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The gap between subscribers & f2pers is insane.


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this has nothing to do with imbalance as it does with lack of skill.


I hopped on my lowbie who has no upgraded ships and only the three basic starting ships...


I scored 30k dmg and 15 kills with a brand new ship that had never been used before....


Skill is far greater than upgrades in gsf.

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I just wanted to add my 2 cents here...


As someone who has one HELL of a protracted learning curve when it comes to MMO PvP (WZ's and GSF), I think the idea of skill imbalance in GSF is very accurate. It takes time to get good at this part of the game. It took me a while (and a newer, shinier, upgraded computer) to get useful in WZ's. I am far from being one of the best, but I can hold my own. Same goes for GSF, I started with 0 kills and something like 50 deaths (exaggerated... but not by much). The more that I play it, the better I get. Spawn camping is lame, I just try and get around them hide and wait to strike from behind to distract them until the better players can get out and kill them. I just like playing and have fun every time.

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Gear doesn't make a difference.* Been said many times [see fine print for details].


*If you're a vet who is farming new pilots, if flying against reasonably skilled pilots being ungeared can be a disaster unless you fly very defensively (req isn't too hard to get, but kills and damage are likely to be low).


Basically the same gearing system as with ground PvP, but instead of having lowbie, max level unranked, and ranked queues they just throw everyone in the same pool.


I've gone into more detail in other posts, but to have an even semi-effective (meaning still horrible from a new player's perspective, but maybe not completely useless) matchmaking system they'd probably have to rebuild a substantial portion of the queuing/hanger system as currently implemented.


In a lot of ways the rollout of GSF has been a comedy of errors. At least, as befits a comedy, it has been fun so far if you don't take it too seriously.

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There are days when this just isn't fun.


When on my Rep character I win 8 out of 10 matches, doesn't matter if Domination or TDM, on the other side I hardly win one match per day. And just now I had a deathmatch where our side had one (1) pilot with more than two ships while the other side had only two duos.

We lost 3 to 50. Our best pilot had one kill and 6000 damage.


I really try to like the Starfighter addon, but if this doesn't change until my sub for this month expires I'll take my money elsewhere.

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There are days when this just isn't fun.


When on my Rep character I win 8 out of 10 matches, doesn't matter if Domination or TDM, on the other side I hardly win one match per day. And just now I had a deathmatch where our side had one (1) pilot with more than two ships while the other side had only two duos.

We lost 3 to 50. Our best pilot had one kill and 6000 damage.


I really try to like the Starfighter addon, but if this doesn't change until my sub for this month expires I'll take my money elsewhere.


100% agreed and what im seeing myself.


Headstart = I win guns, anyone after this gets 1-3 shot killed goes "***???" and leaves for another game or changes sides so they can get carried until they get their own I win guns.. but still leaves the other faction pilots far behind.

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I'll chime in on the skill gap as opposed to the gear gap. I've been playing on my alts lately at certain points in the day as to not bring my mastered strike against newer folks. I have noted an appreciable difference in my numbers from when I first started back when it was opened up for us (early access) and starting with a new ship now. In a stock novadive I managed 4 kills and 11 assists in my second match on a alt, this in a domination match.


I sucked, sucked terribly when I first started, but I got better.


Now, here's the thing that's awful for the new folks. When I started it wasn't a bunch of folks with experience, with the exception of the test server pilots who did very well out of the gate. This is obviously going to be frustrating as hell for new folks.


In groups I've been in, we've really done our best to let lesser-skilled folks get a handle on the game. There are many times that I've killed someone once that was flying in a straight line and obviously didn't know some of the nuances of the game that I let go the second time so they didn't get only 20 seconds of playing time between deaths.


Not a very kill-em-all mentality, but I'm more interested in the preservation of the quality of the game going forward.


I don't begrudge folks that kill anything, regardless of skill, though. It's going to be a tough go for the new folks, and it's going to drive people off, because the matchmaking system does not work due to low overall numbers, in my estimation, or from what I've experienced.


The best advice I can give you is to talk in /2 PVP to starfighter veterans and see if they can give you tips, or even group with them so you can have some kind of advantage. It's extremely difficult to fly alone, and considering that many folks are on Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrillo, etc., you are at a disadvantage to those folks regardless of skill if you're out there on your own.


If anyone is on Ebon Hawk (Republic) and needs advice, we all talk it up on the PVP channel when someone asks anything. There are more than enough opinions there to go around, and there are some damn fine pilots as well. Just ask, we'll answer :)

Edited by Degarmo
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As someone who started 2 days ago and got his *** handed to him, I have no sympathy. After just 2 days, I can hold my own because even though I'm at a disadvantage obviously, the gap narrows down real fast if you just stick with it and you learn how to counter which craft.


This is the BEST attitude! Well done sir!!! Stick it out, and you will be epic in no time!!:)

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most of the really crucial component upgrades come in the first few tiers, so the gear gap is nowhere near as big as might be suggested.


eg: Slug Railgun with the first three tiers is essentially 'endgame'. Rocket Pods with the first upgrade (ignore armor) are about as ****** as rocket pods get.


the skill imbalance is the real killer.


because a GS with a fully upgraded ion railgun needs very skill to use...

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A vet can take unupgraded ships and do fine. Skill gap is most significant factor and is typically overcome in the first week or so. Starting out is tough but not "insanely" impossible. With a littlr patience newbies will start contributing before they know it.


The learning curve is not so steep when you are on the side that is wining 90% of the matches. A new player or a vet can take an unupgraded ship and do well if they are on a team of aces against a team of new players in undeveloped ships. On the imp side a sub ace in a mastered ship can have a hard time on JC if they are against a premade.

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