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Nerf Bombers please


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I don't like the way this thread went with the bashing and arguing. I appreciate those that did put in helpful information and I have started a new thread "Awesome changes that would make GSF great" I am going to try and keep it much nicer as I am trying to help the community by calling for fixes to the problems that has stopped so many people from playing GSF. I would love to have your 2 cents there.
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Bombers are i no way OP they are almost useless in Deathmatch only good in Domantation.


Mines and Drones are destroyable when destroyed bombers needs to wait for cooldown untill it can drop new ones and are a sitting duck.


Dont say there are OP because you lack the skill and cunning to take them out

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Bombers are i no way OP they are almost useless in Deathmatch only good in Domantation.


Mines and Drones are destroyable when destroyed bombers needs to wait for cooldown untill it can drop new ones and are a sitting duck.


Dont say there are OP because you lack the skill and cunning to take them out


I don't have any problem with how bombers function in Deathmatch and in that mode they are functioning perfectly. In domination they are game-breakingly OP in the hands of premade groups period.

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ok I can see why people got problems with the drones, but what about minelayers, could someone care to tell me why they should be nerfed? as it is the mines got limited range and anyone can clearly see them. Edited by Sangrar
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the title says nerf bombers, most of the problems I hear are about dronecarriers, can someone tell me whether or not the minelayers are OP or not and if so why?


Just want to know because saying nerf bombers kind of implies nerfing all of them regardless of being a dronecarrier or a simple miner

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I agree. It's not a hard concept to kill the drones if nobody is there to stop you, then kill turrets.


5 of us could not beat the drones that several bombers had left on the satellite. They where shredding us to fast and they did not even have to use a player to defend it. So you make it sound like just pop on over there, take out the trash, and win. I am telling you that the drones could not be beaten by a repeated 5 ship attack. at least 3 upgraded bombers had laid drones on that sat.

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5 of us could not beat the drones that several bombers had left on the satellite. They where shredding us to fast and they did not even have to use a player to defend it. So you make it sound like just pop on over there, take out the trash, and win. I am telling you that the drones could not be beaten by a repeated 5 ship attack. at least 3 upgraded bombers had laid drones on that sat.


How about ion Gunships? I haven't tested it myself but Ion Railgun "supposedly" > drones/mines. If the drones are hidden underneath the satellite then your scouts/fighters can float on top and cap the satellite. Not sure ... do drones prevent capping? But yeah, Ion railgun gunships...


Also just a note, ion railgun can be specd for AoE. The drones use blaster power and repeated bursts of ion railgun "should" drain them of blaster power. Its hard to confirm though since we don't see how much power pool the drones have. just going off the upgrade description from the bomber (increases drones power pool by x%)


Be nice if there is a way to confirm it. AoE 6 drones with Ion railgun from 15m range,, (the aoe dmg goes through walls and satellites), and have an ally walk up and see if the drones hit him at all >_<

Edited by paowee
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I don't have any problem with how bombers function in Deathmatch and in that mode they are functioning perfectly. In domination they are game-breakingly OP in the hands of premade groups period.


Bombers are deadly in deathmatch also..remember its all about teamwork and coordination not solo play. I park near my gunship buddy at a choke point and surround us with 2 seeker mines. Then I leave my railgun drone just to the side of us. I tell the others to herd the enemy near my friend ION railgun's range and its instant kills!

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I don't have any problem with how bombers function in Deathmatch and in that mode they are functioning perfectly. In domination they are game-breakingly OP in the hands of premade groups period.


To me it sounds like the bolded part is the problem, rather than ship balance. A co-ordinated team is (almost) always going to beat an un-co-ordinated team, especially if said co-ordinated team is swapping ships on respawn to deal with whatever the tactical issues are at the time (like swapping to a gunship to take out a mass of drones/etc).

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5 of us could not beat the drones that several bombers had left on the satellite. They where shredding us to fast and they did not even have to use a player to defend it. So you make it sound like just pop on over there, take out the trash, and win. I am telling you that the drones could not be beaten by a repeated 5 ship attack. at least 3 upgraded bombers had laid drones on that sat.

I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that. Either you're leaving out (intentionally or unintentionally) important details.


If five of you died to an undefended sat with drones and mines only it's because one of the following three things happened:

  1. You charged in one at a time and let the turrets and rails take you out from a distance.
  2. You missed the gunship(s) sitting above or below the sat picking you off and blamed it on the mines.
  3. All five of you charged in right next too each other and let a cluster of mines take you out.


Any of the above three could have happened, and all three can be countered by smart game play.


When you lose a game other people manage to win, you need to ask yourself what they that you did not. You don't need to run to the forums 24 hours after it launched and start screaming nerf. You think bombers are OP? Try flying one and learn how people counter you. Once you see that, you can use it to counter other bombers yourself.

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it seems most of you are against dronecarriers specifically not the minelayers which have significantly less capability than the dronecarrier, so why do we want all bombers nerfed again? I have seen a potential seeker mine issue pointed out to me but thats it so far. And if there really is no big problem with minelayers then can we change to title to Nerf dronecarriers?
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it seems most of you are against dronecarriers specifically not the minelayers which have significantly less capability than the dronecarrier, so why do we want all bombers nerfed again? I have seen a potential seeker mine issue pointed out to me but thats it so far. And if there really is no big problem with minelayers then can we change to title to Nerf dronecarriers?


Yeah, don't nerf the minelayer. I actually like it, despite it not having the super OP rail gun drone, because I can flood a satellite with things to confuse the living crap out of my opponents (2 seekers, 2 concussions (?), and 1 hyperspace beacon when I can't find better uses for it).


So please no nerf-gun

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I am glad to amuse you. I seance a different emotion however... That's it give in to your hate and let the dark side consume you.


So many legitimate points made in the various responses to this thread, yet this is all you choose to respond with. . I am disappoint.

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So many legitimate points made in the various responses to this thread, yet this is all you choose to respond with. . I am disappoint.


To be fair, he has already responded to several of the earlier posts that pointed out that the counter to bombers is the gunship & IIRC, he's going to try using a gunship in future if he has issues with bombers.

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To be fair, he has already responded to several of the earlier posts that pointed out that the counter to bombers is the gunship & IIRC, he's going to try using a gunship in future if he has issues with bombers.


As an update I have tried a GS and it handles drones and mines pretty well. They can be a bit hard to hit but the tactic works. That said I am a scout pilot that's what i like to fly, it's what i want to fly, and if any one ship class makes another one obsolete some adjustments should be made.


I Guess the current break down is

Bombers break scouts.

GS's break bombers

Scouts are not bad against GS's and SF's

SF's are not that good at anything but they are not the worst at anything either.


I still think bombers need to be dialed down especially in the effectiveness of drones. I mean I have to fight my tail off to get kills. The other ship type can just take a dump in space a few times and kills will just sort of happen for him.

Edited by HoloGrinder
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I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that. Either you're leaving out (intentionally or unintentionally) important details.


If five of you died to an undefended sat with drones and mines only it's because one of the following three things happened:

  1. You charged in one at a time and let the turrets and rails take you out from a distance.
  2. You missed the gunship(s) sitting above or below the sat picking you off and blamed it on the mines.
  3. All five of you charged in right next too each other and let a cluster of mines take you out.


Any of the above three could have happened, and all three can be countered by smart game play.


When you lose a game other people manage to win, you need to ask yourself what they that you did not. You don't need to run to the forums 24 hours after it launched and start screaming nerf. You think bombers are OP? Try flying one and learn how people counter you. Once you see that, you can use it to counter other bombers yourself.


What did they do that I did not.


They flew on the republic side.


They got in a permade group and those are mostly all on the republic side.


He flew with a full 12 players in mastered ships which is a good tactic only available to the republic side.


They mastered bombers with saved up points within minutes of them being released. Requisition gains like that can only really be earned on the republic side.


What I did different.


Was my ship mastered. yes


Was it my piloting skill? No, I cause head aches for premades by my self most of the time.


Was it the fact that my entire team showed up with 2 ships and no VOIP and probably less than 50 games between the 11 of them. Most likely. But the only way to prevent that is to join the republic side. Though I digress...

Edited by HoloGrinder
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it seems most of you are against dronecarriers specifically not the minelayers which have significantly less capability than the dronecarrier, so why do we want all bombers nerfed again? I have seen a potential seeker mine issue pointed out to me but thats it so far. And if there really is no big problem with minelayers then can we change to title to Nerf dronecarriers?


I agree that the drone carriers are what is most Op. The mines don't see to be as unreasonable even with the run from you and drop one out the back tactic. When i hit one like that I normally blame my self for following to close. I also don't have an issue with mines on a satellite as they stop sat hugging but can be worked around with strategy.

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I feel compelled to respond.


What did they do that I did not.


They flew on the republic side.




They got in a permade group and those are mostly all on the republic side.


False. The ability to form premades is equally shared by both factions.


He flew with a full 12 players in mastered ships which is a good tactic only available to the republic side.


False. Again, getting 12 players with mastered ships together in a premade is available to Imperial players too.


They mastered bombers with saved up points within minutes of them being released. Requisition gains like that can only really be earned on the republic side.


False. The ability to save up requisition is available to both factions equally. I mastered the EMP Field System ability on a Blackbolt within minutes of 2.6 launching with saved up requisition.


Was it the fact that my entire team showed up with 2 ships and no VOIP and probably less than 50 games between the 11 of them. Most likely. But the only way to prevent that is to join the republic side. Though I digress...




I have to ask, do YOU contact the other good Imp pilots on your server and group with them? Do YOU make any effort to organise your own premade squads?


If the answer to either of those is 'No' then you, sir, are a whinger.

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Earlier this evening, I was grouped with a bunch of new players (10 of my teammates only had 2 ships unlocked) and after unsuccessfully defending C, I respawned and went to A where they were bunched. Five of them (one gunship and four strikers/scouts) were failing to capture a satellite with 0 defensive turrets and one gunship sitting still on it.


They would literally rush back and forth over him while boosting and score one or two hits as they passed.


Given the number of new players, it's possible that when he says 'me and a bunch of other couldn't destroy the mine/drones' that he was the only one not flinging himself blindly toward the satellite. There are still people who don't know that hovering your 'pointer' over a ship/object and pressing 'e' will target it*.


It's easy to forget that just because others are with you that those others might not have any real clue and are hanging around you because they're trying to stay with the group.


*And most of them seem to play Imperial on Harbinger.

Edited by MCaliban
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Earlier this evening, I was grouped with a bunch of new players (10 of my teammates only had 2 ships unlocked) and after unsuccessfully defending C, I respawned and went to A where they were bunched. Five of them (one gunship and four strikers/scouts) were failing to capture a satellite with 0 defensive turrets and one gunship sitting still on it.


They would literally rush back and forth over him while boosting and score one or two hits as they passed.


Given the number of new players, it's possible that when he says 'me and a bunch of other couldn't destroy the mine/drones' that he was the only one not flinging himself blindly toward the satellite. There are still people who don't know that hovering your 'pointer' over a ship/object and pressing 'e' will target it*.


It's easy to forget that just because others are with you that those others might not have any real clue and are hanging around you because they're trying to stay with the group.


*And most of them seem to play Imperial on Harbinger.


It was not that we where charging in or doing laps while the turrets ate us up. Having mastered both a sting and a blackbolt I am pretty competent in a scout. Some even think I'm good as I am nearly always a team target against a premade group. It was a case of 4 or 5 bombers mastered in a premade all dropping drones in 1 cluster on a satellite. The pilots on my team where new and possibly not a lot of help though they seemed to be trying hard.

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5 of us could not beat the drones that several bombers had left on the satellite. They where shredding us to fast and they did not even have to use a player to defend it. So you make it sound like just pop on over there, take out the trash, and win. I am telling you that the drones could not be beaten by a repeated 5 ship attack. at least 3 upgraded bombers had laid drones on that sat.


What were you, all in scouts?


EMP missile, emp field...


aoe ion guns....


concussion missiles...


There's so many ways to clear drones/mines that if you die to them, sorry to tell you - it's your own fault.

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