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Awesome changes that would make GSF great!!!


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These are all the changes I would like to see. Most of which will balance the game some of which would just make it better. This is an ever evolving list as I rethink things a lot. And I would love to hear your ideas as well!


First they can create separate queue's. You might think we don't have the population for it but I think that we do and most of them are turned off of GSF and this will bring them back.


The queue's would be...


1) Has not mastered a ship.


2) Pug


3) Grouped play


Unless more divisions are needed to maintain balance.


Then they can reduce the accuracy of all drones to less than that of an average pilot to reduce the effectiveness of no skill satellite drone guarding. And then can make mines and drones that are not within 1000m of the bomber disappear to encourage them to actually be at there keyboard when they get free kills.


They can put a limit of 3 GS's per team that can launch in a match (first come first serve)


They can up the damage on all missiles because they are to weak considering the work put into a hit. All pilots have a means of dodging fired missiles and because the lock on timer is long and you can't maneuver or evade while using them. (1 proton torpedo killed the death star)


They can help strike fighters out by giving them the option to link there primary weapons to fire them together both draining the energy pool as well. (This is a massive DPS boost but the drain would be awful)


They can unnerf scouts evasion because they will have fixed the SF's and it will not be an issue for them any longer.


They can get rid of the same faction "War Game" mode matches to force the factions to balance out in GSF population wise.


They could add In game VOIP.


If anything should be added to the list please give me your ideas. If you can better my ideas please offer suggestions. And of coarse if you don't like my ideas please let me know what you don't like as I am open minded and would love to see it your way.

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The queue's would be...


1) Has not mastered a ship.


2) Pug


3) Grouped play


Unless more divisions are needed to maintain balance.


Too messy. If you want a thing for novices then have a novice que that tracks legacy wins and after so many you get to general que.


see group ques of more then 4 and only they need to be forced to see a group que. A four man premade is not so big a deal but after 4 it really does suck and needs to be punished somehow.

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Too messy. If you want a thing for novices then have a novice que that tracks legacy wins and after so many you get to general que.


see group ques of more then 4 and only they need to be forced to see a group que. A four man premade is not so big a deal but after 4 it really does suck and needs to be punished somehow.


Yup, I knew some one would make it better right off the bad. What you suggest is a much better way of separating out the new players. My ideas are rough and I am hoping that people help refine them like you just did. New pilots need there own queue though separated in the most accurate way possible. I already see the flaw in the way I suggested it. There would be players with 5 ships that are 1 box away from master and thousands of requisition saved up just so they could keep flying with the rookies. Any other likes or dislikes? I took my best stab at making the SF awesome and I know that was one of your pet concerns. I see them as a heavy weight fighter. not as fast or nimble but with the ability to deliver a solid knock out punch in a hurry. with the light and heavy scouts being light weight and feather weight fighters respectively.

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Then they can reduce the accuracy of all drones to less than that of an average pilot to reduce the effectiveness of no skill satellite drone guarding. And then can make mines and drones that are not within 1000m of the bomber disappear to encourage them to actually be at there keyboard when they get free kills.


give the game a month first, too early to say anything.


They can put a limit of 3 GS's per team that can launch in a match (first come first serve)


Not necessary though maybe for ranked, if we ever get that.


They can up the damage on all missiles because they are to weak considering the work put into a hit. All pilots have a means of dodging fired missiles and because the lock on timer is long and you can't maneuver or evade while using them. (1 proton torpedo killed the death star)


I don't think this is nessesary


They can help strike fighters out by giving them the option to link there primary weapons to fire them together both draining the energy pool as well. (This is a massive DPS boost but the drain would be awful)


Better yet give Strikes a systems slot where you can get this.


They can unnerf scouts evasion because they will have fixed the SF's and it will not be an issue for them any longer.


No just no.........no..............no


Strikes are balanced better vs more classes then scouts are. You don't balance the more balanced class.


They can get rid of the same faction "War Game" mode matches to force the factions to balance out in GSF population wise.


On my server imps fly different then pubs interestingly. A pub vs pub match is very different then imp vs pub, purely due to play style. Average imp killers are vicious pub killers. BTW on m server imp vs imp is almost unheard of.


They could add In game VOIP.


AW heck yes. Make it an opt in system with an ignore function. There are introverted people who would never VOIP so if it is opt only people who want it use it and have an icon for who is not using it, so you do not try to talk to people not listening.

Edited by mr_sim
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Yes, please separate people who haven't mastered a ship into their own queue. Please also go ahead and track stats by legacy. This way my level 1 alts on various servers will run into zero competition until they get a good chunk of upgrades.




I'll say this. I am one 10k upgrade from mastery on my main fighter. That said in less then 200 matches My name is apparently already on some players watch list based on how I get singled out in 12 v 12 matches. I feel this means that I already qualify for Master class ques even though I've not masted a ship.


If we are going by ship builds then go by Requisition earned.

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there is a free to play game called "combat arms" I play it too. It ranks people and has built in voip and might be a good model for those features. for example you have to be a staff sgt to get into bravo server and if you have a kdr over 1.0 you can't get into foxtrot. jackson server is new players only. ect... it is not competition for this game as it is not an mmorpg but a mmofps and i'm not saying take what they have exactly by any means but I am mentioning it just in case any one wants to go see what can be done. Edited by HoloGrinder
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Pretty much always.


The problem with the suggestions so far is that they measure time played, not skill of the pilot. SWTOR's massive server segregation makes it hard to measure the latter (battle records don't even cover a legacy, just an individual character).

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I'll say this. I am one 10k upgrade from mastery on my main fighter. That said in less then 200 matches My name is apparently already on some players watch list based on how I get singled out in 12 v 12 matches. I feel this means that I already qualify for Master class ques even though I've not masted a ship.


If we are going by ship builds then go by Requisition earned.


I mastered my sting as fast as I could with the best recommendations for a build I could pull from the forums and dulfy... the funny part is I have the wrong stuff... retro thrusters instead of barrel role, quads instead of burst, damage cap instead of frequency and skadge instead of kim val. So mastered yes but the way I want it not exactly. it is effective but I think I can make it much better but now that I'm working on my other ships it's slow going. my blackbolt is the way I want it but it's not a dog fighter it is for rapid capping hit and runs. I have a ways to go on my Rycer and my GS (I do like the Rycer)

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Pretty much always.


The problem with the suggestions so far is that they measure time played, not skill of the pilot. SWTOR's massive server segregation makes it hard to measure the latter (battle records don't even cover a legacy, just an individual character).


Big problem is those who stay in lower tiers because they are afraid of the uppers as they are afraid to loose. they take advantage of the lower tiers novice players just to pad their egos


Unfortunately time played is about the only measurement available.


I thought this is what valor systems are for anyways.

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I mastered my sting as fast as I could with the best recommendations for a build I could pull from the forums and dulfy... the funny part is I have the wrong stuff... retro thrusters instead of barrel role, quads instead of burst, damage cap instead of frequency and skadge instead of kim val.


The funny thing is that's still pretty effective. I wouldn't use retro with quads, but that's not a huge deal depending on what you want to do. Honestly, if you had burst instead of quads, that would be a pretty strong build, with Khem Val being more valuable but not significantly so (in my opinion).


Big problem is those who stay in lower tiers because they are afraid of the uppers as they are afraid to loose.


I agree. This is why some games use an ELO (or other ranking) system any time you fight a random opponent or team of opponents -- you can't help but fight people of your approximate skill level.


Unfortunately time played is about the only measurement available.


Not true. We have access to KDR, W/LR, damage done, damage taken, time played, requisition earned, accuracy, assists, average damage/kills/assists/deaths per game... Some of these are more useful than others, but they could all be used.

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I mastered my sting as fast as I could with the best recommendations for a build I could pull from the forums and dulfy... the funny part is I have the wrong stuff... retro thrusters instead of barrel role, quads instead of burst, damage cap instead of frequency and skadge instead of kim val. So mastered yes but the way I want it not exactly. it is effective but I think I can make it much better but now that I'm working on my other ships it's slow going. my blackbolt is the way I want it but it's not a dog fighter it is for rapid capping hit and runs. I have a ways to go on my Rycer and my GS (I do like the Rycer)


I love retro thrusters, I put them on everything I can.


Barrel role is best missile break and best abilty to stay on same course and not get shot up, but it doesn't really give you ideal position in a dog fight..


The two 180 degree turns are great for sat defense especially koriagan turn. Leave the node long enough to drop a missile and then pop the turn and hurry back.


I don't have much time invested in Snap turn but it seems like the thing to have when a GS has a bead on you.


Retro thrusters. Only the crazy + creative + situationally aware need apply. There's the obvious use of get behind your tail attacker. There's run in on a stationary enemy and fail to kill so you retro and run in again without having to come around. There's break attempted missile lock and usually get the drop on the guy trying for lock. and my personal favorite, point yourself at the satellite and retro away straight up or down to hit the other guy trying to orbit it too.

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Pretty much always.


The problem with the suggestions so far is that they measure time played, not skill of the pilot. SWTOR's massive server segregation makes it hard to measure the latter (battle records don't even cover a legacy, just an individual character).


I like it being gear based instead of skill based because gear measures experience. Some people will have skill day one and some people will never have it that's a rude fact of life but if you have 4 mastered ships and have not developed skill yet you need to be playing with the big dogs not the new players. That way you will either develop skill or fly a bomber that really does not require any what so ever. If they go skill based they could do it by introducing a KDR (Kill Death Ratio) and basing your bracket off of that. I still like experience based over skill based though. Gotta kick em out the nest before they move into the basement and stay till they are 40 you know?

Edited by HoloGrinder
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I love retro thrusters, I put them on everything I can.


Barrel role is best missile break and best abilty to stay on same course and not get shot up, but it doesn't really give you ideal position in a dog fight..


The two 180 degree turns are great for sat defense especially koriagan turn. Leave the node long enough to drop a missile and then pop the turn and hurry back.


I don't have much time invested in Snap turn but it seems like the thing to have when a GS has a bead on you.


Retro thrusters. Only the crazy + creative + situationally aware need apply. There's the obvious use of get behind your tail attacker. There's run in on a stationary enemy and fail to kill so you retro and run in again without having to come around. There's break attempted missile lock and usually get the drop on the guy trying for lock. and my personal favorite, point yourself at the satellite and retro away straight up or down to hit the other guy trying to orbit it too.


I like retro for a SF as you can get +10% turn radius and a chance to get behind an attacker. for a scout it's all about speed and nimbleness and getting from A to B as fast as possible, literally. For that barrel role is better as it boosts you faster than any thrusters and you get a +10% speed increase on top of it.

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I like it being gear based instead of skill based because gear measures experience.


The problem here is, has always been, and will always be that experience does not measure skill. So many games fall into the trap of pretending that it does, and then someone like me comes along who's pretty skilled but doesn't necessarily have the time to grind up new gear, and they just get farmed by people who don't know what they're doing but have huge numbers on their side. In a skill-based game, rewarding experience instead of skill is backwards and goes against the point of the game.


Some people will have skill day one and some people will never have it that's a rude fact of life but if you have 4 mastered ships and have not developed skill yet you need to be playing with the big dogs not the new players.


That's backwards logic, though. You have a mastered ship but not a whole hell of a lot of skill, so throw them in with the skilled players? If you do that, the bracket gets filled by bad players with mastered ships and stops being, you know, the bracket of skilled players. Those people with mastered ships but not a whole lot of skill behind them need to get thrown into a middle bracket -- and honestly that should be the starting bracket, because mastered ships should be the norm, not the exception. Again, rewarding experience (by giving some players mastered ships instead of giving them to everyone) in a skill-based game is backwards.


That way you will either develop skill or fly a bomber that really does not require any what so ever.


Not true, though. There will be plenty of people flying mastered scouts and strikes and whatnot that have no idea what they're doing and just drag their team down. In fact, if you have four mastered ships, as per your example above, it's currently impossible for all of those ships to be bombers, and thus that player has obviously sunk a fair amount of time and/or money into some other class of ship. I don't want to fly with those people, and I don't want to fly against them - I want to fly with and against teams that challenge me, which is to say people of approximately my same skill level.


I still like experience based over skill based though.


I hate it. I want to be beaten by the other guy because he's better, not because he grinded for longer.

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Maybe a composite stat based off skill and experience. At some point people need to be grown and out the house. On my first day of pre-K back in 1978 They had to drag me out of the car kicking and screaming. I yelled I want my mommy all day but it passed quick and I loved school. Players have to go through that. They have to at some point be kicked out of the new player bracket and it should be about the time that they are no longer new.
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1. Built in VOIP.

2. Cross Server queues.

3. Slight balance tweaks needed to some components. I'm not screaming about Bombers just yet as it's still early days. From what I can gather, 'testing' on the PTS was minimal as so few people were able to get into a match, so we're having the testing happen now.


that is all.

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