by HoloGrinder
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if you, or anyone is on the bastion, i'm always happy to take someone under my wing, I've managed to get a few folks to 3 kills, 10k damage regularly, which was a damn sight better than they were before.


Yes good point. Do say your server and faction, maybe someone on this forum can PM to join them.


You'll notice I list that info in my signature.

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Any thoughts or ideas where to find a good guide for an intermediate GSF pilot? For example in which order to spend ship req and fleet req for which components in order of receiving them? Which are the wiser components to enhance in which order would be helpful. By this time there are a few of both kinds of reqs in the inventory but need to know the best way in order to enhance the ships.


dulfy's site has beginning setups for a few ships but does not continue from there.


Also best way to find a compatible guild?


Thank you for any helpful words posted.


The most important thing is to like what you're leveling for your play style. The problem is it differs depending on that. But if you've already set it up to the components you like and it's just a matter of mastering them, here are my tips:


1. Go for the cheap-o 1k and 2.k and even 5k upgrades first. As in, get a few boxes in your blaster, get a few boxes in your missiles, get a few boxes in your other components before you go off trying to max one component. As a general rule, I wouldn't buy anything for 10k ship req if you can buy 2 things for 5k. If all your components cost the same to upgrade, start at the top upgrading and work your way down. That's a bit over-simplified, but works.


2. Always get those dailys done!

Remember you have a 750 ship req daily that gives req to ALL ships unlocked. Unlock lots of ships early if you know you'll be doing the daily for 30 days or more. You'll want the ship req to apply to 5 ships rather than 2 ships if you can. Also, each ship has 500 "bonus" rested xp that appears if you hover your mouse in the right spot un-qued.


3. Pay to win?

Consider the pay-to-win button. It converts ship-req to fleet req, which of course can be used for anything. Be warned that you could easily spend a 100$ on using fleet in place of ship-req on a single ship, so it's best not to spend one thin cred-chip till' you know what everything is worth and how long it takes to grind out.



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Also something that I have done once you have a ship or 2 mastered that you like to use you can work on getting all the other ships. i have them all accept the cartel ones and every day I do the daily and weekly on Tuesday but I also make a point to work off the x2 xp from each ship every day. It is very efficient to level all of them together that way compared to leveling one at a time. If you spend cartel coins to transfer ship requisition to fleet requisition you will be able to move a lot each day to the ship you want with this method. i am just building them all up at once. By flying all of the ships you find out the strengths and weaknesses for all of them as well and it lets you know how to handle your opponent because both factions have the exact same ships they just look different.


"A man who goes into battle knowing neither him self nor his enemy will assuredly lose. A man who knows him self but not his enemy may win or lose. But a man who goes into battle knowing his enemy as well as him self is guaranteed a victory."

Sun Tsu ~ The art of war.

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"A man who goes into battle knowing neither him self nor his enemy will assuredly lose. A man who knows him self but not his enemy may win or lose. But a man who goes into battle knowing his enemy as well as him self is guaranteed a victory."

Sun Tsu ~ The art of war.


i'm suffering severe cognitive dissonance at your choice of quotes from The Art Of War.

Aren't you the one advocating people rage-quit if they come up against pre-mades?

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i'm suffering severe cognitive dissonance at your choice of quotes from The Art Of War.

Aren't you the one advocating people rage-quit if they come up against pre-mades?


Also a direct dollars-for-fleet-req button.


We'll ignore for the moment that that's not what Sun Tzu meant when he wrote that.

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Two of my ships: (X2 = upgrades)

Scout: NovaDive


Pri: Light Laser Cannon X2

Sec: Rocket Pods X2

Sys: Booster Recharge

Shields: Quick Charge Shields X1

Eng: Barrel Roll X1

Arm: Lightweight

Cap: Range Capacitor X1

Sensors: Range Sensors X2

Thrusters: Power Thrusters X1



Strike Fighter: FT-8 Star Guard


Pri: Rapid Fire Laser X2

Pri: Heavy Laser X2

Sec: Proton torpedoes X2

Shields: Quick Charge X2

Eng: Kologran turn X1

Cap: Range Capacitor X3

Mag: Regen Ext X1

Reactor: Turbo Reactor

Thrusters: Power Thruster X1



Open for any constructive criticism.

Thank you.


Novadive build looks pretty solid to me, though I'd probably go with damage capacitors rather than range.


Starguard, I'd probably switch the protons out for either cluster or concussion. Protons are a fairly high skill weapon to employ, clusters are easy to use, concussions are midway between. Thrusters you'd probably be better off with either Speed thrusters or turning thrusters, depending on whether you want to get places fast, or do well in dogfighting once you get there. Due to the way the engine power math works out speed thrusters are usually the best range increase option for a strike fighter, though the Pike benefits from that a bit more than the Starguard. I suppose there might be a place for power thrusters if you're getting hit by ion weaponry an awful lot and then surviving for a while after that.


Personally I use Quads and directional shields, but that's very much a personal preference thing, and directionals can be a disaster if you don't have some practice using them (I learned 'em back in the late 1990's with the X-wing game series).


Another thing is that you start to see the significant improvements when you get to the tier 3 and 4 upgrades. So some of it is just a matter of getting more requisition. Get your dailies and weeklies, and fly the objectives in domination matches. Your team getting clobbered? Go turret hunting, and you may still get decent req even in a total disaster of a match (Novadive is good at that).

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All the tips and information are all very much appreciated. Up until now there have not been this kind of information found to help those who are no longer newbies but are far from being an Ace.


A guild will still be good to find. The one mentioned above is not on the server I use.


Now just a little strategy will be useful. Some of the things I know so far (and that might help other 'intermediate' pilots) are:

1] Turn faster up and down rather than left and right. If necessary roll your ship first 90°.

2] Scouts are not so good at dogfights but perhaps a better strategy is to fly them for getting in and hitting beacons and getting out as well as hitting a gunship or un-defended bomber and getting out quickly.

3] Make sure you are rather a little closer when you try to fire on your opponent otherwise any hits you do get will not accomplish much damage.

4] Do not fly far very far away from your satellite to pursue an opponent as any damage or kill will not be as valuable as staying and defending a satellite.

5] Do not fire blindly at random since you have a limited weapons cache.

6] Mind and use your F1-F2-F3 buttons all the time. It makes a difference whether you are taken out sooner or not.

7] It is not necessary to be flying fast darting in and out all the time. Sometimes fly slowly and take some time to asses the area and prepare for some shots against the invaders. This is hard to do while speeding around.

8] Practice using missiles! To get a lock and successful hits is critical. Lasers will not win the battle alone usually.

9] Memorize your 1-2-3-4 key's functions per ship and use them as often as needed. Newer pilots tend to use one or two buttons until they get a handle on them before integrating all the weapons / defenses available.

10] It is possible to move and reposition the GSF HUD to your liking via the Interface Editor. Select Galactic Starfighter to customize.


Everyone feel free to add to this incomplete list for the benefit of everyone so they are not discouraged at the beginning and will continue to advance as they go along and get better.


Thank you all VERY MUCH for all the great advice. Hopefully I and all the "intermediate level" pilots will benefit greatly now!

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Oh, and some flying tips.


Communicate with others if you can do so without interrupting your flying.


Don't fly alone if you can help it unless you are amazingly good.


Try to stay away from overwhelming numbers of enemies.


Try to break off and regenerate before shields or engine power dip below 50%, when they're gone it's too late.


There's a LOT of space junk floating around in GSF, use it to break line of sight.


Chasing someone around a sat? Don't. While they go around, you go up or down. Choose the appropriate one, and when you turn back at them you'll be able to fire at them continuously while they circle.


With long range missiles, a nasty trick is to get a lock and max range, and then if the target isn't moving around too much boost in a couple of km. Substantially reduces missile flight time especially for proton torps.

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What probably makes an ace an ace is specialization


Choose your adventure:


Gunship Hunting

Node Capping

Node Holding

Bomber Counter

Team Support


Front Line Fighter

Jack of all Trades (not to be chosen until you're super confident)


Speed Demon



(Some more people suggest other roles)



Start by picking a few that appeal to you as a person, then narrow it down to ONE that you're competent at and only do that one thing for a few dozen matches, even if it costs you the game.


Once you get really good at one of these specializations, try to add another, then another to your repertoire until you're a master at a few of them.


(For example, I started with Speed Demon, then Node Capping, then Gunship Hunting, and finally, Node Holding)

Edited by Nocher
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(Some more people suggest other roles)




This is what I specialize in. It serves me well in TDM and has branched into gunship hunter, node capping, bomber counter, and front line fighter.


Back in early access, I'd sit on a node while the rest of the team did stuff elsewhere. To relieve the boredom, I'd fly around it in as tight a circle as I could. Nowadays I do the same thing while boosting, and it's incredibly hard for even very skilled scouts and strikes to remove me from a node.


Node holding tricks also made me an effective tank and anti-scout unit. By managing engine power, cooldowns, and trajectories, I can lead off three or four people at a time, usually killing two or three of them.


My builds' focus on engine management kind of makes me a speed demon, too.


The important thing I wanted to point out in my rambling is that a lot of these roles are interconnected in ways that aren't always obvious. Get good at one, and others will come more naturally.

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What probably makes an ace an ace is specialization


Choose your adventure:


Gunship Hunting

Node Capping

Node Holding

Bomber Counter

Team Support


Front Line Fighter

Jack of all Trades (not to be chosen until you're super confident)


Speed Demon



(Some more people suggest other roles)



Start by picking a few that appeal to you as a person, then narrow it down to ONE that you're competent at and only do that one thing for a few dozen matches, even if it costs you the game.


Once you get really good at one of these specializations, try to add another, then another to your repertoire until you're a master at a few of them.


(For example, I started with Speed Demon, then Node Capping, then Gunship Hunting, and finally, Node Holding)


This holds true for ship builds as well. In general being specialized is more rewarding than being generalized. If you fly in a style that takes advantage of your ship's strengths, you want those strengths to be as strong as possible. Get ship, components (including which options you have active in higher tier upgrades), crew choice, and flying style all aimed at the same goal, and the advantage over a setup where not all elements are working together is very noticeable.


A nice thing is that most of the GSF ships have more than one viable choice in terms of specializations that function reasonably well.

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All right. So far:

177 Battles

24 Kills

0 Average Kills / Battle

597 Total Deaths

422135 Total Damage Dealt

2384 Average Damage Dealt / Battle

2503501 Total Damage Received

14144 Average Damage Received / Battle

5 Hit / Miss Percent

19 Total Turrets Killed


That's... just... wow.

You really have my sympathy and my respect that you still try to get into GSF.


For people with bad aiming skills, i strongly suggest unlocking the Sting/Flashfire scout.


Burst Lasers and Cluster Missiles are a very good way to compensate bad aiming because you don't have to hold the trigger at your enemy for a long time to do some damage.

A few well aimed shots with burst lasers and some easy to lock-on cluster missiles can do serious damage to your opponent and grant you a few kills even with bad aiming skills.


I did this myself a long time ago and it really helped me to get better at piloting and aiming.

Edited by Sindariel
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For people with bad aiming skills, i strongly suggest unlocking the Sting/Flashfire scout.


Burst Lasers and Cluster Missiles are a very good way to compensate bad aiming because you don't have to hold the trigger at your enemy for a long time to do some damage.

A few well aimed shots with burst lasers and some easy to lock-on cluster missiles can do serious damage to your opponent and grant you a few kills even with bad aiming skills.


I did this myself a long time ago and it really helped me to get better at piloting and aiming.


for me it was on the PTS on the Starguard with clusters and heavy lasers, the range on the lasers made it easier to hit with.

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