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Sentinel PvP viability post 2.7?


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Whelp, it looks like Focus spec just got nerfed to the ground. I recently switched from Combat to Focus, because I kept getting shut down too easily. I know the changes aren't final, but are there any viable PvP specs for Sentinel after besides Focus? I know Combat could potentially work if done right, but I just kept getting kited and stunned to death, and my damage output wasn't as substantial as I'd like it to be.
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Whelp, it looks like Focus spec just got nerfed to the ground. I recently switched from Combat to Focus, because I kept getting shut down too easily. I know the changes aren't final, but are there any viable PvP specs for Sentinel after besides Focus? I know Combat could potentially work if done right, but I just kept getting kited and stunned to death, and my damage output wasn't as substantial as I'd like it to be.


Combat is every bit as hard to kite as focus, and maybe harder. Force cammo breaks roots/snares, and you have a ridiculous number of roots yourself (one with a 15m range). You should be able to stay on target.


In short, combat is still very strong in PvP, it's just not as easy to play as focus was. Something to consider if you were playing focus before: your damage on your primary target has not changed. Were you having problems killing your primary before?

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As far as I can tell, there is currently no reason to play a Sentinel (or a Marauder). This is true in both PvE and PvP, but I'll stick mainly with PvP for this entry.


If you primarily PvP, then there's even less of a reason to play one.


After 2.7, PvPing as a Sentinel or Marauder will just be harmful to your side.


If what is reported here is correct:




Then EVERY single class is getting a buff (or staying the same), EXCEPT for Sentinels, who are getting a nerf.


If all you play in PvP as a Sentinel, try out literally ANY of the other Advanced Classes. They are all easier to play, have more utility, more survivability, and contribute more to your team's likelihood of success.


It's a shame, because my Sentinel was the first class I got to 50 (back when that was the level cap), and is even a fully geared Obroan (with modified MH and OH weapons to take advantage of the Bolster mechanic). Currently, unless I have someone guarding me or a pocket healer, nothing is as easy or productive as it is on my Sage, my Gunslinger, or my Operative. Remember, just because you're getting "highest damage" in a Warzone doesn't actually mean you're contributing to any kind of success.


Seriously, just play a Sage/Sorcerer or a Scoundrel/Operative. You'll be much happier.

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^ Provides no evidence or even an argument for their claim.


^ Is irrational and doesn't seem to be skilled with Sentinel.


Sentinels are incredibly versatile and if you have felt the need to be a smasher in order to compete in PvP it is because you are not good with the class. It is a hard but simple truth. If you chose to smash because you enjoyed the gameplay that is one thing, but to say we lose viability when we have been one of the FotM class since launch without any breaks is leaning on insane! I main a Sentinel as I hope many of you do.(though I highly doubt that based on some comments here) I truly do not mean to be insulting or antagonistic, but threads like these and those who support them are total fallacies! People who have not fully grasped how to play their class and blame the mechanics for it instead of getting better. Combat is excellent in PvP and can burn a healer with ease due to how in the face and relentless they can be. Watchman does need help just due to the ability to cleanse their dots, but they still kick ***. Focus is another excellent one and with the nerf will still manage to be good, but just not ridiculous.


I had hope for the Sentinel community, but clearly we suck just as much as the others lol.


Edit: By the way by admitting other classes are easier to play you admit lack of knowledge and skill with Sentinels. Sentinels require more skill to effectively use, but offer such immense rewards for being good. You didn't achieve that based on your post yet you try and speak as an authority on Sentinels. For shame!

Edited by Rasen
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^ Is irrational and doesn't seem to be skilled with Sentinel.


Sentinels are incredibly versatile and if you have felt the need to be a smasher in order to compete in PvP it is because you are not good with the class. It is a hard but simple truth. If you chose to smash because you enjoyed the gameplay that is one thing, but to say we lose viability when we have been one of the FotM class since launch without any breaks is leaning on insane! I main a Sentinel as I hope many of you do.(though I highly doubt that based on some comments here) I truly do not mean to be insulting or antagonistic, but threads like these and those who support them are total fallacies! People who have not fully grasped how to play their class and blame the mechanics for it instead of getting better. Combat is excellent in PvP and can burn a healer with ease due to how in the face and relentless they can be. Watchman does need help just due to the ability to cleanse their dots, but they still kick ***. Focus is another excellent one and with the nerf will still manage to be good, but just not ridiculous.


Personally, I didn't intend to complain too much. Honestly, I just don't know how to play Combat very well. I'm used to Force Sweeping everything. I just switched bad to Combat, and it's quite the learning curve... I'm up for it, but it's much more difficult than expected. Smash was simple, and I didn't get kited so easily. In Combat, I get shut down quickly with stuns, and it's aggravating. :(

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Personally, I didn't intend to complain too much. Honestly, I just don't know how to play Combat very well. I'm used to Force Sweeping everything. I just switched bad to Combat, and it's quite the learning curve... I'm up for it, but it's much more difficult than expected. Smash was simple, and I didn't get kited so easily. In Combat, I get shut down quickly with stuns, and it's aggravating. :(


It took me a while when I started to fully get it down, but once you've got it Combat feels really epic, and Perma-Transcendence is amazing LOL

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While the nerf is bad, as smash doesn't deserve to be nerfed to the complete point of unviability, Sentinels have always in every stage of the game had at least one spec, usually 2, that performed average, well, or borderline king of the hill in every form of gameplay, and they will still be that way with Combat.


TBH its good that they are leveling the DPS playing field with the lowest of the low classes, but shadows need that pve dps buff like now. They have been at rock bottom since 2.0 yet they haven't been given the buff they need, only a "We think your spec is fine, wait for more evidence before you call us out on our bad balance but we'll give you a miniscule base damage buff to toss yah a bone", and there haven't been ANY evidence of shadow dps changes in 2.7. What are they waiting for? 3.0?


Seriously I LOL when people go, "But why will people take a sentinel now?" Guess what? Its called leveling the playing field. Players should be taken on basis of skill, not because class X makes raid X faceroll easy. That manweth has some quote about the rider and not the class and blah blah blah but its true. And even now, Sents have so much frickin utility its hilarious, in PVP and PVE


*Raidwide Heals


*4second godmode CD with huge penalty


*Healing Reduction


*Raidwide Speedboost


*Raidwide Damage boost


*Stealth CD/Selfspeedboost/Rootbreak/VERY potent threat drop


*90 percent accuracy reduction to a player.


Most classes would beg for this much utility, and for most classes their utility is SITUATIONAL, its EMERGENCY stuff, its not something that groups can expect and rely on not just situationally, but routinely! Most classes just have taunts, cooldowns, and the occasional friendly threatdrop or stealthrez, but nothing of this caliber!


Sents will always be viable in some way shape or form. Does this make the smash nerf terrible? Hellyeah it sucks dogballs, but it won't eliminate sentinels from the metagame of PVE and PVP, not by a *********** longshot.


Now that Sents aren't 100 percent king of the hill, its approaching balance. DPS for all classes should be close or the same ish, with sents and slingers having more utility by a slight margin, and bioware is "approaching" that.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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It took me a while when I started to fully get it down, but once you've got it Combat feels really epic, and Perma-Transcendence is amazing LOL




Combat is one of the more difficult specs to play well, but one of the strongest specs when played well.

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