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Starfighter and ground combat, both at the same flashpoint/pvp match


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I was expecting that the developers announced this types of operations when they released TACT.FLASHPOINTS.


I ´d want to get in a hangar walking (into a battle cruisser or a station), be able to choose the kind of ship(scout, gunship, striker) get into the dog fight, and then try to land on the enemy´s capitals ships, once there keep going fighting on foot with my team partners, BUT NOT against bots, but against other players.


The idea is to mix FLASH POINTS with PVP, ground combat, and starfighter combat, at the same match.

Something like battlefront series.


What do you think? would it be fun?

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I would love something like Wintergrasp from WoW... no not the open world aspect of it, just how it worked. PvP for the area and the winner gets access to the dungeon.


So start it off in GSF for a space station/ship and the winner's faction gets access to boarding the ship and run a flashpoint.

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Think the game you're looking for is battlefront 2. It also has the benefit of being far better balanced than GSF.




Though I still wonder why they didn't take *any* cues from Battlefront's map design (background ship combat, capital ships meaning something, less clutter/more space) or objective design. Battlefront felt big, GSF feels small.

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