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why doesn't the the first starfighter pack have a new color crystal


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Why doesn't the dogfighter and wingman's pack have a color crystal. every pack released before this one has a color crystal. I am very disappointed because that is pretty much all I look forward to when a new pack comes out. They can't already be out of ideas. They shouldn't stop until they release every color that is more simple then a rainbow color. They haven't even released triple color crystals.


I am aware these are called starfighter packs, but that is just a name. that doesn't mean they can't include a color crystal.


Can we expect to see new color crystals in future packs? Or is this it?

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This pack offered color blasters and gas exhaust instead of a crystal. the confusion persists as theses are not unlockable in the C.M.


I don't see how that prevents them from adding a color crystal. Now its obviously too late to add it, but I'm unsure why they didn't include one. Its weird. this has never happened before.

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Why does it matter? There are oodles of color crystals already.


And I'm guessing the answer is "because it doesn't."


It matters to him because he expected one in there. Right or wrong for expecting it is besides the point, it wasn't there and it baffled him.

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Why does it matter? There are oodles of color crystals already.


And I'm guessing the answer is "because it doesn't."


Every pack up until now has had a color crystal and since they don't seem to be adding any other new color combinations outside of the CM, it seemed like this would be one of the constant items in a new pack.

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Am I the only one that thinks there are "way too many" color crystals already?


We absolutely have a lot of them.


SWG had so few options it was so frustrating, we have may not has chat bubbles or the free roam flight like SWG but SWTOR dominates in lightsaber crystal options. I had to buy the cyan crystal, because..the ole sunriders destiny.

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There are neither too many nor too few. Who cares how many there are? They're cosmetic. If you don't like a particular color, don't use it.


Well, there aren't enough colors until you get the color you want, then there's just the right number of crystals.

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Your explanation makes it sound even worse.


How so? All the other packs had crystals, so it would be reasonable to expect that the new pack would have them as well. Whether or not you feel that is a reasonable expectation is not relevant, he figured the new pack would have them as well based off of past experience.

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There are neither too many nor too few. Who cares how many there are? They're cosmetic. If you don't like a particular color, don't use it.


From a lore perspective I just don't see how all of them fit, that's all. Running around fleet seeing mostly pink/purple and black core sabers seems kind of strange.

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Some of us collect the different color crystals in game. I personally have at least 1 in every color and would get more if another one came out. I really wish they'd put some darker color ones in though and quit with the dual colored crazy ones for a bit, but that's just my wishful thinking.
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Well, there aren't enough colors until you get the color you want, then there's just the right number of crystals.


After the Silver-Blue I am still waiting for my Silver-Red. So far they seem to of done everything but that one.

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