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How about some Battlefield style squads and communication?


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Maybe it's been suggested before, but what if each side could group up in wings of 3 ships each, and you'd always have the location of your wing men indicated on your screen. Then give the ops leader a communications rose when he holds down a certain key so he could mouse over one of a few simple orders and issue wherever he's looking. Stuff like Attack/Defend this Point, Rally to Attack/Defend Here, stuff like that. Then the orders appear as icons on the screen of everyone on the team, or just the wings the ops leader issued them to.


It'd be something to let pugs (i.e. the majority of teams) have some easy, basic teamwork and put up a bit more of a fight against pre-made groups.

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quick bit of star wars lore for you.


A squad is 12 fighters split into three groups of four ships.


A wing in star wars is 72 fighters organized into 6 squadrons.


See: X-wing series.


But to your point yes we need a more streamlined UI for coordination. Text chat is too inefficient for GSF gameplay, Your likely to crash while typing.

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