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One shot


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No. I have a health-maxed scout with the 9% DR companion. And I've been one-shotted at max health and shields.


But I believe he said non-crit in your quoted message section. I know on a crit my normal damage jumps from 1600 with a full charge to 2240 with a critrical hit full charge. Thats equivilant of making a head shot as a sniper but now the teeth are about to be pulled away from the snipers in the game. 1 shots are extremely rare on people that have played for any length of time because they have upgrades and have now learned to not fly in straight lines when attacking.


Gunship pilots might fly these vessels because they lack dogfighting tactics or maybe sitting further from battle is easier on there computer systems. Reguardless tactics aside they had a niche in the game to play and people feel unless your dogfighting you need to not play GSF. When bombers are released they are a fire and forget healer of the battlefield. Soon there will be threads about how overpowered and underpowered they are preforming against veterans and newer pilots until something else reseives a nerf. And if you think you can dogfight in that ship your about to get smacked as gunships will make them a priority when they slowly cross there postion.

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Thats equivilant of making a head shot as a sniper but now the teeth are about to be pulled away from the snipers in the game.

The problem I have with this comparison is that headshots require precision aim. They're the reward for being better at playing your role.


Crits require RNG to work in your favour. That's it.

Edited by Bleeters
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No. I have a health-maxed scout with the 9% DR companion. And I've been one-shotted at max health and shields.


This was assuredly a crit. Also note that the 9% DR companion does not affect upgraded Burst Laser Cannon, Heavy Laser, Concussion Missile, Rocket Pods, any Proton Torpedo, and of course... Slug Railgun.

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Sure, if you can see the gunship. But lol, sensor dampening.


Sensor dampening is limited to a mnimum distance of 15000m. Gunship range is 14999m.


You can't be shot by an invisible ship.


I often try to creep up on scouts, and just when I get in range, and start charging, they see me and instantly barrel roll and are in my face before the charge is full (and of course the shot is evaded most the time)


You're just distracted, they're not invisible.

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You're just distracted, they're not invisible.


No, I have actually done testing on this subject with pub friends while flying my imp and sharing teamspeak. I could not see the gunship that was 13 km away from me. I could see him when I moved closer.

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Just want to point out that slug railgun is the only weapon in the game that can one-shot something on a crit. I'll leave it up to you guys to decide whether the drawbacks of slug justify this strength.


Proton torp crit = more damage than a scout can take... in fact, at 1308 damage that is a lot of 100% "shield/armor piercing" goodness.


Granted if you are a scout that got hit let alone crit by a proton torp you deserve what you get... but please stop stating things that are supposed "facts" when they are not. You're likely to confuse a newer player that is reading these posts.

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Proton torp crit = more damage than a scout can take... in fact, at 1308 damage that is a lot of 100% "shield/armor piercing" goodness.


Granted if you are a scout that got hit let alone crit by a proton torp you deserve what you get... but please stop stating things that are supposed "facts" when they are not. You're likely to confuse a newer player that is reading these posts.


You are correct! I am herp.


In my defense, even newer scouts should never, ever get hit by a protorp.

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That's not what happened when Devil and I tested it out. We can try again and grab screenshots, if you like.


BS, I know all the other gunships are running max dampening, and due to companion I have 17500 sensor.


By that math, I should have to get within 6500m to see them (and them me, because I am also running dampening), I often will see a gunship at the edge of my visual range just in firing range, he moves a few more meters out past 15k, he disappears, I move a few feet forward, he reappears in firing range. This is in open space where no other ship.


There's a hard cap at 15000m

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You are correct! I am herp.


In my defense, even newer scouts should never, ever get hit by a protorp.


Ironically when I see that the competition is a lot of 2 ship players I run my Pike/Quell and teach them how to evade missiles...


Hell someday those might be my wingmen!

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BS, I know all the other gunships are running max dampening, and due to companion I have 17500 sensor.


By that math, I should have to get within 6500m to see them (and them me, because I am also running dampening), I often will see a gunship at the edge of my visual range just in firing range, he moves a few more meters out past 15k, he disappears, I move a few feet forward, he reappears in firing range. This is in open space where no other ship.


There's a hard cap at 15000m


I'll look into it.


Ironically when I see that the competition is a lot of 2 ship players I run my Pike/Quell and teach them how to evade missiles...


Hell someday those might be my wingmen!


Be careful about that. I know a few people who stick to the blackbolt/novadive and refuse to spend cartel coins, so they never get more than the two original ships... and still top charts.

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This was assuredly a crit. Also note that the 9% DR companion does not affect upgraded Burst Laser Cannon, Heavy Laser, Concussion Missile, Rocket Pods, any Proton Torpedo, and of course... Slug Railgun.


Don't disagree as to the cause of the one-shot. It's the fact that any weapon/ability/crit combo can one-shot any ship that I think is cheap and dumb. But, yeah, that's probably how it happened.


One-shots aren't good for GSF. They increase frustration and take the fun out of the game. And, having dished out a few one-shots myself, I can tell you they are a let down after the thrill of the first one. Then it just feels like easy mode and that's not my style personally.

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