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yea, this new "Non-Contributor" System


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yea, I'm in a Deathmatch map this morning, chasing down imps, grabbing power ups when there close enough, then I see in my chat box "you are contributing again" in red. I go to my chat box, scroll up, don't see any warning that I wasn't contributing before that.


I end up with 5 kills (not my best, but lotsa leechers with them dot attacks), 12 assists, 30k damage....check my stats at the end, says I only played the match 85% of the time and only go 85% of my rewards....




Second scoreboard goes up "You are now away from the keyboard" in yellow but I was just shooting a guy 15 seconds before the match ended...




yea bro, I win my match, carry my team, but get 85% of my rewards?


someone tell me what up?:eek:

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yea, I'm in a Deathmatch map this morning, chasing down imps, grabbing power ups when there close enough, then I see in my chat box "you are contributing again" in red. I go to my chat box, scroll up, don't see any warning that I wasn't contributing before that.


I end up with 5 kills (not my best, but lotsa leechers with them dot attacks), 12 assists, 30k damage....check my stats at the end, says I only played the match 85% of the time and only go 85% of my rewards....




Second scoreboard goes up "You are now away from the keyboard" in yellow but I was just shooting a guy 15 seconds before the match ended...




yea bro, I win my match, carry my team, but get 85% of my rewards?


someone tell me what up?:eek:


It's kind of borked. I get the 'afk' message everytime I respawn...

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Yea, match I was just in not 10 minutes ago


I was wrecking on my nova most of the time, but the other team starts camping their base with gunships....


yea so then I grab my quarrel last part of map, grab a couple powerups on the way, then when I get to them, I see that red message tell me I aint contributing, so I finally blast a fool and says I'm contributing again in red. maps over right after.


19 seconds where they say I aint contributing and I get 83% of my rewards for the whole gosh darn map?


thats some straight up ********:mad:

Edited by Daverand
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Yesterday, I noticed several afk messages during a deathmatch, too. And i DID participate throughout the whole match.


That new non-contributer system is completely borked and was obviously not tested before they shoved it to live servers. :mad:

Edited by Sindariel
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I get AFK notices that end on their own after five seconds. They don't count against my contribution percent, though. I suspect it may be checking AFK status based on your ground character, for whatever reason.


I haven't run into other non-contribution bugs, though, so I can't comment on them.

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I just knew this new system would be FUBAR. Why am I getting the non contributing red warning even if my mines or drones score hits? The playstyle relies on them more than my HLC's I would think... also getting the afk thing.


How long before you're kicked if you don't try to chase down a target for a hit? Have teams figured out if you get 5 kills then fly back to their gunships just to mess with the competitions ability to get more req points and force them into the red text?

Edited by reclipsed
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I get the "you are not contributing blah blah" message seconds after finishing a kill in DM frequently.


No question that this is bugged, and as others have said, when you carry your team only to have a % of your points taken away for a false penalty, that is a serious problem and needs an ASAP fix.

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The system is borked and needs to be fixed, no question, but I'd rather have it than not have it. There were a number of people on my server and faction that liked to enter a map and just sit at the cap ship. The rewards had to be total crap but they did it anyway. Since 2.6 I haven't seen it. To me it is worth the bugs to not be in a battle shorthanded by 2 or 3 ships.
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I think that the system is counting you "AFK" if you do not respawn immediately when the cooldown timer is at zero. Sometimes I check the map for a second before clicking "ready" so I've seen it there, and as soon as I click ready I am "no longer AFK".


My problems with the non-contributor system are two fold:

1. Flying a bomber is slow and not particularly "offensive". I frequently get the non-contributor message when respawning and heading back to the action. Maybe there should be some sort of check that you are indeed closing distance to your target or the nearest enemy? Picking up a powerup should also count as "contributing". (If for no other reason for denying it to the enemy) Guarding a gunship or two with a drone/mine layer is contributing!

2. A non-contributor (either not spawning or just flying in circles away from the match) is hurting your side by leaving your team outnumbered more than it should be. Simply taking some reward away from the non-contributor is not enough. Getting them *out* of the match is what would help the most. Note this only applies if you don't get "wonky" messages saying you are not contributing when, you are.

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My problem with that system, is that it only checks if you're dealing damage. Taking damage, breaking locks mean nothing to that system.


Two days ago, I was nearly kicked of my Death match because I had two Scouts after me... And they weren't distributing cookies, but Laser shots and Cluster Missiles. I was too busy surviving to aim anyone, and received the warning. This time they nearly got me out of play once for all

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the AFK timer outside of GSF also needs work. I get the AFK message a lot when I spend too long swapping components around on my ship.


That is tied to your character's movement. Turn, jump, take a step... all resets the AFK timer, even though interacting with the GTN doesn't...


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