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50% Penalty in TDM yet 5 kills,20 assists,4k healing,35k damage


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Really? The bombers main damage (seeing how I only have tier 1 in 2 components and tier 2 in 1 component) is predominantly the drone and mines. What do the Devs expect us to do ram an asteroid and die adding to the opponents score so we dont get penalized? I could see it if I was in my scout but this...this is ridiculous. Its not like interrogation probe for a sniper where you can detonate it and respawn another one. Yet with those stats I am somehow not contributing.
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Really? The bombers main damage (seeing how I only have tier 1 in 2 components and tier 2 in 1 component) is predominantly the drone and mines. What do the Devs expect us to do ram an asteroid and die adding to the opponents score so we dont get penalized? I could see it if I was in my scout but this...this is ridiculous. Its not like interrogation probe for a sniper where you can detonate it and respawn another one. Yet with those stats I am somehow not contributing.


The system is borked badly/broken. I'd guess we'll get a dev/community member post on this soon enough.

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sure your drones and mines did all that but what did you do? you didn't give us that info... did you just drop them and fall back?, did you take shots at other ships yourself?, did you move from point A to point B, i.e. more than a few km?.. did you yourself do anything other than lay mines?.. i'm not trying to be mean or rude so please don't read it in that tone but understand you have told us little to nothing about the situation...
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I was searching the forum today to see if others are having this issue too... I had a match yesterday where i had 15 medals, 78k damage, like 16 kills and 8 assists...and was somehow penalized for non contribution at some point and lost 25% of my rewards... lol... I honestly dont think there was a 1 minute period I wasnt shooting someone aside from the time I was running away from being shot.


Crazy system.


This was on a scout too for goodness sakes... Ive had matches on bombers or minelayers where I got docked 50% because no one comes to my node but I meanwhile have 400+ obj points...so clearly im contributing.




Anyways, just confirming that yep, it happens often to me too.

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Really? The bombers main damage (seeing how I only have tier 1 in 2 components and tier 2 in 1 component) is predominantly the drone and mines. What do the Devs expect us to do ram an asteroid and die adding to the opponents score so we don't get penalized? I could see it if I was in my scout but this...this is ridiculous. Its not like interrogation probe for a sniper where you can detonate it and respawn another one. Yet with those stats I am somehow not contributing.


Your bomber is equipped with blasters is it not?. As it is a group of bombers can completely deny the opposing team from a chunk of real estate such as a satellite for the entire game. But you must understand that the ship has a role and if that role is not action packed enough you can choose a different ship and fill a different role. Or you have to try to drop drones and just dogfight in the bomber which people are doing and they are not that bad at it as they are built so tough. I don't think bombers should get any stronger than they are and probably go the other way actually.

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I'm really getting tired of people complaining about this non-contributing timer. About all I do in game is GSF. I check my stats at the end of every match and it shows that I was contributing for the entire time. It doesn't matter if I am in a bomber, gunship, strike fighter or my scout.


If you are getting the message that you are not contributing, that means you are doing something wrong and are probably a waste of space for your team.

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