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Power or Accuracy?


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For pve (as in end game raiding), melee accuracy to 100 then power. For pvp, accuracy to 95 then power. This would include any accuracy buff you may take in the carnage tree plus 1 point for maxing out a companion's affection. So if you take the +3 in the tree, then you only need 7 more in accuracy for pve. If you're a pvp'er and a carnage marauder, no accuracy is needed at all (+3 talent, +3 from Ataru form). Edited by Ridickilis
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You don't really choose between power and accuracy.. you can get power and accuracy enhancements.. its mroe a choice between accuracy and surge. (or alacrity but lets not go there :p)


This. Power and Accuracy occupy different slots in your gear, so you really can't choose between them. Power is found on Mods and in one slot on Enhancements, while Accuracy is only found in the other slot in Enhancements. Basically, you can choose between Power and Crit Rating, and then choose between Accuracy, Surge, and Alacrity. So you can find Enhancements with Power and Accuracy, or Power and Surge, but you'll never see Accuracy and Surge, or Power and Crit.


edit: that said, you should prioritize Accuracy over Surge until you get 100% Accuracy in your character screen, then go Surge. As a Warrior/Knight, just pretend Alacrity doesn't exist. As for Power/Crit, while leveling, just take whichever item gives you more stats (ie, add up the Strength and Power/Crit, and take whichever mod has the most). At endgame, you probably want 0 Crit until you get into the upper tiers of gear, where you can substitute in a couple Crit mods.

Edited by Delta_V
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