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LVL 47 Sentinal on PVP server


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I think I'm decently geared for a lvl 47 Sentinal. Currently progressing to 55 on Voss. I ran into a few Sith on my adventures a lvl 49 Assassin, lvl 50 Juggernaut, and 48 Sniper. I lost all 3 battles. But why?


VS the 49 Assissin, we were neck and neck very close battle be he edged me out. I probably should have put up more defensive buffs (Guarded by the force, rebuke, saber ward etc) during the last few moments which would have save me. But it was a very close fight.


VS lvl 50 Juggernaut, I ambushed him as he was fighting some lvl 46-47 mobs. I thought I would have the upper hand. He was about 1/3 down in health already as I attacked, but within seconds he had me down to half my health bar and steadily progressing down further until I finally force camouflaged turn tail and ran for my life.


VS lvl 48 Sniper, I thought welp we're close enough in lvl that I could take him. Again I had the upper hand with the element of surprise. I tried to jump into him but wasn't able due to his cover. So I just walked up behind him and started mashing buttons. He used a couple of stuns on me and brought my health bar down pretty quick but as I recovered I soon caught up and we were neck and neck to about 1/3 health left. From there my damage (maybe it was due to lag) it seemed like I wasn't doing any damage at all and when my client finally woke up from the lag burst I was dead. Totally did not go as I expected. I expected to melt the Sniper away at close range instead we kept exchanging blow at about an even pace. I thought melee should have cleaned his clock at close distance. What gives?


Any hoot, I'm a little sadder today after these humiliating defeats. What can anyone say to give me a little solace today as I contemplate my next SWTOR adventure?

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