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Just Give Us A 3.0 RvR Planet & Be Done With It!


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Troll much? Also, if you're soooo big on having OWPvP why don't you head back to your original PvP server and get off of my PvE server! K THX!


Misuse of the term troll much? lawls.


Your feelings must of been wounded by my shots one to many times haha.


But hey, I will bite. Po5 & SWTOR doesnt have any OWPvP...unless you count 55 stealthies ganking lowbees. Harbinger offers competitive pvp for pubs and I still havent pve'd on it since I transferred...unless u count the odd piece of eye candy. Happy now bro?:)

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On top of that the OWPvP could have an 'event' or one of those 'story'/'explanation' things that I spam spacebar through faster than the kessel run anyway.


This story could make it not only faction neutral but also introduce a third faction. Some kind of auto-balance hoo ha ensures that not everyone enlists for X faction.


Then alluva sudden Imps & Pubs are fighting side by side for a shared objective against two other groups of opponents.


Rift almost got it right. They forgot the anti-zerg carrots in Conquest, or I would still be sub'd.


I prefer a pvp planet that offers an actual war going on. But I could live with pvp events that brings it also. Or your idea....maybe put the alignment bars in good use for a change. Dark, Light & Neut....there we have 3 factions now! And maybe call Neut 'Cartels':p


Whatever it is...again, I want an actual WAR to happen in the Open:)

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Can you name an "old skool" MMO with two faction RvR that worked? Because I can't think of a single one. And I have been playing MMO's since the last 90's.


Ie. AO & SWG. And yes I endgamed each both for a couple years back in the day. Reason they worked because it wasn't all about running out to pvp...it was about player's vested interest (boss rights, bases & personal towers), choice and controls. Not like the new gens such as Warhammer & Rift, where it's to easy to snuggle up to a zerg and be looked after without anything to lose....and most important as in Warhammer, shows that ugly zerg head of pop imbalance. The old skool models promoted everyone's 'A' game in some way. But I can't see BW even trying this...most planets are to linear imo. Why a planet or pvp events would be a better idea. Attach dailies that involves multiple choices and objectives...and that will solve most of the engine, zerg and pop imbalance concerns. And a planet will get rid of the pver's on the most part to relieve engine stress. It's not that hard to imagine...trust me. It's all in the carrots....and lots of them:)



Edited by Josewales
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Not gonna happen. They won't put the resources into pvp. And they probably shouldn't. This game was designed as a pve game, that's where the revenue is.


Go have a peek at the pvp kiosks. There are a lot of sub money hanging around there waiting for ques and not playing the actual game. That's a good chunk of cash to take for granted...or no?


Pve'rs cant have it all...sorry.

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Ie. AO & SWG. And yes I endgamed each both for a couple years back in the day. Reason they worked because it wasn't all about running out to pvp...it was about player's vested interest (boss rights, bases & personal towers), choice and controls. Not like the new gens such as Warhammer & Rift, where it's to easy to snuggle up to a zerg and be looked after without anything to lose....and most important as in Warhammer, shows that ugly zerg head of pop imbalance. The old skool models promoted everyone's 'A' game in some way. But I can't see BW even trying this...most planets are to linear imo. Why a planet or pvp events would be a better idea. Attach dailies that involves multiple choices and objectives...and that will solve most of the engine, zerg and pop imbalance concerns. And a planet will get rid of the pver's on the most part to relieve engine stress. It's not that hard to imagine...trust me. It's all in the carrots....and lots of them:)




A reasonable answer. GW2 attempted to do this and to an extent succeeded, but the way they implemented the quests and rewards, as well as having the server matchups still encouraged zerging. A system where rewards were maximized for a side by spreading out more might work, especially if numbers for each faction were capped for the instance.


And whoever said this is a PvE game only is full of it. At launch the end game PvE was no more or less well designed or optimized than the PvP aspect. BW has just found new PvE content that works easier to crank out than PvP content is.

Edited by Vodrin
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With a community like the one in this game, no matter what Bioware could think up and implement it would be exploited in some way. It's been like that since launch, every single system that's made it into live has been picked apart and exploited for max gains, even kill and win trading.


I wouldn't bother if I was them, the players of TOR as a collective have next to zero competitive bones in thier body and will do anything for an advantage or faster rewards. Trading pylons, win trading in ranked, que syncing, farming boxes in ilum like Mario cart, kill trading with AoE on naked players for valor gains etc it's all been done not to mention gear, relics, bolster, phase walk, acid avoidance etc etc.


Sure, the devs leave themselves open here with some of it but it's not like any of this was accidental. I played Ilum on 2 servers at launch and kill trading and pylon trading was rampant for quest completion.


RvR is overrated. It will still end in zerg gameplay like the rest of the RvR games did and still do. Clumping up, aoeing or trading grapples to monster Indaviduals. Melee will be bored of being exploded and ranged will just kick back behind thier base and dps stuff whilst healers fluff AoE heal.


As a positive, I could get behind an instanced (only way it should be) warzone that's around 16v16 or even 24v24 at a stretch. Map would need to be relative large with multiple spawn points like GSF has with static objectives and also dynamic moving objectives aswell (5 nodes maybe, like Novare Coast but with a CTF mechanic or a mechanic where something has to be guarded whilst it moves across the map, multiple moving targets to be protected actually would be best). It should also be starts Le with less players and full up in groups of 4 like GSF currently does so that at least matches pop.


Outside of something like that, it's kind of futile without cross server.


Ilum FPS was terrible because of the messaging system, not the amount of players. I think a lot of people have forgotten that. Devs said the announcements was what was ruining FPS which is why OWPvP on Oricon isn't anywhere near as laggy even with lots of players.

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Were you around in the early days of the game? Did you see how the game handled 3 to 4 ops groups going up against 3 to 4 ops groups on Ilum? Have you ever used powerpoint? Yeah, it was like that. To the comment above, this is simply not true. Have a large fight in the den with no ops announcements. It's still laggy. Edited by Devilk
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Were you around in the early days of the game? Did you see how the game handled 3 to 4 ops groups going up against 3 to 4 ops groups on Ilum? Have you ever used powerpoint? Yeah, it was like that. To the comment above, this is simply not true. Have a large fight in the den with no ops announcements. It's still laggy.


Yes I was around, that's exactly what I said. And yes I know it's still laggy with massive battles and you can crash a server. What I was saying is that Ilum at release was far worse then what large scale PvP is right now if it occurs and a lot of that was due to the announcements that were there at Ilum as per a very old dev post that I CBA finding.

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