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Mara Spec PVP after 2.7


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Smash is still going to have excellent single target burst, so their is no real reason to rule it out now. Yes, it's not going to be lolfaceroll in regs anymore, but it will still definitely have it's place. I do think we will see more Carnage though. Problem with Carnage are the Gore windows. If one of those gets whiffed, that's a pretty big damage loss.
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He was, but you are deluded.




Dude, the AOE damage was taken out of a spec centered around AOE?

Thats like removing the Ravage reset from Vengeance and saying "Vengeance will still have great sustained damage, and its ravages are rooted!"

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Put it this way, after 2.7 the only reason to run rage will be a second leap. Carnage will be better because it has better single target dps that isn't deflected by aoe DR, heck a procced scream with gore window hits as hard as smash, is a ranged attack, and its not the only attack in your arsenal, and carnage has more control. Smash has near zero place.
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Ok first off i'd like to say that i'm a combat/carnage fanboy, i've played that spec since the start of 2.0 and its been my main spec to play since 8v8 rwz has been taken away since i don't need to ever play boring smash anymore.. but...


i think people kinda underestimate rages burst on a single target sometimes..

  • vicious throw/dispatch as rage hits just as hard if not harder then a combat/carnage one with gore if it crits
  • and it has higher chance to crit because of the talent..
  • scream still crits pretty hard
  • ravage will crit almost as hard as a carnage one with gore
  • Crush dot can crit 5-6k on the last tick
  • Hell slash spam can crit for 5-6k
  • Obilterate when it crits.. it crits hard 5-6k as well.


and guess what.. none of those numbers are limited to a small window to do the dmg. I mean . all the attacks will still crit pretty hard due to surge talent and you aren't limited to a small window (where you can be easily stunned/mezzed) to get those hits people seem to be forgetting this..


YES the spec isn't as good single target wise as combat/carnage in a perfect scenario but not its not gonna be as bad as people say its still gonna be alot simpler to play and harder to counter then carnage.


You can call me bad or whatever but for me the surge talent was one of the most op things about rage because on top of that crazy aoe the rest of its attacks would crit really hard as well fair enough you just hit a poor sorc with a 10ksmash.. but then a 9-10k execute to finish him off xD and its still there so its not gonna be as bad as people make it out to be.. just what i'm saying.

Edited by AngusFTW
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rage served the purpose of making the healer choose who to keep up and who to let go, after the nerf they will all laugh at rage spec, as it deservingly it has the worst single target dps. Its only use was to pressure healers. And if there is a tank present, really a smash mara isnt all that good because a taunt and a bunch of people speced in to aoe reduction = full power smashes for 3-5k. In 4v4s smash mara and jugs are easy to prepare for and easily handled by cc/taunt/aoe%reduction/focus.


Sooo.... to answer the question what to spec as after 2.7? = logout of mara, then log in to AP pt. Continue to pressure healers... Seriously, only AP pt will hold the crown as aoe burst.


that make sence for ya? rage will be of 0 use accept for maybe duels and some trash mobs in an operation.:mad:

Edited by Lafay
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