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afk system question: working as intended?


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how does it work? today I was on my minelayer, planting mines, destroying a bunch of imps, 10 kills, 16 assists ( you would be surprised how easy it is to set a trap next to a node btw) and the system keeps on and off marking me as afk? is that working as intended? I even was recording the whole session to prove it and will post it later. Anyway though, is that normal? the whole time I was laying mines, defending a node under constant attack, and took out a lot of imp ships, yet the system consistently marked me as afk? is this working as intended?
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I had that problem too when I was running with my bomber. The chat kept telling me to interact with something or someone. The AFK kick needs to adjust to bombers. Also, I would like to suggest an "area kick" for people who tend to fly back to the cap ship so they can't just park their ship within gun range.
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I do not understand at all, I did not even go to the capital ship at any point except of course to respawn. I was fighting the whole time, I got another thread with the video showing how several times I got marked afk. Bioware if you are seeing this this is ridiculous how I am fighting on the node and apparently it marks you afk. What is with this? I did not even stop I was moving the whole time, and in the end I even had 15 medals to prove I did something. Seriously, there is something wrong with an afk system that marks you as such when you are actually fighting.
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