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PvP on JC?


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Simply put, how's the PvP here? Length of time for pops for lowbie, mids, regs, solo and ranked?


I'm an avid PvPer (7/8 ACs @ 55 all Valor 60 - 80, all but one in itemized Conq/Obroan), but I also like a decent story. Since I'm at my 12 character max (mostly Imp lowbies) and I've convinced my brother to play, I thought I'd finish some stories here (Pub). But if Pubs are awful, I may just pay for additional slots :D. I hate facerolls either way and having played on three different servers (Pot5, SL - home base, EH) generally Pubs are awful.

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cant really speak for lowbies or mid bracket but from what i hear its pretty even as far as win/loss ratio between both factions. i know 55 pvp pops pretty regularly for regs (typically no more than a 5 min wait between pops). Solo and Team is almost nonexistant unless someone throws a shout in pvp channel to queue up (for pubs anyway, im not sure when/if imps queue). I would say Imps win more in regs (55 bracket) but thats usually because there are way more imp healers and premades that pvp than there are pub ones. Ive seen mass stupid on both factions though
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Simply put, how's the PvP here? Length of time for pops for lowbie, mids, regs, solo and ranked?


I'm an avid PvPer (7/8 ACs @ 55 all Valor 60 - 80, all but one in itemized Conq/Obroan), but I also like a decent story. Since I'm at my 12 character max (mostly Imp lowbies) and I've convinced my brother to play, I thought I'd finish some stories here (Pub). But if Pubs are awful, I may just pay for additional slots :D. I hate facerolls either way and having played on three different servers (Pot5, SL - home base, EH) generally Pubs are awful.


if your main concern is lowbies and regs, the pops are regular 24/7. late night/early morning is usually the same 16 ppl in every match though, so when there's an imbalance in talent, nothing changes. faction balance in regs is fine. it depends who's in the queue at the time and how many premades are rolling. there are hours when I'll be on my imps and just roll over pub pugs, but vice versa is also true when I roll my pubs, and there are always a lot of same faction matches on both sides.


if your main concern is rated, look elsewhere. actually, there are a lot of ppl here who've played both po5 and bastion and transferred back for some reason. I don't quite understand why (in terms of pvp). there are a maximum of 5 4m teams that have to go through this awkward series of courtship to set a date just to dance with each other. the solo Q is flat dead except for 2-3 nights per week from anywhere between 1-4 hours. and that only happens when a few ppl spam and spam and spam to get ppl to play.


also: soloQ for imps is pretty much dead. not sure why. imp side pvpers don't seem to get on as well with each other as pubs. iunno why. we all have toons on both factions. dark side corruption?

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if your main concern is rated, look elsewhere. actually, there are a lot of ppl here who've played both po5 and bastion and transferred back for some reason. I don't quite understand why (in terms of pvp). there are a maximum of 5 4m teams that have to go through this awkward series of courtship to set a date just to dance with each other. the solo Q is flat dead except for 2-3 nights per week from anywhere between 1-4 hours. and that only happens when a few ppl spam and spam and spam to get ppl to play. also: soloQ for imps is pretty much dead.


Sounds exactly like the situation on the Shadowlands :( and on quite a few other servers. A lot of us went to Pot5, stayed for a few months, and transferred back with the death of eight man ranked. Quite a few of us left friends on our home servers and just came back to play with them again. There's a lot less drama too. My Imp guild's A team has almost killed four man ranked (I'm not on the A team - I carry the water and moist towelettes) and solo is just about dead outside of PvP chat spam on certain nights.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Really? That is good to hear that it has become quite balanced at max level 8 vs 8. This server used to be notorious for being Republic-dominated in PVP. It went back to the old Canderous Ordo server. It was so bad that I decided to only play Republic on this , as PVP for Empire side was quite masochistic. However, in the past six months, a lot of those max-geared good Republic players left. Some transferred to other servers, others just quit the game altogether. Along with them went their guilds and their premades. It sounds like now the Empire is doing quite well and things are a lot more balanced. This encourages me to transfer my three Imperial characters so that all my characters can finally be together on one server.
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Typically whatever side is running premades will win in regs. Imo imps in general have the better premades. Lowbies are lowbies so who really cares. In rated 4v4 the top 2 teams are pub side (well 2 when Pillars gets their replacement and get back up and running), although postmortem and revelation have fielded competitive teams recently. Solo queues aren't really my thing, but there might be one night a week where they are popping consistently.
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Typically whatever side is running premades will win in regs. Imo imps in general have the better premades. Lowbies are lowbies so who really cares. In rated 4v4 the top 2 teams are pub side (well 2 when Pillars gets their replacement and get back up and running), although postmortem and revelation have fielded competitive teams recently. Solo queues aren't really my thing, but there might be one night a week where they are popping consistently.


lol solo ranked is stupid on this server, pubs try and get it going, then guilds go imp side and queue sync so they get 3 or more of their players in a solo queue match on the same side, 4v4s pop maybe once or 2x a week. its a pve server bro. if you care about ranked, go to pot5, if you wanna be a regstar go to jc.

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lol solo ranked is stupid on this server, pubs try and get it going, then guilds go imp side and queue sync so they get 3 or more of their players in a solo queue match on the same side, 4v4s pop maybe once or 2x a week. its a pve server bro. if you care about ranked, go to pot5, if you wanna be a regstar go to jc.


4's pop whenever we aren't raiding and the imps are online, because at the moment the only ones who will actually fight us is Postmortem and Revelation, and occasionally an imp pug style group when Adorable is bored. People don't want to put time into making a solid team here, so you are right saying that its a server full of regstars. We can't transfer because we raid with the toons we pvp with, and we tried sending alts thinking it'd be fine with a bad comp and we got powertech'd into oblivion early in the season.


I'm not very fond of solo queue I'll admit, I try to play when I can but when i get into games with people who can't break 10k dmg a round you're damn right I'm gonna log and tell people to queue on imp side. I'm a spiteful person so if I get a clear shot to kill those people, the ones who literally do nothing, in arena I'm going to take it until they stop queuing.


If we're lucky they'll throw some decent bones for people who played ranked games, cause nothing brings people to the yard like free stuff.

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I'm not very fond of solo queue I'll admit, I try to play when I can but when i get into games with people who can't break 10k dmg a round you're damn right I'm gonna log and tell people to queue on imp side. I'm a spiteful person so if I get a clear shot to kill those people, the ones who literally do nothing, in arena I'm going to take it until they stop queuing.


If we're lucky they'll throw some decent bones for people who played ranked games, cause nothing brings people to the yard like free stuff.


Gees I remember when we first moved here from Canderous Ordo and our issue there was Reps dominated PVP. Now those guilds (the ones I'm speaking specifically of so I don't offend anyone) have gone.


I remember you seemed like such an easy going guy who enjoyed PVP. And now you're tunneling bads out of reg PVP? I'll have you know I regularly hit 11K damage a match if I'm properly carried.


Seriously though I think the problem is 'arenas'. For instance, I have never played FOTM. So I like my toons that are .... let's just say less than optimized. There is no spot for me in ranked. Plus I refuse to get worked up about it anymore. I just can't take it seriously.


SO it seems if you want to belong to a ranked team, you gotta fit the Arena mould right now. So I can't say I blame people for just settling for 'regstars'.

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PVP on this server is kinda hit and miss. Ques pop regularly, and the talent pool is relatively shallow so if you're more casual like myself you won't get rolled as often by superior pugs. That said, the relatively few good players really only play in premade groups in voice chat. They can sometimes be fought against if the RNG gods are on your side and you have a decent pug, bit its very very rare to beat one of the pvp guild premades as a pug. Ranked is virtually nonexistant. I played a lot of solo back in beta (only got to 1300 rating but whatever) and wanted to get into it again back on live but it never took off. Haven't even managed to get an official rating yet that's how rare the solo ranked ques are.


Its gotten a lot better since a certain guild with a drug design related name they probably don't even know the meaning of made like the bunch of crybabies and cheats they were and shoved off. Still, expect to get stomped by premades and superques on a regular basis. Without any good ranked, the "best" guys on our pve server like to take it out on the pugs rather often.

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honestly i'd recommend going to pot5, for regs they are about the same with smaller wait times on Pot5. For ranked the competition there is much better


last time I was on pot5, regs were incredibly tilted in favor of imp side and there was a lot more screwing around with the system (superQing, good players ignoring objectives, farming). that was about a month before they eliminated 8v8 ranked. dunno to what extent it's different now. but imp side here was never as bad as pub was there when I tried it out (excepting on CO). the competition was appreciably better on pot5. that was clear from day one as well.

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