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Anyone Else Think we Should Beable to go Prone???


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Ive seen NPCs do this while attacking and makes sense since the code is obviously in the game and within reason for a Sniper to do... I would like to have the option to go "Prone" why? For most people that "tab-target" this wouldnt be much of an issue other than a sight and just not knowing where theyre being shot from but a clicker this would make us a harder target to hit from RPDs at least.





When in prone:

-Attackers accuracy rate reduced by 30%.

-Dodge rate increased by 30%.

-Increases the damage on Snipe, Ambush, and Serise of shots by 8%

-increased range by 10m on all abilities (WHICH MAKES SENSE BECAUSE WE'RE SNIPERS).

-gains 5 extra stacks of stealth scan ONLY in prone, once prone is deactivated stacks restart at 1 to count back up to 30.



When in prone:

-the cover shield IS NOT there.

-Snipers can be leaped to and pulled.

-Increases damage taken by ALL sources if attacked in prone by 10%

-Slow recovery when coming to a stand (much like the animation if getting knocked down by spike, hidden strike, force push)

-Decreased damage on all targets within 10m by 20% if still in prone.

-cannot activate Entrench in prone.

-if entrench is active and you enter prone mode the effects of entrench are removed.

-cannont activate covered escape from prone.



Well there you have it thats my proposal for a new ability "Prone mode" with its draw backs making it fair and not over powered. I want this ability to be a purely situational ability and not to be over used thats why i put so many drawbacks on it. In raids this would help with damage output and require actual tactical use considering a slow recovery and the 10% from all sources if they remain in prone and in PvP i believe this would help if the sniper isnt defending a node alone or just in huttball/arenas with their elevation differences. Hope you like it and not shoot it down.

Edited by Jamalzero
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Don't get me wrong, I like it :) and agree it would be really cool for snipers... but... what gets implemented on one side has to be done on the other somehow. I'm not sure shooting two blasters while laying on the ground is very practical. Not sure how the animation would work...


I would think that crack development team would figure out a cool way to do implement it though.


Oh wait, my bad, they put all their energy into nerfing really cool abilities into annoying drizzle on packs of normal mobs...


Yet another good idea/suggestion/request that will never be entertained by the devs. You know, like the infinite number of requests to NOT nerf a really cool ability. :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think it would be a cool look for cover, especially for snipers, but don't think it should offer any sort of practical bonus. It should be the same as cover, just look different. Maybe future cartel packs can offer cover styles or something. Should not be allowed in PVP arenas or warzones though.
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