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Balancing Bombers and Gunships


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Sorry to all you gunship and bomber pilots, but let's face facts: having a large number of either gunships or bombers on a team in a full match pretty much guarantees a victory. Why? Because conventional fighters don't have a counter to the tactics employed by gunships and bombers. So the damage/range of gunships needs to be nerfed, the number of mines a bomber can drop needs to be nerfed, (along with their HP because there's no way some tiny little drone or mine takes as many hits as it does currently, sorry but that's a load of crap) or the match needs to be limited to two of either type of ship per game: 2 bombers, 2 gunships, no more.


Please note I am not anti-gunship or anti-bomber, they're fun, but they take away from everything one envisions when it comes to GSF, not to mention what was advertised in the trailer: They pack too much firepower into single shots which strike fighters and scouts simply cannot withstand. When we think of starfighter what do we think of? Ship-to-ship dogfighting that we saw in the Star Wars movies. I don't remember seeing gunships sniping fighters left and right in those. And bombers were the ships meant to be used for destroying enemy frigates and capital ships, much like we see them used in space missions in this game.


The best fights I have been in when it comes to GSF have been with few (or none at all) gunships/bombers. Because then it boils down to pure dogfighting: Sneaking up on your enemy, trying to outmaneuver them, getting on their tail and keeping steady aim to deliver a kill shot. Bombers and Gunships take away from this aspect in that they only require one or two shots to kill, and in the case of gunships it's from WAY off where they're too far away to effectively combat them in time in some cases, and in the case of the bomber they don't even chase you, they just drop automated turrets and let them do all the work. It's why you get more posts about people hating them more than scouts or strike fighters.


I'm not saying bombers and gunships are impossible to kill, they're not. But they "are" the ships that you have to drop whatever you're doing and respond to immediately or else you're screwed. So yeah. We need to do better on this, Bioware. There has to be some way to balance these ships with the system as a whole so that the game is fun and challenging based on the skill of the pilot, not because they are either cowardly and don't want to engage directly in a fight, or unskilled at dogfighting and don't want to learn how to do so.

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You know the only ship that hasn't been called OP is the Strike Fighter.


Drones could probably use less HP but mines are squishy enough and only really a one shot weapon.


There is one thing working against bombers, when they seem OP they are also usually boring to fly. Scouts and Strikes are epic to fly and get that kill you can see up close. Bombers rarely see what they kill, and GS see a small explosion on the canvas of deep space. The boring factor will often balance the sure win factor.


If you want to win just park your team on the capital ship and run out the clock, you only need have one more kill on your team then them, but enjoy napping at spawn, why even play the game.

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See, on team deathmatch, when you make a kill with a Striker, you cycle the targets, if you see a gunship/bomber you fly to them and kill them. Not fight them, not try to kill them, you kill them. The only reason they are annoying is because people just pick the nearest enemy most of the times. Edited by Jandi
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See, on team deathmatch, when you make a kill with a Striker, you cycle the targets, if you see a gunship/bomber you fly to them and kill them. Not fight them, not try to kill them, you kill them. The only reason they are annoying is because people just pick the nearest enemy most of the times.


That doesn't count for games like domination where if you have a bomber or two parked on a satellite? Good luck breaking it. Or the fact that their mines don't respect LoS so anything, concussion, railgun, missile sentry, will still see you and shoot you through otherwise impassable objects.

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That doesn't count for games like domination where if you have a bomber or two parked on a satellite? Good luck breaking it. Or the fact that their mines don't respect LoS so anything, concussion, railgun, missile sentry, will still see you and shoot you through otherwise impassable objects.


See, that's a bug or an unintentional oversight, NOT intended. You can't possibly nerf a class because there's a bug with it. They should, however, remove the craft till they fix it.

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See, that's a bug or an unintentional oversight, NOT intended. You can't possibly nerf a class because there's a bug with it. They should, however, remove the craft till they fix it.


True, however the fact remains that their weapons are overpowered and will take you out in one or two shots, bugs or no bugs. Put two or three bombers with their mines/turrets all clustered together? Forget it.

Edited by Korithras
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True, however the fact remains that their weapons are overpowered and will take you out in one or two shots, bugs or no bugs. Put two or three bombers with their mines/turrets all clustered together? Forget it.


Ok, so let's say you have 3 bombers guarding a satellite. That's 3 craft. Are you upset that you can't handle them all on your own with a scout or something? Put 2 gunships and a strike craft against them and they don't have a chance. That's 3 on 3. Now, if you say that gunhips need protection, they don't. Not against bombers sitting on a satellite.


And here is an idea, why not use a scout to intercept the bomber(s) before they get to the cap point? When the match starts, don't go cap a point, zoom past it and look for the bombers and kill them before they entrech into a stellite.

Edited by Jandi
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Sorry to all you gunship and bomber pilots, but let's face facts: having a large number of either gunships or bombers on a team in a full match pretty much guarantees a victory. Why? Because conventional fighters don't have a counter to the tactics employed by gunships and bombers.

Apart from, you know, sneaking up behind/flanking them.


And what happens when you have a large number of scouts on a team? It's instant win 'cause they can cap a node so quickly & then fly around underneath it so you can't cap it back & of course since they have so much evasion/maneuverability no other ship has a counter to their tactics... So Scouts need to have their speed & maneuverability nerfed. Or only have 2 per game.




Please note I am not anti-gunship or anti-bomber

You're not anti-bomber/gunship, you just want them nerfed into the ground so that they can be taken out with ease in a scout again. I'm not anti-Imp, I just want all of the Imp classes nerfed so that I can one-shot them with the free/basic attack on any of my Rep characters...


They pack too much firepower into single shots which strike fighters and scouts simply cannot withstand.
They're glass cannons, scouts & strike fighters can easily take them out. Gunships also have a very low rate of fire with railguns.


There has to be some way to balance these ships with the system as a whole so that the game is fun and challenging based on the skill of the pilot, not because they are either cowardly and don't want to engage directly in a fight
Just because a gunship pilot doesn't want to fight by your rules doesn't mean they're unskilled or cowardly. The reverse is also true, just because a gunship's attacking you doesn't mean that you should play by their rules, assuming you have the capacity to learn and adapt (bugs such as mines/drones not respecting line of sight notwithstanding).
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Ok, so let's say you have 3 bombers guarding a satellite. That's 3 craft. Are you upset that you can't handle them all on your own with a scout or something? Put 2 gunships and a strike craft against them and they don't have a chance. That's 3 on 3. Now, if you say that gunhips need protection, they don't. Not against bombers sitting on a satellite.


Even just one gunship would do an awful lot of damage against them, especially with the AoE on their ion railgun.

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