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Old to Game, New to Server ... Looking for RP Guild


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I'm an experienced SWTOR player and role-player who took about a six month break from the game. I recently returned and decided to try a RP server and started over here. I'm looking for a RP home for my new grizzled, gruff Jedi Sage. Perhaps I've just missed it, but I can't find a list of BC RP Guilds on the Forums. I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer.



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Try to check out begerencolony.org, as these forums are mostly where the PvPers and the PvErs socialize and roam about.


Also, the guilds section here has some guilds that have ventured out of game to recruit, although your best bet would probably be BC.org or searching the Who tab for guild names and then sending a whisper to someone if you find a guild name that seems promising.


Good luck, enjoy the server!

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All I can say is, good look finding real RP on the server. As of recently, Imp side fleet chat has gotten especially bad and it certainly doesnt foster a good RP environment.


All the negativity aside... Best of luck! Welcome to the server.

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