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Sentinel Trees


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Hey people! I recently made a Jedi Sentinel and I am looking at the different trees and I'm curious to know what the difference between each of them is. I want to choose the tree that best fits my playingstyle but I have no idea which tree does what. Could I get a bit of help here?
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Hey people! I recently made a Jedi Sentinel and I am looking at the different trees and I'm curious to know what the difference between each of them is. I want to choose the tree that best fits my playingstyle but I have no idea which tree does what. Could I get a bit of help here?


Well, in short term, Watchman is heavily focused on DoTs that you gradually build up, it's a very good sustained dmg tree that hits quite hard once you get all the DoTs rolling


Combat is pure single target burst, which relies around Procs, basically you have windows of 4.5seconds duration to dish out the maximum amount of damage you can, and your procs do stuff like make Blade Storm an automatic critical hit and resetting the CD of you armor penetration ability (during which you should use all your hardest hitters). Combat is the hardest tree out of the three in my opinion because there isn't really a rotation, unlike Watchman. In Combat, you have to watch what procs you have and time your burst windows so you can deliver the maximum amount of damage in those small intervals of time.


Focus is the simplest tree pretty much. It revolves around Area of Effect burst damage. Basically your Force Sweep AoE ability becomes an automatic critical hit if you use it after Force Leap/Zealous Leap, then with singularity stack you can power it up even more! However, when it comes to single target damage, the focus tree is the weakest out of the three.


I couldn't really write an elaborated response and I'm sorry about that but I'm kinda busy at the moment. By the way it might help to specify if you plan on PvP'ing or PvE'ing more. Because I pretty much only PvP and some points about each skill tree differ from PvP to PvE.

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Well, in short term, Watchman is heavily focused on DoTs that you gradually build up, it's a very good sustained dmg tree that hits quite hard once you get all the DoTs rolling


Combat is pure single target burst, which relies around Procs, basically you have windows of 4.5seconds duration to dish out the maximum amount of damage you can, and your procs do stuff like make Blade Storm an automatic critical hit and resetting the CD of you armor penetration ability (during which you should use all your hardest hitters). Combat is the hardest tree out of the three in my opinion because there isn't really a rotation, unlike Watchman. In Combat, you have to watch what procs you have and time your burst windows so you can deliver the maximum amount of damage in those small intervals of time.


Focus is the simplest tree pretty much. It revolves around Area of Effect burst damage. Basically your Force Sweep AoE ability becomes an automatic critical hit if you use it after Force Leap/Zealous Leap, then with singularity stack you can power it up even more! However, when it comes to single target damage, the focus tree is the weakest out of the three.


I couldn't really write an elaborated response and I'm sorry about that but I'm kinda busy at the moment. By the way it might help to specify if you plan on PvP'ing or PvE'ing more. Because I pretty much only PvP and some points about each skill tree differ from PvP to PvE.


Thanks for the advice! I decided with Watchman, I like the DoTs in that spec.

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