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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Republic] <Sparks of Insanity> is recruiting for our 3rd Ops group DF/DP8hm


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I'm raid leader of Havoc Squad, one of the 3 Sparks of Insanity progression groups raiding DF/DP8 hm.


Fixed spot (must attend at least 80% of monthly events - it means 6 out of 8 at least - since we raiding twice a week for the moment):

- 1 DPS for main group (Gunslinger ideally)


Spotfiller spots:

- Offtank possible to be promoted to Offtank in main group.

- 2 dps spots.

normally we need 0, 1 or 2 max per raiding nights depending on real life of the 8 raiders in main group.

Spotfillers sign in any Havoc's event and have the same loot rights as main raiders when missing. Its a good change for players gearing up and wanting to learn more if they are interested.


Apply in: http://sparkofinsanity.enjin.com/ and inform in your application "Havoc Squad".


We currently raiding at Wednesdays and Fridays from 19h.21h30 GMT-0.

We normally raid at saturdays as well, but since we supporting guild wide farm runs in DP/DF16hm, we skiping saturday for the moment in our DF/DP8hm.


Thanks and see you ingame,


Edited by Fate-
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