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New GSF Tutorial


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OK hear me out:

With the GSF the learning curve gets harder and harder for new pilots. Unlike the ground PVP that has level brackets (and duels for that matter) in order for new players to learn their class in PVP, the PVE part has dummies, FP, etc for getting ready for the ops. What does GSF have? Nothing, that''s what, the new pilots in GSF get thrown to the wolves and get eaten alive by the more experienced pilots.

Some may ask, "What about the tutorial?" ---It blows ***..... It hardly teaches anything.

So to my proposition: Training missions. allow us to que from 2 -24 where the ops or party leader can put people on different sides, change the time allotted, change what the objective is and how many point/kills to reach the objective.

Once mission is done give the new pilots 1000/900 ship and fleet requisition and the veterans like 200/100. Cut-off for the "new pilot" status would be something like 10K fleet or something.

Additionally do not allow this to contribute to the daily/weekly quests. Along with that ensure that the Kill/Death/Point etc record is not kept.

Doing something like this should allow for a better GSF experience for all, and may even get more players to pick it up and give it (another) try.

In other words a tutorial mission for the players by the players.


What are your guys' thoughts?

(No, I'm not a newbie pilot .I would just like to get more people involved in GSF and help improve game matches.)

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