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Best sapper


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Bombers have a higher skill floor and a lower skill cap than the other classes. When so much of your gameplay is controlled by the AI, it's hard to really excel, and in fact most of your success can be attributed to the lack of skill of the other team.


Not saying there aren't some very good bomber pilots out there with some tricks up their sleeves. Just saying why they're not discussed as much.

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I notice that good bombers don't get as much notice as fighters/scouts/gunships.Who do you think the best bomber pilots are in your server?


I would say the best bomber pilot has mines or drones that don't miss. They have the skill to be a master of there ship. They have the skill to kill efficiently and effortlessly. So every bomber pilot is the best as the bomber comes with all those things and skill is not required.

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Being a bomber pilot is more about tactics than twitch. An idiot pilot putting his turrets out where they are easily spotted and destroyed by gunships will get no kills. A pilot who can give his drones a good field of fire while still being hard to pick out of the crowd will do a lot better. A pilot who can do that AND get out there and shoot some people with his blasters will do the best.
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Sometimes I like to creep upon unsuspecting rookie gunships, turn the backside of my bomber to them and drop a concussion & seismic mine on them or just boost past them and drop mines while they think "Hah look at that scrub overpass me ":D or just boost to them to pressure them while killing them so slowly with my 0 upgrade heavy blasters.:rolleyes:


Granted that this type of daredevil acts are not possible with no cover & teammates if enemy pilots are good but they are a nice change from just flying around the sat after the enemy has stopped attacking it at all.


Squeezing republic minelayer through tight spots is fun as well. Its like trying to fly a really big pancake :)

Edited by Davionix
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There's a reason bomber pilots dont get noticed. The best bomber pilots are no better than the worst bomber pilots, because they're still only having to drop drones and let the AI do all the work for them.


is your full time job whining about bombers? jeez man..

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For us it's been the same people who are already good at everything. I've seen tricks on bombers that I think may still be pet tech, so I won't bring them up here, but I'm pretty sure you've heard already.


This is in addition to stuff like "put mines and drones in smart spots", which is absolutely an acquired skill, along with good timing of active abilities, evasiveness, and of course, dog fighting skills.

Edited by Verain
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It still doesn't completely negate the point. The only real big skill difference between bomber pilots is more intelligent placement of mines and drones and personal evasiveness.


It all depends on what you are attempting to do.


In deathmatch, you want to stay at the edge of a fight, dart in, drop mines/drones, and then dart back out without anyone noticing. The fight tends to move around as the match progresses, so sometimes you want to drop your mine/drones where the fight is moving toward.


You can also remain in the thick of it, but given how easy a bomber can be to kill, that can be a risk.


In domination, you might stay back at a satellite and defend it. Then you want to drop your drones/mines in places where attackers will likely head toward you/the defensive turret before engaging them. Sometimes you want to drop them immediately and sometimes it's good to wait for someone to rush towards you and then fire them as soon as they're close enough.


A seeker mine, for example, has a limited engagement range, so if you give a smart enemy a chance, they'll avoid it. You can just drop one and be sitting in a different spot if they avoid it. That way you can immediately launch the other, which they might not be expecting.


Railgun drones you want to position in the same place you'd stick a gunship. Repair drones you want to position so if someone is flying around the satellite defending it, they'll gain its benefit. If you have a gunship defending with you, it's good to drop a mine/drone near them as gunships are vulnerable to fast moving scouts and mines/drones are excellent at scout deterrence.


You also might want to help capture a satellite. Here the trick is to constantly drop mines/drones while remaining alive. Try to follow the movement patterns of the enemies on the satellite and drop drones/mines near their path. Don't open fire on an enemy unless you're reasonable sure you can kill them. A number of people will ignore you despite your mines/drones until you actually shoot them.


If a gunship targets you, don't be afraid to run off for a bit. Instead of chasing you, they'll probably switch targets to someone else who's better equipped to hunt them down.


Lastly, be aware of when playing a bomber isn't helping your team. If your teammates aren't taking down gunships or are struggling to capture sats, jump in a scout and do that instead. If they're having problems with a bomber, switching to a gunship will likely help. If its a deathmatch and they're running all over like headless chickens, you'd be better to go into a faster ship that won't be constantly lagging behind the group.

Edited by MCaliban
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You should probably submit that with a screenshot to the Galactic Starfighter Record thread.



I got 14 kills 33 assists and around 90K + flying a droner with just tier 2 unlocks last night. it's not hard to rake up stuff with them compared to other ships


most of the damage was fluff assists

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