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I didn't thing GS could be MORE unbalanced.


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Okay, so tell me, are you NOT consistently at the top of the K/D ratio in every match you play? Have you ever seen a scout at the top? Just because a ship can occasionally "scare you" doesn't mean they are balanced. It means "aww crap... I have to hit barrel roll, fly behind this asteroid for a second and recharge, then get a good single rail shot and take out the scout that's chasing me.


I do both sides. I can camp and snipe people and climb the top of the K/D charts easy. Or I can hop in my Sting, and unload my entire payload on a geared gunship as they laugh at me and blast me out of the sky with one shot. It's not whining... some of us have been playing games long enough to instantly recognize when something is broken. I know it's broken because I can exploit it. Dominating a deathmatch with gunships is EASY. I am not complaining about losing...


Again... I am not complaining about losing, I am complaining about WINNING. It should not be this easy to dominate with a gunship and should not be so impossible to counter.


Yes....AND no....


Sometimes I make the top, and other times I do not. There are a couple scouts and fighters (as I have said before) who are the bane of my existence!! When they play, or better yet, when they play TOGETHER no...I do not make top of the list because they have the good sense to take down the gunships. Sometimes I get lucky and my TEAMATES back me up....


So to reiterate....You need to understand the mechanics of what this is....Its called teamwork and skill......


As a fully loaded gunship let me be the first to tell you I CANNOT KILL IN ONE SHOT a ship that is upgraded. and all it takes is one shot to have them know I am on them...Then they assuredly come after me and its anyone game at that point. Can I one shot the newb? ABSOLUTELY! have I been one shot killed by missiles? ABSOLUTELY/...


So,,,,Once and for all...STOP WHINING AND LEARN! Cause I'll tell you what I am absolutely sick of,,,,,the whiners who get a class nerf that didn't need nerfing and then guess what...the balance shifts and the whines happen to them eventually/.....Its like MMO players never learn!

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No, it IS easy... that's what I'm saying. When I play gunship it's what I call a "point-and-click adventure" in that, I point at things, click, and they die.


You clearly are not listening to what I'm saying. I EXPLOIT (naughty word) the gunships daily to get more Fleet comm's from medals. I play gunship, I hang back, I pick off scouts and fighters at will who are dogfighting each other... occasionally one comes by and chases me down, but it's quicker to just let them kill me sometimes and go post up somewhere else than it is to fight them. I regularly top the DMG/K-D charts with minimal skill and effort. It is not a hard game, it's an easy game as long as you exploit the system.


I am sorry...What your saying is complete and utter horsesh*t!!!!


I play the gunship all the time and its not even remotly close to EVER, EVER, EVER just sitting there point, clicking and killing my life, points and medals away...The fact that you even say that proves to me you have ZERO experience playing the ship, played once or twice with good support and all of a sudden think its a breeze....


Heres a tip....Stop focusing on how much those kills you are getting hit by are personal....Learn to play a class, and do something productive FOR YOUR TEAM...


Let me be the first to enlighten you that a well played scout can down multiple gunships very easily!!!

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"Spiraling" is adorable and I love watching people fly around like drunken maniacs when I pop them in the face with my OP'd rail and they die anyway xD.


Maybe you can hit something coming at you in a growing spiral, but most humans have trouble with that one...


Or maybe "drunken maniacs" aren't doing it right...


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I love to fly scouts, I could even stand the gunships if there werent too many, I would make a sport out of hunting them. But between bombers and gunships...scouts seem pointless now. The few matches I played were pretty awful and I have to agree that the whole dogfighting idea is completely gone.


It is not a threat or anything but I am really done with GSF for now. Those bombers were a terrible idea.

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1. NEVER arrive to a fight out of engines if you can help it...

2. Spiral toward him as you boost.


1. I expect the engine to have recharged nearly halfway by the time I have fired a missile

2. Why didn't I think of that... gonna have to try it next time.

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Since a single gunship isn't going to one shot a Pike, I just fly right at them while waiting for a proton torpedo to lock and for my quads to be in range. I've yet to lose 1 on 1 on Pike against a gunship because when they bolt, and they always do, I switch to cluster missiles and giggle.
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So,,,,Once and for all...STOP WHINING AND LEARN! Cause I'll tell you what I am absolutely sick of,,,,,the whiners who get a class nerf that didn't need nerfing and then guess what...the balance shifts and the whines happen to them eventually/.....Its like MMO players never learn!


Learn what? I have said repeatedly, I can absolutely dominate with Gunships and Bombers right now? What do I need to learn?

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Heres a tip....Stop focusing on how much those kills you are getting hit by are personal....Learn to play a class, and do something productive FOR YOUR TEAM...


I'm PRETTY sure that getting the most kills in a deathmatch and defending the most satellites with a bomber is a pretty good example of "doing something productive for my team" xD


It's like people don't even read. I talk about nerf'ing something and they think I'm complaining about getting my butt handed to me. I am saying GSF is imbalanced because of how EASY it is for me to dominate matches. So I'm LOVING all these "L2P whining noob" posts... xD

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