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So, um, how do you fly a fighter without constantly dying?


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So, yeah. I am kinda good pilot of my NovaDive, I can do a match with zero deaths and tons of kills, assists and damage. The Nova was the only ship I was taking to battle, until recently.


Then I thought, I could use something with a tad longer range to deal with those bombers, let's get me a Pike with EMP.


It felt like while no one pays me attention when I fly my Nova, now everyone focused me in Pike. I only managed to deal with like two bombers and their minefields, but I died like 10 times in proccess.


The ship is slow, turning rate is slow, boost is short.

When a Sting with burst lasers shoots my Nova, I just get avay easily, sometimes I can even outmaneuver them and shoot them down. (and my Nova has speed thrusters and speed upgrade on engine!)

But when that same Sting comes to shoot my Pike, he's already pretty much won. I can run, for like 10k, including Barrel Roll. Needless to say, the Sting can easily catch up. I can not outturn him because that thing seems to have even wider turn rate than the gunship.

Same goes for missiles. When I have someone spam-locking my Nova with any kind of missile, I can easily barrel roll and boost around the map for so long and so fast that they have no chance to finish the lock.

But the Pike can evade one, two lock ons, but then I am outta boost and can't even go hide behind a rock.


Not to mention that I am horrible in locking missiles, the scout dumbfires are so awesome compared to lock-ons. But that will probably get better with practice, once I learn how to even survive. For Nova, it is easy. Escape = survive. What's the trick for a fighter?


Please, give me everything, tips on loadouts and on behavior/habits on battlefield. Only thing I want to have on my Pike are EMP missiles, the others can be exchanged to try out all the tricks you give me. Requisition is not a problem, I have so much of it in my closet that I could probably master it right away.


Thanks. :)

Edited by Slivovidze
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ya basically what the post above said. Make sure you have shields upgraded (likely using directional) use them right boost out to around 9k meters and then turn around, if you have the turning bonuses by the time you turn around they you will both be in range of each other. You take hits better then they do engage when you have the advantage evade (dont run, evade) when you dont.


You dont have speed advantage you have shields and armor advantage running isnt your thing turn it into a war of attrition.

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Are directionals a requirement? I prefer quick charge shield over them.


I have never had much success with quick charge you can try them, but you are missing out on one of the key strengths of the Pike by doing so in my opinion, especially since you have to wait a full 6 seconds before you start getting it to full regen. Your not fast or manueverable in comparison to the scouts, so if you want to take a scout you HAVE to beat it is tankiness and as far as i have felt quick charge shields just arent tanky.

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I would also suggest turning thrusters and turning engine component (or at least one) for a Pike. If you really do end up with a Sting fanboy far away from support, you can always barrel roll TO other ship, at least of of whom will find a tightly turning sting a well loved target.



But in general, you don't need to flee nearly as much on a Pike. The Pike can take some hits, has three defensive options all of which are pretty much best in slot, and has the ability to threaten a lockon at most ranges and average blasters.

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Oh and, in my opinion, EMP missile is crap. I use protons/clusters myself. Once you're in range of Protons, start locking and just fly towards a target, once it fires, switch to clusters and because they lock on so fast, I often get them to hit nearly simultaniously in addition to quads pounding.


This combo can kill many crafts in a window of 2 seconds, preventing them from using regenerating stuff or boosting away.

Edited by Jandi
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So, yeah. I trained a bit, actually fought back, and it wasn't so bad. Nova is still better ship though :p


I used Quick charge shield the whole day today, tomorrow I'm gonna test the directional. I wonder if I will survive with less booster regen.


Sadly, the EMP, the reason I got into all this, found next to no use. Once I accidentally switched to it from concussions and destroyed some poor dude with EMP blast, but used them only once or twice against actual camped bombers. Guess I will try clusters next instead of EMP.


Honestly though, I still think that Nova's speed beats any upside the Pike might have. But I managed to kill some guys today, so woohoo. :)

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Honestly though, I still think that Nova's speed beats any upside the Pike might have. But I managed to kill some guys today, so woohoo. :)


if you have enough room and the right upgrades 1vs1 against scouts is not that hard, in a headon battle against a scout use your range advantage, do some damage with heavys with range capacitator and concussion missiles (hold s for maximum time at more than 4000m range) you should get at least 2 or 3 hits and a missile off before the scout is in firing range, after firing the concussion missile immediately switch to clusters for a second lockon and switch directional shield to the front (or activate charge plating , recharge shield is useless for dogfights) after firing the cluster missile or when the scout pops his cooldowns (blasterovercharge, directional shields...) use barrel roll and boost away , turn around at ~10000m range (you need the the 20% turning upgrades) and repeat


with this tactic no scout can break your shield 1vs1 simply because you are not long enough in his 4000m range and your barrel roll is up in every round, if a scout opens fire on you from behind immediately use barrel roll and boost away before turning


you will never do as much dps like a good scout simply because they are faster and have a higher uptime with blasters, you can compensate this a little bit with your superior range, just practice aiming with heavy lasers, i usual doing 110-130 dps on my pike every game

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I have never had much success with quick charge you can try them, but you are missing out on one of the key strengths of the Pike by doing so in my opinion, especially since you have to wait a full 6 seconds before you start getting it to full regen. Your not fast or manueverable in comparison to the scouts, so if you want to take a scout you HAVE to beat it is tankiness and as far as i have felt quick charge shields just arent tanky.


I have to disagree here.

Yes, with Quick Charge shield you have to wait 6s until your shields regenerate at full rate again.

However, when fully upgraded, Quick Charge shields 60% regen rate while taking damage is nearly as high as Directional Shields normal 100% regen rate.



Quick Charge Shield

- basic regen rate: 157,5/s

- regen rate while taking damage: 94.5/s


Directional Shield

- basic regen rate: 103,5/s

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I have to disagree here.

Yes, with Quick Charge shield you have to wait 6s until your shields regenerate at full rate again.

However, when fully upgraded, Quick Charge shields 60% regen rate while taking damage is nearly as high as Directional Shields normal 100% regen rate.



Quick Charge Shield

- basic regen rate: 157,5/s

- regen rate while taking damage: 94.5/s


Directional Shield

- basic regen rate: 103,5/s


That's not really the point of directional shields, you know. :p

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I know. I just wanted to point out that the 6s delay is not a disadvantage for Quick Charge Shields.


I still find it is because you have to wait a full 6 seconds before the true advantage of quick charge starts. At 3 seconds Directional is regenning slightly more energy at the same time as having higher top out then quick charge which was my true point.

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And let's not forget that directionals can soak up a lot more damage if it's coming form a single source. A gunship, for example. You take a shot to the face, switch the shields around to front and you can take another shot easily.
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Shields double front, power weapons, heavies blazing, scouts die. Simple enough. The pike (Quell) is a jousting fighter without peer, and honestly I suggest speed boost engines/upgrades because they increase the distance of your barrel roll and let you run down Gunships like the dogs they are. The point of the Quell it to take it in the face, shrug, and then make you opponent take it in the face twice as hard.


About the EMP missiles, i've been trying to get those to work for me as well but they just don't seem that good. Against a bomber hiding under the skirt of his satellite with 3 sat turrets + his own drones there really is no counter in terms of a single ship or build. You need a gunship buddy to help you clean up the mess so you can go shove a protorp up that bombers tailpipe.

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I still find it is because you have to wait a full 6 seconds before the true advantage of quick charge starts. At 3 seconds Directional is regenning slightly more energy at the same time as having higher top out then quick charge which was my true point.


Well you can argue all you want that 60% ALL the time is not an advantage... but it is. A mathematically a pretty big one.

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