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Question about romances


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Hey I have a question about romances in this game, im playing an imperial agent and it seems like I have the opportunity to flirt with every other guy I come across in the game, so I was wondering if it effects your romance story arc with your companion if you choose these options in your missions with NPC's? (Sorry if this was answered somewhere before, I can't find a search function on these forums!!!)
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I usually choose the flirt options as well and so far does not seem to effect companion. I would assume if it did they would get negative affection points displayed like when you get them through the story. I am only a Lv 21 Sith Warrior/Marauder so I havent got alot of affection points on my companions yet to see if it even has a romance option. Edited by Kopernicous
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well I play as an Imperial Agent (male) and I'm lvl 32 atm with 7.2k affection with kaliyo and if you flirt with other gals she only dissaproves like 2/10 times so I say go ahead and flirt ya *** off and see what comes
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I guess nobody really knows, yet. I highly doubt you will kill your romance with a flirt, but if you go too far it will more than likely cause a problem, so just steer clear of that until we know for certain.


My friend after she flirted with the npc decided to give him a gift and that put her affection points up higher so there is a possiblity you can flirt but give a gift something they may like . there are also gifts called "courting gifts" that might help.

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Companions will not accept affections gifts or give almost no points for them unless your in a relationship with the companion already. Some companions actually gain affection if you flirt with others.



During one of Vette's quests you get the opportunity to flirt with and then sleep with her friend Taunt. You gain a +15 when you hook up with Taunt from Vette and can gain two +40 affection gains when you talk to Vette after and she realizes it made her jealous. It also helps move the relationship closer to fruition.


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It seems that Bioware wanted every guy to play as a Sith warrior to flirt with every possible girl in the game... and still gain approval for such a behavior.


Girl PNJ: "You're such a bastard and you betrayed me! I love you!"


.... -_-


My male soldier gave gifts to Jorgan (male Catar, first companion) and earned points. And they're not in a romance at all because they're both males.

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Companion gifts come from underworld trading crew skill or can be bought from a vendor. They can be given to your current companion at any time by clicking on them in your inventory. The gifts have different types (trophies, memorabelia, courting, weapons,...) and the amount of affection you gain is dependent on the companion and how much they like that type of gift. There are guides that tell you which types of gift each companion likes, or you can learn by trial and error.
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  • 1 year later...
I watched a youtube video covering the Vette Romance. During the first companion mission on Nar Shaddaa, he flirted with Taunt, Vette's friend and then went off with her later for some hanky panky. Later in the video it showed him in a chat aboard his ship with Vette, where she lets him know she actually felt jealous. When I did that scene in Nar Shaddaa, I did flirt but did NOT go off and have any sort of hanky panky with Taunt when given that option. Did I screw up and ruin my chance at having a romance with Vette? Edited by metalgynoid
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I watched a youtube video covering the Vette Romance. During the first companion mission on Nar Shaddaa, he flirted with Taunt, Vette's friend and then went off with her later for some hanky panky. Later in the video it showed him in a chat aboard his ship with Vette, where she lets him know she actually felt jealous. When I did that scene in Nar Shaddaa, I did flirt but did NOT go off and have any sort of hanky panky with Taunt when given that option. Did I screw up and ruin my chance at having a romance with Vette?



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Anyone else think the term "flirt" should be changed to "seduce" in some cases? I know its a limitation of this particular game style, but does anyone else feel like most of the romance options are just... forced? Its like you go from meeting for the first time a few minutes ago to 'by the way, here's my hotel key, bring champagne".


I didn't flirt with anyone for a long while, friend-zoning everyone, then went "what the hell" with a new female agent... good grief.... my professional LS little blue chiss turned into a hilariously awkward and ***** little "Jane" Bond. :) Just in case you don't want to torture and kill someone, you can always frack'em. and discuss Republic secrets over cigs".


Thank goodness for Toxin Scan.... yeesh.

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