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Railgun question -- new "feature" or bug?


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Since 2.6, I've been noticing something on my Gunship that is really annoying. It's very difficult to get off a quick shot now and almost impossible to get off a shot when your weapon power is low. I keep getting an error about not having enough weapon charge. This also wipes out what I have left in my weapon pool -- brilliant, now I can't shoot for an even longer time.


It used to be like this: Your weapon pool runs out while charging up a shot, you fire that shot automatically. Now, if your weapon pool is low, it takes what charge you can get and just dumps it.


However, I've also noticed this happening when trying to take a fast, non-fully-charged shot -- regardless of what you have left in your weapon pool. It just drains your weapon pool by however much you did charge, gives you the error, and makes you wait. This really, really sucks for plasma and ion shots.


And the real problem is... neither situation seems to happen every single time. It sure does seem to happen a lot in heated combat, but not every time.


I know it's not just me and I tried looking in the patch notes again but I don't see anything about this anywhere. So... what gives?

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Since 2.6, I've been noticing something on my Gunship that is really annoying. It's very difficult to get off a quick shot now and almost impossible to get off a shot when your weapon power is low. I keep getting an error about not having enough weapon charge. This also wipes out what I have left in my weapon pool -- brilliant, now I can't shoot for an even longer time.


It used to be like this: Your weapon pool runs out while charging up a shot, you fire that shot automatically. Now, if your weapon pool is low, it takes what charge you can get and just dumps it.


However, I've also noticed this happening when trying to take a fast, non-fully-charged shot -- regardless of what you have left in your weapon pool. It just drains your weapon pool by however much you did charge, gives you the error, and makes you wait. This really, really sucks for plasma and ion shots.


And the real problem is... neither situation seems to happen every single time. It sure does seem to happen a lot in heated combat, but not every time.


I know it's not just me and I tried looking in the patch notes again but I don't see anything about this anywhere. So... what gives?

They changed it to where you have to have at least a 25% charge for a railgun to fire. They did this to stop people from Ion tapping.
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No, this doesn't have to do with 25% min charge. I played my gunship the other day and something is screwy with how it handles firing now.


I do think it's pretty screwy too. I'm going to have to pay closer attention though now that I know there's a 25% minimum. (And the low charge thing just wiping out your weapon pool really blows.)

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It used to be like this: Your weapon pool runs out while charging up a shot, you fire that shot automatically. Now, if your weapon pool is low, it takes what charge you can get and just dumps it.


I'd guess it was to prevent people from getting around the minimum charge restriction by charging with insufficient power and having it autodischarge. I don't think it's right that it just dumps your energy but it is preferable to having people work around the minimum charge restriction by intentionally draining their power to below minimum to autofire their guns when they shouldn't be able to.


IMO if you don't have the blaster power to reach a minimum charge it should prevent you from charging.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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I support the changes, but what I think needs fixing is that you can charge the railgun below the minimum amount required to fire resulting in a wasted shot, and it drains the energy regardless.


If you cannot afford the minimum power to charge the railgun, the gun simply should not charge, or should refund the energy used, because it's hard to tell just where that minimum charge amount is.


That or an indicator on the power bar would be nice, or something to use as a gauge other than feel.

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