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55 APAC Commando Medic LF progression based PvE raiding guild


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APAC based level 55 Commando Media LF progression based PvE raiding guild.


Current guild has disbanded due to a few players taking extended leave of the game due to RL commitments. Prior to the cessation in raiding we were 4/5 HM Dread Fortress and 2/5 Dread Palace. This progression was based largely off a single night raiding per week due to player absences. Also full clears of HM SMV, FTB, and all other 55 raid content hard mode.


Prior to my current guild I was on the APAC servers before they closed on Master D. Was in top PvE Republic guild who achieved Rep first EC HM kill of 8man Kephis, nightmare TFB, EC HM, undying achievement, you name it. All content, all raid difficulties, 8 and 16 man. Lot of time, lot of commitment, but was great fun.


On top of the SWTOR experience I've also had MMO raiding experience at a progression level in WoW for many years. So I know the expectations progression raiders have of their players well and have succeeded in such environments for many years. I'm committed, a half decent communicator, sociable, and the kind of guy that will rock up on time with all consumables and having studied the boss fight mechanics. Also easy enough going, wipes don't bother me and you'll never hear me rage.




My character's gear is largely Dread Forged gear now with a few pieces of Underworld. Not fully optimised yet but that's a WIP. But none the less full augmented, primarily DF gear, should be able to slot into most progression raiding guilds and carry my weight.


Looking for a APAC republic guild that raids between 7-11.30pm Australian CST. Progression ideally equal to or greater then my current guild's. Can also provide references from current Raid leaders and GM .

Edited by ikioi
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Hey there, what guild were you on MDN? Fellow MDN convict here, curious what guild you were in which got all those cheevos.


Modus Vivendi :)


Sad to say the last remnants of the guild is now gone, their website domain is dead .


I believe Revenal is in your guild. Use to be decent mates while raiding in MV.


Also Mosus and Jumpsuit were in our guild temp. So yeah I'm pretty sure I know a few of you guys.

Edited by ikioi
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Ah, you claimed Nightmare TFB (which was just before they closed down the servers) so i was curious lol.


Anyways we could use a healer, so if you are interested you can go ahead and send in an app with us :)


Oh no sorry, poor use of grammar there by me.


I was implying the highest level of content i'd cleared with MV was HM TFB, nightmare didn't exist at that time


Who do can I hit up in game for a chat/questions

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