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He was always an optimistic one.

I remember watching him speak on the Guild Summit when a friend and I eagerly watched the stream.

I'm hoping the twelve chapters of Class stories was never really the intention, because if that's true... it'd be really depressing to know that's permanently scrapped now. :(

What ever happened to Ohlen anyway? Is he still with Bioware and just being quiet after his original enthusiasm was strangled to death by an MMO community that couldn't appreciate the things the game did? Or was he replaced?


:eek: Twelve chapters...of Class stories?!? Omg *flail*


Sorry I'm positively shaking now, at the idea that there might have been twelve chapters. If only they'd let us have them. I'm not sure I can string anything coherant atm. I'm just stunned. I NEED those chapters.:eek:

Edited by Lunafox
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:eek: Twelve chapters...of Class stories?!? Omg *flail*


Sorry I'm positively shaking now, at the idea that there might have been twelve chapters. If only they'd let us have them. I'm not sure I can string anything coherant atm. I'm just stunned. I NEED those chapters.:eek:


He could've said EA or Bioware expected to run the game for 50 years or so and truth be told, had the game been successful at release, you would actually have no idea if this was accurate or not.


In other words, do what most people did at the time: Take it a face value.

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As long as the operation backing it up as a joyous name, like "Sun Shower", i'm good with that.


You Alderanians are entirely too cheerfully... (which I will always hear in that male SI voice for some reason :p)


:eek: Twelve chapters...of Class stories?!? Omg *flail*


Sorry I'm positively shaking now, at the idea that there might have been twelve chapters. If only they'd let us have them. I'm not sure I can string anything coherant atm. I'm just stunned. I NEED those chapters.:eek:


It's why I'm rationalizing. :o

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You Alderanians are entirely too cheerfully... (which I will always hear in that male SI voice for some reason :p)


Same here. Most likely because the first couple of times I did Alderaan, it was with a male Inquisitor. Still my favorite male VA in the whole game. :cool:


Cracks me up whenever the dude says "MURDER AND MAYHEM AWAIT" or his eagerness, when saying "DO I GET A PROMOTION TOO?"

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It's why I'm rationalizing. :o


I'm just gonna have to try and pretend I didn't hear about the possibility of 12 Chapters. Going to be tough...I can't help but wonder if they're in some dusty folder or hard drive somewhere. I'm positively twitchy now. If they have this...and the VA recordings...


Nope, not going any further right now. Gotta get off of here lol. Also don't want to go freakazoid mode in Alex's thread. :)

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I can't help but wonder if they're in some dusty folder or hard drive somewhere. I'm positively twitchy now. If they have this...and the VA recordings...

My impression was it was a very long-term (like, 15 year) plan, so I doubt they were even written, let alone voice-acted.


But I think it's one direction the original team wanted to go, if they'd had the revenue from tens of millions of subs to play with.

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My impression was it was a very long-term (like, 15 year) plan, so I doubt they were even written, let alone voice-acted.


But I think it's one direction the original team wanted to go, if they'd had the revenue from tens of millions of subs to play with.


Like most things in real life.... plans are made well in advance, particularly for important or costly endeavors..... yet such plans are almost always quickly obsolete after engagement (be it a product, a service, armed conflict, world peace, etc.) and must be modified, or in some cases even discarded.


Survival requires resiliency, and resiliency requires the ability to change/modify/discard whatever does not serve the goal of survival. This is so universally true in real life.. and virtual life has not successfully detached itself from real life.

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:eek: Twelve chapters...of Class stories?!? Omg *flail*


Sorry I'm positively shaking now, at the idea that there might have been twelve chapters. If only they'd let us have them. I'm not sure I can string anything coherant atm. I'm just stunned. I NEED those chapters.:eek:

It's why I'm rationalizing. :o

Come to think of it....for some reason, I find some consolation in the belief that the Bioware team would have loved to make them just as much as we would have loved to play them...


...Not sure why, since that only means more disappointment all around. But at least it's shared, I suppose.

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Come to think of it....for some reason, I find some consolation in the belief that the Bioware team would have loved to make them just as much as we would have loved to play them...


...Not sure why, since that only means more disappointment all around. But at least it's shared, I suppose.


Not sure if they share it or not, I think the people who had the vision and loved story like we love story, aren't here any more. It's too bad, because I wish the ones that are left would take the need for individual class and companion story extensions seriously and see how important it is to us and find a way to do it. Different ideas have been put forward, like making a proper xpac and paying for it, or paying for the story chapters, so long as they're not part of a gambling box. If they offered chapters outright, I've no doubt they would be snapped up. It just doesn't feel individual class/comp story is a priority to they who run things now, and I'm not sure how to make them see the error of their ways, short of showing at their offices...and well...ending up getting arrested lol.

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Best of luck to you. I agree with most of what you said. I have a Mara and Sniper to go and I will have done all the classes plus the advanced.Some twice. Ok I really like Operatives. I can understand your reason for leaving. I like SWTOR but sometimes you need something new. If the future content is going to be like Makeboring or Oricon well those just aren't my cup of tea.
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Alex, goodbye and glad you enjoyed the game.

I too have my last class story toon at level 49, finished the class story line at lvl 47, heroic moment FTW and a geared Treek.


I agree with everything you wrote and I am also leaving the game.


I have 12 alts, 9 lvl 55's and have almost finished DF/DP HM.


I love this game so much but even my wife pointed out how much happier I was just cruising along playing the Settlers Online.


This game is such a grind and endgame becomes just doing dailies or standing around on fleet hoping not to get a fail pug run or wipe fest of derping dps who think they are turrets.


The GTN has lost it's flavor, pvp ends up either smashing them or we get smashed, GSF is boring after a while due to the same mechanics over and over, leveling toons is so boring and grindy due to the fact you can't just do pvp, FP's and class quests as it still requires you to do the planet quests and on the forth time around just puts you to sleep doing the same quests again as well the same static planets over and over again.


The bugs can be ignored but they do make the game frustrating sometimes.


I really can't even be bothered to login in to finish my BH merc to lvl 55 anymore.


Been trying to test on PTS but no one is ever on and I am usually the only one standing around on fleet or doing dailies.


So goodbye Alex, May The Force Be With You.

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