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Powertech Build help!


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So I just got back into my PT recently (he's level 31 atm). and I have him tank specced but have been messing around with AP and Pyro....I can't really figure a good spec to work with. I like the tank spec since I enjoy tanking but have never really tanked for endgame FPs or anything....that and I heard it wasn't viable as of a few patches ago (the IronFist build I believe it was?). So my basic question is, which build would the best for a fledging PT who wants to do endgame stuff and do pvp stuff a lot?



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Ok First off, Tanking is really just a management of, is this guy attacking me and only me? If not, use a taunt and get him onto me. that's a bout as simple as it can get. You are essentially a high priority target that can soak up tons of damage.


Shield Tech PT is the most forgiving of the 3 tanks because of it's sheer midigation, but it does lose some threat generation for having higher midigation. Also, it's more forgiving than Immortal Jugg or Darkness Sin because it has some great Defencive Cooldowns, if your nearing death, you can cheat death for a few seconds by activating Kolto Overload. this gives a buffer for healers to get back on your *** and heal you. also Reactive Shield is a great DCD (Defencive Cooldown) because it gives 25% DR (Damage Reduction) for almost 20 seconds with the Set Bonus, your also the most versatile of tanks, because you have not only a Pull, but a Leap also, that leap gives you 2 Free AOE attacks after it. and also, Shoulder Cannon is another great DCD, sure it has a ramp up time, but when you use it your threat jumps up, and you get some free health!


Pyro and AP specs arent quite as good as they could be, for PvE. but Pyro is better than AP because it has more Single Target DPS. I would reccomend playing another DPS class thats easyer like Sniper or Merc first.


Personally, i would stick it out and go tank at 55, guilds always need more tanks, and as you play through Flashpoints you can get the hang of tanking better, i have a 55 Vanguard Tank and a level 30 Powertech Tank, so i know the class pretty well. Not an expert by any means, but i know what im talking about.

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