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GSF needs built-in VOIP....


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Yeah cause some retard screaming into a mic how everyone else is a terrible noob is so awesome and helps tons.


No. You'll only end up with everyone muting the VOIP.


Wow.... "I won't use it, so nobody would either."

That's what I just read in your post...

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Then you should probably buy glasses or take some reading comprehension lessons? :p


Or maybe you could take your sanctimonious attitude and shove it?


Cause I sure didn't post my original thought of "So which are you? The retard or the terrible noob?"

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Or maybe you could take your sanctimonious attitude and shove it?


Cause I sure didn't post my original thought of "So which are you? The retard or the terrible noob?"


Sanctimonius? Are you *sure* you know what the word means? Because I don't think you do mate.


I'll answer that for you, the terrible noob. That's not the point however. The point is that built in VOIPs never really work and the majority just mute it (I never do, by the way).


If a premade is in, they are on their own VOIP anyway, making it pointless to try to talk to them, because why *would* they have it on and be on their own VOIP at the same time?


Maybe it's more of an EU thing, but too often someone starts to speak in a non-english language, causing everyone else to mute it for that reason alone.


Then we have the people who can't handle someone telling them that they are garbage and will either keep it muted or not join again.


I've seen buil in VOIPS on many, many games and they just don't work, at least not in Europe.

Edited by Jandi
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Yeah cause some retard screaming into a mic how everyone else is a terrible noob is so awesome and helps tons.


No. You'll only end up with everyone muting the VOIP.


gonna agree with this. I've seen how plenty of people get in PVP. a VOIP program in the game (which would proably result in lag and not a major cordination boost) would be more trouble then it's worth.


right now I agree Bombers are shifting things a lot and people with access to voice have a big advantage. but give it a bit and that advantage will proably go away once people learn what works and what doesn't. earlier tonight me and some guildies plays an 8 v 8 deathmatch where the other team made HEAVY use of bombers. for the first little bit we where indeed getting smeared but we managed to happen on the right tactics. in deathmatch at least bombers are very good at setting up a static screen.


so just move away from it. now yes this was a guild group I was in, the match was CLEARLY "premade vs premade" but I expect tactics like that to filter down.

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If a premade is in, they are on their own VOIP anyway, making it pointless to try to talk to them, because why *would* they have it on and be on their own VOIP at the same time?


So ... you argue that some people (that play GSF) use VOIP, be it Mumble, Teamspeak, Ventrillo, whatever. And yet your original post, said that nobody would use VOIP.


You can't see the advantage of being able to talk like those who are using them already? Would someone offer up and post server info and get people to join for a PUG match? Nope! Would those PUGs use one that was provided in game? Yep! Or at least maybe!


Quite simply, you immediately shot down a valid suggestion as saying most people would not use it. How do you know what "most people" would or would not use?

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So ... you argue that some people (that play GSF) use VOIP, be it Mumble, Teamspeak, Ventrillo, whatever. And yet your original post, said that nobody would use VOIP.


I specifically meant built-in VOIPS. If I was unclear, my mistake.


You can't see the advantage of being able to talk like those who are using them already? Would someone offer up and post server info and get people to join for a PUG match? Nope! Would those PUGs use one that was provided in game? Yep! Or at least maybe!


Some would, sure but if 3 people are talking and the rest aren't, what's the point? I mean, a small group of people with good ships and experience will dominate easily if they work together on VOIP, but random strangers will, more often than not, simply start to flame one another.


Quite simply, you immediately shot down a valid suggestion as saying most people would not use it. How do you know what "most people" would or would not use?


Because most people don't use built in VOIPS in games. This isn't my opinion, you can look it up if you really care to make an effort to prove yourself wrong, which you won't.


I shot the idea down because it's been tried in so many games before and it just doesn't work and in some cases, cause more harm than good. HOWEVER, if it was implemented, I would make full use of it to the extent that it would do good, but I also know from experience that it's often a wasted effort.


Take Defiance for example. NO ONE uses it. No one. Ever. In fact, there were dozens of threads whining that they should make it mutable, and they did, and everyone muted it.

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wow, such epic butthurt.


i just think VOIP would be useful if available to everyone. if you don't want to use it, don't.


of course have mute functions & 'squadron' channels to select.


also look at this aspect: you'll probably also meet a few nice people and start premade'ing yourself.

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bombers have completely shifted the battlefield and tactical co-ordination is more important than ever.


pugs are getting completely dominated by the premades, built-in VOIP would help level the playing field.


It's always really needed a built in VOIP. Built in VOIP would give PuGs a fighting chance against premades using teamspeak or mumble.


Chat is not enough to communicate with.


You can't even ping a target which is a fucntion that is absolutely necessary if a team seriously wants to try getting by without VOIP

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thing is VOIP won't solve the problem of people not wanting to work as a team. people who want to work as a team are. even if they're just PUGing in. plenty of people however seem content to "rambo it up" with the inevitable result Edited by BrianDavion
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Yeah cause some retard screaming into a mic how everyone else is a terrible noob is so awesome and helps tons.


No. You'll only end up with everyone muting the VOIP.


yeah exactly. I would rather just read someone who did even less than anyone else on the team tell me I am a worthless ****stain who should throw away his computer than having to hear a guy yelling about it in a mike just shouting and making the whole thing a mess. We know how many people do this in chat already, we give them mikes and the VOIP system becomes the next Pearl Harbor!!

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thing is VOIP won't solve the problem of people not wanting to work as a team. people who want to work as a team are. even if they're just PUGing in. plenty of people however seem content to "rambo it up" with the inevitable result


The problem is even if you WANT to work as a team, you really CAN'T because there is 0 communication. you'd have to stop flying your ship to type, in a game where you need to be constantly moving.


You can't communicate over typing and if you're PuGging, trying to get them on your TS server in the minute before the match starts is problematic.


They have built in VOIP in valve games and people use those, and they had built in VOIP in HAWKEN and people used it, though I haven't played it since beta. It was an invaluable tool when people are just queuing up into a game and want to work as a team anyway.

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Perhaps rather than adding VOIP add something like the commo rose in Battlefield games. You press a button and it opens a menu of preset communications ("I need backup!" "Medic!" etc.), click on the one you want with your mouse and it's sent to your team along with the related icon to the request popping up on everyone's minimap.


That would probably solve the majority of pug communication problems since you'd be able to handle most essential communication with two button clicks.

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bombers have completely shifted the battlefield and tactical co-ordination is more important than ever.


pugs are getting completely dominated by the premades, built-in VOIP would help level the playing field.

I don't need pre-schoolers screeching profanities in their squeaky voices, or slurred, incoherent rambling of borderline special needs man-children. I wouldn't mind proper voiced announcements, though - as in "Point C friendly turret destroyed", "Point C being captured".

Edited by Helig
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Did you guys all know that WoW has a built in VOIP? I'm sure not all of you played/have played, but the punchline is , no one uses it at all. It was added to address the same issues you guys are bringing up, but in practice, it is not a thing despite having been in the game for like seven years?
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Just popping a post to say:

What is this WoW blasphemy??? KILL IT NOW!


Funny, but I think WoW is a successful model of an MMO in pretty much all ways. Certainly successful enough for SWTOR to ape a great deal of it, even stuff that doesn't go with the kit at all.


More importantly, it also had "premades are rubbing our butts in the grass" complaints, back when unrated pvp was the only pvp, and this was an attempt to address that to a degree.


Ultimately, if someone can't be arsed to download vent/mumble/teamspeak/whatever, they aren't worth talking with. I mean... holy crap, have you heard Xbox Live?

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and hell to the no


because it will turn into this:


That is assuming the voice is defaulted to on globally, does not come with mute buttons for individual players, and only applies to GSF.


In my head it would be more like "You have invited XXX to join your VOIP group"


Still bad idea?

Beats downloading and sometimes paying for 3rd party programs, then tossing out annoying logins for every Op/GSF hour you have.


I would NOT like to see VOIP if it was "box style" either, though it has potential for tonnes of youtube worthy moments, still, no thanks.

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So, here's the thing: I'm actually opposed to them implementing VOIP in ANY manner at all. These guys don't have unlimited technical staff to throw at a problem. Unlike WoW, they can't just implement features few people use (barbershop, voice). I would much rather they work on some of the many technical issues this game has, or any of the actually relevant and good features the game needs.


Example: instead of providing voice in the hope that noobs and casuals will coordinate, make cross server queuing- make the GSF servers mostly separate from the regular ones, basically. This would then allow matchmaking to actually address the issue, and stop with the whole fractured userbase thing.



A VOIP thing would require endless maintenance, have to be able to be logged, have to be able to be monitored, and ultimately not add anything you can't have right now with a thirty second download. You already HAVE free VOIP. There's even an open source one!



Edited by Verain
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