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The BattleZone Winner's Bracket Match 2: Darth Plagueis vs. Darth Malgus


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Welcome to The BattleZone! The previous match in the Winner's Bracket saw Shaak Ti defeat Asajj Ventress in a difficult and close match. This match will see two incredibly powerful Sith Lords battle for supremacy!




Character Bios:


Darth Plagueis:


The product of eugenics, Darth Plagueis rose to the rank of Dark Lord of the Sith after a mining accident on Baldemnic resulted in his master, Darth Tenebrous, being killed. Plagueis quickly went about the work of making the Sith Grand Plan a reality, manipulating events on a galactic scale to achieve his ends. His manipulations eventually took him to Naboo, where he encountered a young Palpatine strong in the Force. Plagueis took the boy under his wing and dubbed him Darth Sidious.


Together the two Sith Lords continued moving pieces into position to bring about the revenge of the Sith. Unfortunately the enemies that the two Sith had slighted arranged for the two to be eliminated. An assassination attempt nearly cost Plagueis his life, forcing him to wear a breathing device to stay alive.


Darth Plagueis then became a recluse to focus on his primary goal: immortality. To this end, Plagueis began a long trial and error process of manipulating midi-chlorians to extinguish or even create life. His experiments eventually succeeded, and he was able to manipulate his own body to heal himself of most of the damage that he had sustained and even restore his youth.


After this, Plagueis returned to the galactic stage to ensure that Darth Sidious, under the guise of Palpatine, would be elected to Chancellorship. When victory was ensured, Sidious killed Plagueis and took the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. Plagueis’ student eventually fulfilled Darth Bane’s directive, eliminating the Jedi Order and taking over the galaxy.


Darth Malgus:


Darth Malgus rose to prominence as one of the true Sith Empire’s mightiest warriors. When the Sith Empire attacked the Republic, Malgus was one of its most esteemed military commanders, displaying tactical ingenuity and dominating the battlefield.


Malgus’ crowning achievement as a member of the Sith Empire was the Sacking of Coruscant. Malgus personally stormed the Jedi Temple and cut down several Jedi alongside many Sith Warriors. When the Sith Emperor bargained for peace, Malgus was utterly shocked. His belief in the cleansing of the Republic quickly expanded to a cleansing of the Sith Empire as well.


Malgus betrayed the Sith Empire after the war with the Republic resumed. He had gathered an army of aliens, like-minded Sith, and many scientific geniuses to aid his cause. But his revolution ended as quickly as it began, and Malgus was slain above Ilum.


Lightsaber Skill:


Darth Plagueis:


Darth Plagueis disdained lightsaber combat, yet he maintained his skills with the blade. His master Tenebrous declared him to be a master of lightsaber combat, but Plagueis has only been in one serious lightsaber duel, thus his skills are difficult to determine. His only duel was against Darth Venamis, a secret apprentice of Tenebrous. Venamis was trained to know Plagueis’ lightsaber style in and out, yet despite this Plagueis was able to achieve victory, but this is mainly due to his Force abilities.


Though he disdained lightsaber combat, and close-quarters combat in general, he has often resorted to melee combat, even destroying a small army of hundreds with his lightsaber.


Darth Malgus:


Darth Malgus was a practitioner of Shien, an offensive lightsaber form that took advantage of Malgus' physical strength. His offense was very strong, and his defense was just as great, both fueled by his rage. He also implemented acrobatic attacks into his offensive, but these acrobatics were minimalistic, designed to increase the momentum of his blows.


During the assault on Korriban, Darth Malgus also showed a proficiency in Jar'Kai dual-wielding; using his lightsaber and his master's to cut down Kao Cen Darach in a brutal overwhelming offensive.


Edge: Darth Plagueis’ skill is difficult to judge in relation to Malgus’, however Malgus has shown superior skill in lightsaber combat, but this could be attributed mainly to the lack of duelists that Plagueis would face under the circumstances. At any rate, Malgus gets the edge.




Darth Plagueis: (As requested, I decided to remove Plagueis’ transpirator from the equation.)


Darth Plagueis has experienced some degradation from the dark side’s effects on his body, but his experiments on the midi-chlorians of his body were successful and he was able to reverse the effects of aging and much of the damage that the Maladians did to him.


Using the Force to enhance his strength, Darth Plagueis has proven himself capable of driving his bare hands through armored torsos. He can also use Sith medical techniques to minimize the damage that his body suffers. When he is injured he simply uses the Force to block out the pain and manipulate his body to minimize the effects of the damage.


Darth Malgus:


Darth Malgus is a human male approaching his sixties. However, age has had no impact on his abilities. He remains very strong and tough. His durability is immense. During the Battle of Alderaan, Satele Shan used the Force to crush him under rubble. Before receiving medical attention he went out and killed two Jedi, one of whom had crushed him under more rubble.


His strength is beyond impressive, showing the ability to crush his enemies with his bare hands.


Edge: They appear fairly even here. They have shown incredible strength and durability. Where Malgus takes the pain and keeps going Plagueis minimizes it. If it came down to a fist-fight, it is unlikely that either of them could withstand the strength that the other can bring to the table, but Malgus gets the edge simply because he can deal with pain faster than Plagueis can.




Darth Plagueis:


Darth Plagueis was an incredibly wise Sith Lord. His mental abilities are a product of him being a Muun, a species known for being incredibly smart. Throughout his life Plagueis spent much of his time dedicated to manipulation on a galactic scale, and then manipulation of midichlorians- an even larger scale. Though he has not shown tactical ability in combat, as a Muun, he is naturally far smarter than most, thus he can plan and think much faster than a normal human.


Darth Malgus:


Darth Malgus was an excellent tactician in his own right, but this trait didn't necessarily impact his in combat tactics. While Malgus had a great sense of his surroundings, he often displayed a tunnel vision when engaged in one-on-one combat. He was often completely and utterly focused on his target, which served as an advantage and a disadvantage. His complete focus allowed him to react to his enemy's movements, but it could leave him partially unaware of his surroundings.


Edge: Darth Malgus is an excellent tactician in his own right, but he has displayed a sort of tunnel vision in single combat, a trait that makes him vulnerable to someone with a broad tactical mind. Unfortunately for Plagueis, he has not shown a great deal of tactical ingenuity in combat, but there is the possibility for it. Regardless, as it stands, Malgus gets a slight edge.


Force abilities:


Darth Plagueis:


Darth Plagueis’ life came at the end of the Rule of Two, an order of Sith with the imperative of becoming stronger with each new apprentice, eventually culminating in the most powerful Sith Lord of all time, Darth Sidious. Thus, Plagueis was incredibly powerful, an undisputed master of the Dark Side. His strength in the dark side was such that his mere presence affected the weather on Naboo.


Darth Plagueis had mastered telekinesis to its highest levels. Even when on the brink of death, he could project incredibly powerful Force Waves capable of nearly annihilating opponents, and hurl several objects with a clap of his hands to bombard his foes. He could also use the Force to create ground quakes with ease, and use Force choke.


He had a natural affinity for telepathy, using it as a child to convince one of his playmates to commit suicide. He could also project Force Illusions and Phantoms capable of tricking Force users. He was also capable of concealing his darkness in the Force, allowing himself to commune with Jedi in public spaces, and even operate on Coruscant without the Jedi detecting him.


Darth Plagueis was capable of projecting powerful Force screams to deafen opponents, and use powerful Force Barriers to deflect physical attacks. He could even simulate an out-of-body experience, pulling his consciousness out of his body to work his mortal vessel like a marionette. This gave him a greater awareness of a battle, and allowed him to manipulate his body like a puppeteer.


His ability to physically augment his body was profound. He could enhance his strength to the point that he could drive fists through armored torsos. He could manipulate his body using Sith healing techniques to block out pain while his body healed and even manipulate his body to minimize damage. He could move so quickly that the droid 11-4D, a droid that could dodge blaster bolts by calculating their trajectory, had to readjust its photoreceptors to see Plagueis.


Darth Plagueis was also a master of tutaminis, using it to absorb blaster bolts and then channel the energy into Force lightning. His Force lightning was very powerful, capable of utterly destroying organic targets.


His most notable and infamous ability was the ability to manipulate midi-chlorians. He could use the Force to manipulate the midi-chlorians to create life, and rejuvenate himself. He could even cause the midi-chlorians to return to their source, essentially willing a subject to die.


Darth Malgus:


After the Sacking of Coruscant, Darth Malgus achieved a state of Oneness with the dark side of the Force. In this state, Malgus felt unstoppable. His power in the Dark Side was great, and he had unlocked many abilities through it.


Darth Malgus was capable of producing powerful Force lightning that could rip through the defenses of other Force users and kill them. He was powerful enough in this ability to summon Force Maelstrom's, a deadly combination of protection bubble, telekinesis, and Force lightning.


Darth Malgus could use the standard telekinetic abilities of the dark side such as Force grip and Force crush. He was also capable of lifting and hurling large objects with the Force. His abilities with telekinesis were such that he could perform small Force Waves with only a small gesture.


In addition to these advanced abilities, Darth Malgus could also perform the rudimentary abilities in the Force. He was capable of increasing his physical capabilities to move at increased speeds, leap great distances, and boost his physical strength. Darth Malgus also fed his power in the Dark Side by focusing on his emotions, particularly anger and hatred for others.


Edge: Overall, Plagueis has displayed superior combative abilities. Even though his greatest displays of power are against non-Force users, they are still indicative of immense power, especially since most of these displays are when he was near death. Malgus, while capable of the Force Maelstrom, has not shown himself capable of such devastation in combat. All in all, Plagueis has displayed superior telekinetic ability and Malgus has shown superior mastery of Force lightning. An edge is difficult to determine, but if an edge had to be given, it would go to Plagueis as his combative telekinetic abilities are superior to Malgus’, and Force Maelstrom may not even come into play.



Thoughts: I find Malgus’ Force Maelstrom to be very difficult to judge. As far as I’m aware, he has only done this once, and the exact circumstances are unknown. I did consider it, of course.


It's a classic match of brains vs. brawn! Who will win? Who is truly superior?

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Darth Plagueis rose to the rank of Dark Lord of the Sith after a mining accident on Baldemnic resulted in his master, Darth Tenebrous, being killed.


Just thought I'd point, out, it wasn't an accident, and Plagueis killed his master himself.... Just using a boulder :p


As for the match, close call wow, but I'd go with Plageuis, compilation of Arguments has begun!

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Just thought I'd point, out, it wasn't an accident, and Plagueis killed his master himself.... Just using a boulder :p


As for the match, close call wow, but I'd go with Plageuis, compilation of Arguments has begun!


IIRC, it did start out as an accident.

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Hypothetically could Plagueis just starting killing off Malgus' midiclorians at the start of the engagement or would a standard Force Barrier block this?


It's take some solid concentration, burying him or something is the only way I see his happening. Unless he can do it mid battle, which would be impressive to say the least.

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Hypothetically could Plagueis just starting killing off Malgus' midiclorians at the start of the engagement or would a standard Force Barrier block this?

It seems to involve both solid concentration and physical contact. So unlikely. Edited by Beniboybling
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It's take some solid concentration, burying him or something is the only way I see his happening. Unless he can do it mid battle, which would be impressive to say the least.

It seems to involve both solid concentration and physical contact. So unlikely.


Thanks. I remember with the Naboo Royal they were just conversing across the room while he was killing that guy's midichlorians but obviously doing it mid-battle his concentration can't be as centered as it is just sitting and talking. Also I don't recall physical contact but it's a minor detail and I could be wrong.


My question is more hypothetical/theoretical and not necessarily just Plagueis. In the "Book of Sith" Plagueis states that when Jedi of Old would server others' Force Connection they were killing off their opponents' midichlorians without realizing it. Among the many threads/posts on Caedus' power it was stated that he could Server and Reconnect people's Force Connection at will implying to me that this would make him also a master of midichlorian manipulation. Is there a way for Plagueis', Caedus', or other people with this ability's opponents to defend themselves from this or are they just out of luck? Keep in mind that I haven't read any Post-ROTJ material yet so my info on Caedus is limited and possibly incorrect.


When N. Sunrider severeded Ulic it was a kind of surprise attack as he was morning his brother when it happened and when Plagueis does it to Venamis and the Naboo Royal (Verdun I think) the foremer is drugged and the latter is not Force Sensitive. Getting back to my question, is possible for a prepared Force combatant to defended him/herself from this?

Edited by sell-dog
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Thanks. I remember with the Naboo Royal they were just conversing across the room while he was killing that guy's midichlorians but obviously doing it mid-battle his concentration can't be as centered as it is just sitting and talking. Also I don't recall physical contact but it's a minor detail and I could be wrong.


My question is more hypothetical/theoretical and not necessarily just Plagueis. In the "Book of Sith" Plagueis states that when Jedi of Old would server others' Force Connection they were killing off their opponents' midichlorians without realizing it. Among the many threads/posts on Caedus' power it was stated that he could Server and Reconnect people's Force Connection at will implying to me that this would make him also a master of midichlorian manipulation. Is there a way for Plagueis', Caedus', or other people with this ability's opponents to defend themselves from this or are they just out of luck? Keep in mind that I haven't read any Post-ROTJ material yet so my info on Caedus is limited and possibly incorrect.


When N. Sunrider served Ulic it was a kind of surprise attack as he was morning his brother when it happened and when Plagueis does it to Venamis and the Naboo Royal (Verdun I think) the foremer is drugged and the latter is not Force Sensitive. Getting back to my question, is possible for a prepared Force combatant to defended him/herself from this?

Oh is that so? Interesting. Sever Force can be defended against however, so I assume this could as well.
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Thanks. I remember with the Naboo Royal they were just conversing across the room while he was killing that guy's midichlorians but obviously doing it mid-battle his concentration can't be as centered as it is just sitting and talking. Also I don't recall physical contact but it's a minor detail and I could be wrong.


My question is more hypothetical/theoretical and not necessarily just Plagueis. In the "Book of Sith" Plagueis states that when Jedi of Old would server others' Force Connection they were killing off their opponents' midichlorians without realizing it. Among the many threads/posts on Caedus' power it was stated that he could Server and Reconnect people's Force Connection at will implying to me that this would make him also a master of midichlorian manipulation. Is there a way for Plagueis', Caedus', or other people with this ability's opponents to defend themselves from this or are they just out of luck? Keep in mind that I haven't read any Post-ROTJ material yet so my info on Caedus is limited and possibly incorrect.


When N. Sunrider severeded Ulic it was a kind of surprise attack as he was morning his brother when it happened and when Plagueis does it to Venamis and the Naboo Royal (Verdun I think) the foremer is drugged and the latter is not Force Sensitive. Getting back to my question, is possible for a prepared Force combatant to defended him/herself from this?


Defendable by force prowess, yes.


Surik had to bring down Traya quite a lot, before managing to sever her from the force. Not sure if this is her defense against force Sever or not, but Traya managed to call on the force after severed, which was surprising.

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I it came down to H2H ability I would give Plagueis the edge over Malgus there. They have similar strength, but couple this with his speed and so forth he could take it.


Plagueis has moved in blurs and able to move fast enough to block/avoid blaster shots from 200 battle droids, moving fast enough to evade hundreds of Kursid warriors without being hit by any of them, etc and so on.


Unless Malgus has shown some speed feats that would put him near Plagueis, I don't see him being able to fend him off or have much chance at hitting him.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I it came down to H2H ability I would give Plagueis the edge over Malgus there. They have similar strength, but couple this with his speed and so forth he could take it.


Plagueis has moved in blurs and able to move fast enough to block/avoid blaster shots from 200 battle droids, moving fast enough to evade hundreds of Kursid warriors without being hit by any of them, etc and so on.


Unless Malgus has shown some speed feats that would put him near Plagueis, I don't see him being able to fend him off or have much chance at hitting him.

I concur, Plagueis will move too fast for Malgus. Which will allow him to easily overcome his defenses.


That or he could just TK him to pieces.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Defendable by force prowess, yes.


Surik had to bring down Traya quite a lot, before managing to sever her from the force. Not sure if this is her defense against force Sever or not, but Traya managed to call on the force after severed, which was surprising.


Awesome and interesting, Thanks!

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