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Post-ROTJ characters have been replaced.


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I find this rumor doubtful. my guess is they'll maintain elements when nesscary.


Mara being Luke's wife? it'll likely stay. she's just too much a part of the universe. it'd be like giving coruscant a differnt name in the prequals. sure GL coulda done it but it woulda been unnesscary.


Han and Leia being married? absolutly. we only saw it in the EU but let's face it. no brainer.


Han and Leia having 3 children named Jace, Jaina and Anakin? errr.... ok the three kids? why not? Jacen and Jaina? sure it works. a 3rd son named Anakin? proably not. the reason for his dying dureing the vong war was fears of him and anakin skywalker causing confusion. so we can proably guess he'll be renamed if kept at all.


The Jedi Academy: I imagine there will be a Jedi temple, it might be on courscant or a new planet, it won't be on Yavin IV that just so happens to be a former sith temple. quite frankly that whole thing was absolutly mind boggingly stupid.

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I agree, this is entirely based around one line in the description of some planned TCW episode, where Yoda is set to travel to Sith homeworld of Moriband (instead of Korriban). And As I stated, it is either a different name for the planet, or an error from TCW writers

That is certainly one possibility, but SWTOR is C-Canon, so TCW was under no obligation to respect it.


For all we actually know about the episode, Yoda may go to "Moriband", saying the line "Go to the birthplace of the Sith, I must. Where enslaved the once-peaceful Sith were by a fallen Jedi two thousand years ago." and discover a Sith still alive there... and we'll see that a "Sith" is a 12-foot tall, blue-skinned, 4-armed alien or something else crazy like that.


If a writer said "I've got an idea for an interesting story" and the producers liked it, as long as it didn't contradict G-Canon, it could make its way into the episode, regardless of the implications for any part of the EU (which includes SWTOR).


For every time that TCW respected/included EU lore (e.g. including the Nightsisters of Dathomir from The Courtship of Princess Leia or including Asajj Ventress from the Republic comics) they've also been completely willing to overwrite it to tell a story they felt worth telling (e.g. having Ventress be a Nightsister... and half-Zabrak).

Edited by DarthDymond
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That is certainly one possibility, but SWTOR is C-Canon, so TCW was under no obligation to respect it.


Korriban has been established way before SWTOR (1994), and used in dozens of different media (including a book based on TCW series) since, so unless it was meant as a huge slap in the face to everybody, given the fact that the known concept art looks exactly like Korriban, I will stick to it being an alternate name or an error.

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I'd like to propose to trade the entirety of post RotJ EU for having Grand Admiral Thrawn in the sequels as main antagonist. As a Chiss. This is the one they've been casting early - if you've followed the rumors, several names have popped up that all are possible would-be Thrawns: Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Benedict Cumberbatch, Micheal Fassbender, Hugo Weaving.


It'd be horribly stoopid not to include Thrawn.

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'Retcon' only applies to canon content. The EU was never canon.


Um. Get over it. The EU was never movie canon and never will be. They'll take the best ideas from the EU and create movie characters based on them.


I don't know why this surprises anyone. Lucas always said ( and he's kind of a jack &$@ but still) that the movie canon is the only "real" canon that exists.


People really need to do their research.

Extended Universe IS canon and has been canon for a long time.


This guy says so.


Leland Chee is responsible for maintaining the vast repository of LucasFilm/LucasArts canon and has established a set of canon "tiers" that work from the top down, in order of priority:


G-Canon: Directly from the mouth or pen of George Lucas (this will also apply to future movies)

T-Canon: Officially licensed television programs*

C-Canon: Officially licensed extended universe items (games, books, comics, etc)

*Note: One example of a TV program not considered T-Canon is the Star Wars Holiday Special.


G-Canon can retcon T-Canon and C-Canon.

T-Canon can retcon C-Canon.

C-Canon can retcon other C-Canon, but only in specific circumstances.


Regardless, it is ALL considered canonical and keeping this straight is Leland Chee's entire job at LucasFilm. It also makes it easier for people like myself who belong to clubs like Rebel Legion or the 501st Legion, where maintaining canonical standards is necessary.


Lucas' statements in Starlog were commented on in a December 7, 2005 post on the starwars.com forums by Leland Chee, who maintains Lucas Licensing's continuity database:


CHEE: "[George Lucas] is certainly not bound by the EU, though he's certainly open to using things created in it (Aayla Secura and the Coruscant name, for example). On the other hand, the quote you provide makes it sound like the EU is separate from George's vision of the Star Wars universe. It is not. The EU must follow certain tenets set by George through the films and other guidelines that he provides outside of the films."

Edited by Captiosus
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I don't see what the big deal is. There are no Post-ROTJ characters, at least not yet. That's because the movies haven't been made yet. And that is because the movies and the TV shows are the only "real" canon that there is. Period.


The only canon I acknowledge comes from the screen in front of me. This isn't Harry Potter.

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People really need to do their research.

Extended Universe IS canon and has been canon for a long time.


This guy says so.


Leland Chee is responsible for maintaining the vast repository of LucasFilm/LucasArts canon and has established a set of canon "tiers" that work from the top down, in order of priority:


G-Canon: Directly from the mouth or pen of George Lucas (this will also apply to future movies)

T-Canon: Officially licensed television programs*

C-Canon: Officially licensed extended universe items (games, books, comics, etc)

*Note: One example of a TV program not considered T-Canon is the Star Wars Holiday Special.


G-Canon can retcon T-Canon and C-Canon.

T-Canon can retcon C-Canon.

C-Canon can retcon other C-Canon, but only in specific circumstances.


Regardless, it is ALL considered canonical and keeping this straight is Leland Chee's entire job at LucasFilm. It also makes it easier for people like myself who belong to clubs like Rebel Legion or the 501st Legion, where maintaining canonical standards is necessary.


You don't even understand what you wrote. What you just posted shows that movie canon can and will do whatever it wants to any other "canon" in the universe.


You can call it canon, but you know what that means? Nothing. Movie canon will always be THE canon because people watch the movies that don't read the books. The EU can be some great stuff but the EU characters and plot lines have no official bearing on the movies. They MIGHT use it but they don't have to.


Yes, they licensed people to write separate stories to fit around the movies but they are under zero obligation to follow any of that, ever.

Edited by Arkerus
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Each time I see these topics I'm kinda glad I never got into the EU.

I can imagine it sucks for a lot of people to see Disney basically going "You paid for glorified fanfiction, sorry." - while they happily gave their seal of approval to any writer that came knocking if they smelled a paycheck.

Well, technically it was Lucas Arts that did all that - can't really blame Disney for the whole "seal of approval" part since it wasn't them back then.

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