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Gas canisters...


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How come the Republic gets the cool Black/Purple ones? Why can't they just be universal?


None of the blasters are universal. You don't get them because you got the regular purple blasters, along with the purple paint job.



The only universal things are the white engine trails and the purple engine trails.




The blasters are likely so that you can tell friend from foe.


If you can't distinct friend from foe then you shouldn't be GSFing.


Incorrect. It makes it MUCH easier to tell when you see the dumb shots flying by you- you don't need to tab, or have heard the origin blaster noise, to know whether that is a bandit on your tail or an ally peeling a potential one.



This game has a crappy enough UI as it is, it doesn't need to be any worse. I think the purple on one side and black/purple on another was a great way to get a popular and non faction tied color available to both, and the ludicrous imperial whining over one cool color being on the republic side is kind of sad.

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So you can tell who's firing, friend or foe.


Seriously? You do realize that ships from your own faction can be placed on the opposing team right... So not only would they have the same options for gas canisters but for ships as well...


In short: horrible excuse for not giving everyone the same color choices.

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Seriously? You do realize that ships from your own faction can be placed on the opposing team right... So not only would they have the same options for gas canisters but for ships as well...


In short: horrible excuse for not giving everyone the same color choices.


That's only in dumb wargames. Should happen less than real games.

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