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Trying to better my OP Healer


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So i want to better myself, im not the best nor claim to be nor will i think i ever will be. To me its a game, if i die I die, i hate losing but it seems to be the Normal thing lately( in WZ'z)


So i found something out on my keyboard, a g15, that i didnt know i could do or somewhere in my head thought SWTOR didn't all. So im wondering the following:


1. In PVE whats a good heal rotation

1A. In PVP what is the heal rotation i should be using or is is the same on PVE?

2.. What should I use as far as an offensive rotation in PVE

2A. What should I use as far as an offensive rotation in PVP


3.Is there something I SHOULD be doing before engaging anyone in PVP battle, my stuns seem to have a really long CD, and unless im missing something I only have 2 Flash bang and debilitate


4. here is what i have for gear, its on ask mr robot, i have all mod pieces that are missing in the link, the chest piece, hands,feet legs etc weren't loaded for some reason http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/ac0bbf22-1e86-46a1-b612-e80101b60449 But the item mods are the same as in the other pieces that were able to list


Thanks and i hope to see some good reads when i log back on.

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This build (38/3/5) is for operations and thus your role is to stay alive and heal people, so it's not the "standard" PVE build that people like to run with (so you are not specced into Corrosive Microbes and Lethal Injectors). The operative is a raid healer with its arsenal of HoTs.


Surprise Surgery is useless as you should always have 2x Kolto Probe on at least 4 people (the optimal is to have 2x Kolto Probe on 8 people), thus always having Tactical Advantage stacks avaliable. Med Shield should at least heal you for a little bit if you use your shield (which I do quite a lot).


The OP healer doesn't have a set rotation. It's a priority list that revolves around Kolto Probe. Basically try to have 2x Kolto Probe on at least 4 people. The rotation will be something like 1x Kolto Probe on 8 people --> Healing Ability --> 1x Kolto Probe on 8 people.


Always use Recuperative Nanotech on cooldown. With the 2 set PVE bonus, this is an awesome ability. This is not an AOE heal, but if the opportunity arises you should try to hit 4 people with it. I usually place myself so I'm within 10 meters of the tanks and the DPS and then use Recuperative Nanotech on myself.


Use Surgical Probe generously. Use it, love it! Also whenever you have 3 TA. When the targets health is below 30 % it's a free heal, so just spam it. Also use Kolto Infusion on cooldown, as it will provide the biggest HoT. Diagnostic Scan is used whenever you dip below 60 energy and don't have Adrenaline Probe ready.


Kolto Injection is your worst healing ability! It's easily interrupted (movement due to aoe, stuns etc) and is too energy expensive. Basically it's the worst healing per energy ability. The usage is very situational, IE you need to heal a tank asap you can go Stim Boost -> Kolto Injection -> Kolto Infusion -> Surgical probe.


If you want to use a rotation a simple one is:


1. Kolto Probe on first 4 people.

2. Kolto Infusion.

3. Kolto Probe on 4 other people.

4.Recuperative Nanotech.

5.Surgical Probe, Diagnostic Scan, or Kolto Infusion depending on energy and TA.

6. Repeat




PVP is a whole another ball game. If you are an operative healer, you'll most likely be marked by the opposing team and everyone and their frigging grandmothers will be out to get you. There is not set rotation for PVP at all, but the principles for PVE outlined above is a good start (keep kolto probe up, recuperative nanotech on cooldown etc). Stay on the outer edges of the fight, CLEANSE PEOPLE (this will really piss of lethality / hybrid spec snipers), use shield probe whenever it's off cooldown and stealth out (use Evasion first to cleanse yourself of dots) if it gets too hot.

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Not meaning to rain on someones well meant parade but I kind of need to **** on some of HBcentaurians advice.



If you're maintaining kolto probes on 4+ people outside of very specific situations (heavy aoe) then you are doing it wrong.

Examples this tier of right times to do it.


  • Second to last phase of Bronntes.
  • Last Phase of Dread Council.
  • 16m in general if you're given job is raidheal 8 people.


Other than that you generally maintain probes on the tanks, potentially a sorc and anyone else taking consistent damage (e.g kite tank on council if they aren't great). Otherwise you are wasting your time.


Between RN on cd, infusion on as close to cooldown as possible and 2/3 kolto probes you will be at the internal cooldown on your procc'd TA. Tossing extra probes on free GCD's is perfectly sensible but they are woefully inefficient healing.


Surprise surgery should always specc'd into (Evasive imperative is worthless in pve, med shield isn't much better). We are swimming in TA's yes but that does not mean the ability to get two for free is not golden. That's two GCDs of healing AND full regen for those 2 GCDs allowing you to either recover or burst out KI->Kinf without dipping.


Kolto Injection -> Surgical probe is your bread and butter baseline move. Don't look at it as your worst heal.

Injection bar RN (which is and always has been crazy good in this regard) is your highest heal per GCD.


Infusions pricey but worth it. Make sure it goes on the tank currently tanking or currently taking the most damage and keep it as close to on cooldown as you can afford. I also find it's just powerful enough to nicely negate a few mechanics.

  • For example the lightning balls on Bronntes deal dot ticks to their target but if you pop Kinf on them a few seconds in then your teammate should be well in the safe zone when they need to pop the ball.


General tips to know if you're doing alright.


  • Your probes don't fall off, particularly during hectic parts of fights. Always refresh ~1/2 seconds before the two stack drops off.
  • RN is almost on CD and usually hits three injured people (Using yourself to aim it is very good here as mentioned)
  • You don't munch TA procs by being capped at 3TA's.
  • People aren't dying.


Probably not immediately relevant to you but currently the relics of focused retribution are bugged and if you can deal damage while healing they will double proc and you'll get anywhere 8-12s of the proc instead of 6s. This is why a lot of people currently spec a point into lethal injectors and corrosive microbes.

An 18s corrosive dart allows you to refresh in time with your kolto probes so you have a persistent dot.






You want to hot *********** everything. Seriously, what I said before about efficiency? Forget it here. You won't be allowed to cast if the teams not asleep or stunned. Try and work in kolto infusion since it's a shorter cast and may be missed and blow RN on cooldown while rolling hots on your immediate teammates.

Surgical probe gratuitously.


Never let the probes on you fall off as they are critical to your survivability while stunned.


Don't overly rely on execute range probes. Good players outdamage then. Instead use a few as "Oh****!"s to buy just enough time to blow a GCD on RN/Infusion. The extra hot + probes + surgical spam gives you at least a fighting chance of stabilizing them under fire.


Evasive imperative is fantastic here. Evade when you hit execute range as all executes are white damage, evade ravages, evade to break snares you can't cleanse. Evade->Cleanse to troll lethality snipers. Don't sit on it, just use it smartly.


Shiv to to proc hit and run to get away from troublesome melee. Stun to get away from troublesome melee. Flashbang to get away...you get the idea.


Hump pillars generously to break LoS.


Punish the other team if they let you cast.


Find a tank bro enjoy immortality versus bads. Stayin guard range but out of the melee cluster****.


I could wax more details here but really just play it and get good at it. PvPs more of a feeling and dependant who/what your fighting than a playbook. Try and remember every possibility and you'll never actually play.



Someday I'll get around to making the video that's swishing in my head but not today.

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Not meaning to rain on someones well meant parade but I kind of need to **** on CaptainApop's **** advice.


If you ever get in the situation that you need to use Surprise Surgery to gain TAs, you've ****ed up. Bad. Really bad. So bad that you actually need to L2P. An Operative Healer in stealth before a boss pull is a sure sign of a bad healer. A good healer will never run out of TA because 2 x Kolto Probe will be on at least 4 people at all times. Furthermore the cheese mechanic where you stealth / de-stealth thus gaining 2 TA should not be used in NiM operations as you will waste GCDs.


With regards to not putting Kolto Probe on the raid but on the tank (+ one more); have you done NiM operations or DF / DP HM? There is constant / periodic raid wide damage on boss fights, not having probes on raid members is essentially gimping yourself - both with regards to TA and energy management since you will need to burn ****loads of energy frantically trying to heal them up when the raid wide damage goes out. And this is where Evasive Imperative will come in handy as well.


And if you really consider Kolto Injection to be an operative's "bread and butter baseline move", you really really need to uninstall the game. Sure it's awesome to see a 10k+ heal crit flash up on the screen, but it's the worst healing per energy ability. You do the math if you don't believe me.


Surgical Probe - Stim Boost - Kolto Injection - Kolto Infusion is a good combo that will heal for an absurd amount in a short period, but it's reserved for "oh **** moments". Kolto Injection heals for a decent amount up front, but Kolto Infusion heals for a larger amount overall. Using Kolto Injection as a "bread and butter" ability will consume your energy faster than you can say L2P n00b, and no decent Operative Healer will ever consider to use it as such. Take a look on TorParse and check out the logs of top Operative Healers (check out SV NiM last boss for example), and tell me how many times they used Kolto Injection during a boss fight (let me give you a tip; not a lot).


Anyways, as I wrote at the top; I don't mean to to rain on someones well meant parade of **** advice. What CaptainApop wrote will work excellent in SM Operations as you really need to be special in order to fail there.

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You get very hostile very quickly.


Some bosses have some pulsing aoe and other raid damage yes. Not nearly enough to justify that many GCDs. Especially since most of it gets scrubbed out by AoE heals. Ever since RN and Kinf starting procc'ing TA as well 4+ kolto probes does not see a tangible effect in my experience on the proc. Mine go off like clockwork around the 6s mark.


You seriously think a procc'd self 1.5k heal on a 45 second cooldown or *maybe* 3-9s off your evasion (ie not enough for it do anything of note) cooldown is better than turning vanish into a burst or regen cooldown. In pve. Ok then, sure, whatever.

All that white damage you are apparently taking is taking a toll I think.


Also note, vanish->crouch uses no GCD to acquire two TA's so I really have no idea where your getting that idea from.


As to your last point. No I don't mean storymodes but you are welcome to think anyone who could disagree with you is a total scrub.

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On an aside. I feel like you attribute an entirely different meaning to me when I say baseline ability.


You keep up your probes.

You keep RN as close to cooldown and on appropriate targets.

You Kinf as close to cooldown as makes sense.

You surgical probe if you're dipping on energy or sitting on 3 TAs (Kinf on cd).

Then in the meanwhile you inject->probe.



You do everything else then you fall back on KI -> Surgical probe. The baseline. Your play style isn't built around the ability it just fits in there. Deriding it as our most expensive heal is just not a good way to look at it since we're so damn wealthy resource wise.

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Well, you were the one that started to **** on my well meant parade.


Some bosses? All bosses in DF / DP HM and TfB / NiM have mechanics that result in raid wide damage going out, and most of them force you to spread out so you can't stack on the Love Puddle. Can you give an example of what boss(es) that don't have it?


Example from DF:

- 1st boss: Dot

- 2nd boss: Adds, adds that explode, grenade from boss

- 3rd boss: Smash, adds (to a certain degree), lava (to a certain degree)

- 4th boss: Rockets from boss, adds, mine

- 5th boss: fingers, droids, nanites from kephess, orbs


I'm not saying that Med Shield is a good skill. Both Med Shield and Surprise Surgery are useless, but Med Shield is a little less useless than Surprise Surgery as it heals you for a minor amount when you are taking damage and it collapses (as you will since you used Shield Probe). I'll take lower CD on Evasion any day.


The point I'm making is that as a decent Operative Healer you should never be in a position where you run out of TA / energy during a fight, forcing you to use a gimmick to cover up for L2P issues. The exception are special phases in boss phases where you need to burn everything (but then - as the decent Operative Healer you are - you'll have Adrenaline Probe ready). My bad on the GCD part, what I meant was that it's a waste to use that ability when you can use a healing ability instead.


Naah, I don't think that anyone who disagrees with me is a scrub - just those that give scrub advice.

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On an aside. I feel like you attribute an entirely different meaning to me when I say baseline ability.


You keep up your probes.

You keep RN as close to cooldown and on appropriate targets.

You Kinf as close to cooldown as makes sense.

You surgical probe if you're dipping on energy or sitting on 3 TAs (Kinf on cd).

Then in the meanwhile you inject->probe.



You do everything else then you fall back on KI -> Surgical probe. The baseline. Your play style isn't built around the ability it just fits in there. Deriding it as our most expensive heal is just not a good way to look at it since we're so damn wealthy resource wise.


By definition "baseline ability" is:

a. A line serving as a basis, as for measurement, calculation, or location.

b. A measurement, calculation, or location used as a basis for comparison.


A baseline is something the play is built around. If anything, for Operative Healers, Kolto Probe is the baseline. It's their signature ability and it is what makes them great raid healers, compared to say Mercs that are great single target / tank healers.


The operative doesn't have a set rotation for healing, but a system based on priority:

1. Kolto Probe on at least 4 people.

2. Surgical Probe when someone is below 30% health.

3. Recuperative Nanotech on cooldown at a higher priority than Kolto Infusion (basicallt every time it's available).

4. When at 2 or 3 TA and above 80 energy, Kolto Infusion if it isn't on cooldown.

5. When at 2 or 3 TA and less than 80 energy, use Surgical Probe.

6. When at 1 TA, use Diagnostic Scan if Stim Boost is on cooldown (you might use Kolto Injection if you are at 90+ energy).


Kolto Injection is not a go-to-ability / baseline for Operative Healers - it's an ability that you use in combination with Stim Boost + Kolto Infusion in a clutch or when you have energy to burn. Again, take a look at the top logs on TorParse and tell me how many times the top Operative Healers use it during a fight. I checked my own logs from yesterday, and I use it for a total of 6 (!) times during the Council HM fight.

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Look I'm just going to stop. I took issue with you recommending an 8 kolto probe rotation or even 4-by-rule to a newbie but looking at your last post it looks like that was just poorly phrased and we actually play almost the same damn way.

I think we can both agree it's really not worth arguing over the definition and root of the word basic.

As to the filler points in the medicine tree I've done this before and can't muster the enthusiasm to bother continuing considering their very much negligible effect on anything.

You consider surprise surgery a crutch I consider it a tool, useful for newer healers and HM/NiM alike. C'est la vie.



My opening line was not meant as a personal insult to someone I don't know and have never spoken to on the internet. I didn't insult YOU, I mentioned my advice was going conflict in places. I am sorry you took it that way.

I found some of your advice daft or badly phrased. As a result there's considerably more information in this thread now. Perhaps the next time you see a similar scene you might step back and pause a moment before launching into attack mode, I wasn't trying to get a rise out of you. Pax?


OP, enjoy the back and forth.


One more for the road since I want to clarify.

Your DF example from my perspective.



- 1st boss: Dot

Only one person in four in our run eats the dot. One in four is cleansed by an evasion (sniper and I alternate).

A tank I cleanse immediately and either myself or the sniper two GCDs later.

The one in my group that eats it I do hot. The other healer covers the one in his group eating it. We could both hot both I suppose but it doesn't accomplish much more.


- 2nd boss: Adds, adds that explode, grenade from boss

No one should really be hit regularly by subteroths and if someone was regularly derping this I'd probably hot them.

We usually only have one or two melee so spreading for the grenade makes it cleansable without it doing any noticeable damage.

I'll give you the dispatchers but since they're random maybe more probes would help maybe not. I find RN+spot healing handles it all just fine. Meanwhile I've got less plates to juggle and more freedom.

This is the one fight here I'd mention evasive imperative might be useful though with the fairly persistent damage taken. More GCD'less cleanses are good but evasion also bugs the dispatchers and makes them retarget.


- 3rd boss: Smash, adds (to a certain degree), lava (to a certain degree)

Lava is very minor, as are the adds. I find RN between myself and our other healers aoe cleans it all nicely. Honestly this fights not worth mentioning. We both know it can be solo healed even on hm.


- 4th boss: Rockets from boss, adds, mine

(Point, lots of aoe here. This is one where I probe several people.)


- 5th boss: fingers, droids, nanites from kephess, orbs

Fingers I consider minor. We kill them very quickly and they don't get much off. Not enough to justify extra probes in my eyes.

Droids are all on our tanks actually, except the ones dps'd first. Our PT probably knows more about this mechanic than me but they auto target the nearest player when they spawn so we position our tanks to get most of them and they taunt whatever they don't have. DPS take almost nothing in this phase for us except one who might have a lightning ball.

Nanites don't do any actual damage I thought. They just kill you when the stacks go high enough. In any case they're cleansed immediately.

Orbs are one guy, that you may or may not have probed if you do 4ish targets and Kinf covers them just fine without requiring the GCD investment.

Six finger phase I do pull out the 6-8 target probing. Plenty of prep time between the last droid going down and the spawning.


All this boils to me using Kinj a little bit more than you do but not much more I'd wager.




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Also I prefer 36/7/3 over 36/3/7 in PvP


Come to think of it I really should try 15% passive movement, how good do you find it? Personally more stuns and hit-and-run just feel more immediate from "getting the **** away from the marauder" side of things. I'm not snared nearly as much these days in pvp for whatever reason though so infiltrator it might be more effective than I thought. Less rage running around maybe?

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2.. What should I use as far as an offensive rotation in PVE


Corrosive dart at most if you are doing anything challenging like HMs.


2A. What should I use as far as an offensive rotation in PVP


There is no rotation, but rifle shot "spam" is surprisingly effective in a 1v1 with hots running on yourself, toss in a frag grenade once a while when energy allows.


If you see an opponent low enough you can explosive probe -> backstab; or in 1v1, flashbang -> e-probe -> snipe -> backstab, all 3 should hit at about the same time.


3.Is there something I SHOULD be doing before engaging anyone in PVP battle, my stuns seem to have a really long CD, and unless im missing something I only have 2 Flash bang and debilitate


Hot yourself up.


Edit: Just realized you are level 47, I was writing from a level 55 point of view.

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Whatever man. Your snide remarks in your daft posts just shows how passive aggressive you are. Anyways, we don't have the same (or even close) healing "style". Stealthing out to gain TAs and help energy regeneration? That's a sure sign you are doing something wrong - you just go ahead and not probe people up and continue spam Injections all day. Whatever works best for you.


@New guy

My best tip would be to first start With HM FPs and see if you can keep everyone up with Kolto Probe / Kolto Infusion / Surgical Probe. When you are comfortable doing that you can start incorporate Kolto Injections (+ Stim Boost) for those "oh crap I need to heal the tank asap" moments. But don't start building your playstyle around Kolto Injections.

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Surprise Surgery is useless as you should always have 2x Kolto Probe on at least 4 people (the optimal is to have 2x Kolto Probe on 8 people), thus always having Tactical Advantage stacks avaliable. Med Shield should at least heal you for a little bit if you use your shield (which I do quite a lot).


Hardly realistic, keeping 2xprobe on 8 players requires 12 seconds, if you are a raid healer this might be "okay"ish, but not when you're the main healer. In an 8 man operation, RN on the tank should be sufficient for melees most of the times (and yourself too assuming you position well).


Kolto Injection is your worst healing ability! It's easily interrupted (movement due to aoe, stuns etc) and is too energy expensive. Basically it's the worst healing per energy ability. The usage is very situational, IE you need to heal a tank asap you can go Stim Boost -> Kolto Injection -> Kolto Infusion -> Surgical probe.


Injection is only energy intensive if you cast it at full energy.

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Anyone who skips Surprise Surgery for a lower CD on Evasion in PVE is an idiot. It doesn't matter if you only need it once in a blue moon. It matters when you do need it. I find it interesting that you recommend Stim Boost -> Kolto Injection -> Kolto Infusion -> Surgical probe in a burst up situation. You're supposedly swimming in TAs all the time right? Then why effectively waste two TAs that way? if you start at 3 TAs you could do Surgical Probe x2 first and then use those abilities. For that matter I would think you'd always want to do Infusion > Injection so the TA from Injection isn't wasted.


Which brings us to Surprise Surgery. If the tank needs bursting up right the hell now then Surgical Probe x2 > Combat Stealth > Kolto Infusion > Kolto Injection is going to get him out of danger pretty damn quick without leaving you begging for TA.


Calling Surprise Surgery a gimmick for bad players is a bit disingenuous considering you advocate using Stim Boost at all. If there are times you can forsee needing Stim Boost because emergencies happen, then there are times you should be able to forsee having access to an immediate 2 TA could be useful. Not every fight, but it's a talent you take for that once a week when you need it. Whereas I can't envision any PVE fight where having a lower cooldown from Evasion matters a bit at all.


Beyond that, I can't speak for everyone, but my group put a moratorium on any Surgical probes before pulling CZ or Brontes. In 16 man the damn adds have a tendency to all target the offending scoundrel immediately and destroy them if there are HoTs rolling. Suddenly having healers start from stealth and then immediately gain their 2 TA was pretty darn helpful.


Finally, the problem in most fights with keeping up HoTs on that many people is that outside of the tanks, the people who are taking that raid wide damage tend to vary a bit. On Nefra it will be whoever can't self cleanse fair enough, but on Draxus who gets the DoT is kinda random. On Grob'thok who gets the lava is random, and on and on and on. The only point to having a probe rolling on someone constantly is if that person is constantly taking damage. Are there phases for that? Absolutely there are. Brontes 6 finger phase is an excellent example. But more often than not what you're really using that Probe for is Spot heals on someone who has already taken damage, or who is going to be taking damage (i.e.someone gets the DoT on Raptus? They now get a probe, did someone get an Orb on Brontes? They now get a probe, etc.). Of course if it's 16 man and you're raid healing then yeah probes for everyone (well for as many people as you can manage), but by the same token, if you're tank healing in the same situation then probes for tanks and a raid member if you can spare the time, but probably your main focus is keeping that tank alive and you don't want to be spending a full third of your time keeping up probes.

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