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Very glad I don't play Eve Online right now


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Meh, they put "Remember Fray" on Ilum, but it was game wide and didn't really make sense for my server since we had a decent Pub-Imp balance.


Regarding this recent EvE thing, it looks like the total damages are actually $400,000 not $330,000 thousand. So that's one AMAZING battle.


And the monument reminds me of Asheron's Call "Harry."


Oh, God. I wish I had been there for that.

It was quite the mash up. Wish you could have been there, too. As for the totals, I'm going with what the Devs posted of $300,000 to $330,000, as they have a better idea what PLEX was going for. My estimate was @ $350,000 to $400,000 just from watching what was going on. In any event, it was truly EPIC.

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The headline isn't exactly accurate.


In short, someone forgot to pay the rent on their space station. This led to people being able to invade them, or something like that. I don't play EvE, so I don't know exactly how this works.


Anyways, a couple of alliances teamed up and attacked. The owner of the space station pulled their own fleet in to defend, and it turned into a battle that involved over 4000 players, and saw enough ships destroyed that the total cost of the war was around $200,000.


The biggest previous large scale encounter wrecked a total of 12 Titan class ships. This one destroyed 75, plus hundreds of smaller craft. One Titan alone was worth $5,500.


The costs are based on the exchange rate between $ and PLEX, which is the EvE in game currency and can also be used to pay for a monthly subscription (which is why we can work out an exchange rate).


Wow, this makes me willing to test out EvE. Sounds amazing.

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Not sure if it's been said, but its one of the most made assumption and incorrect statement made about EVE.


(NOTE i do not play it, but i know alot about the game mechanics.)


People do not actually lose real-world money.


They only estimated $300k lost because of the way in-game time is an item you can get in the game, and also its available outside the game. therefore they can work an exchange rate.




Alot of people get "turned off" when they hear people lose ships worth $300, but in reality, you don't lose any money at all.




Just felt like i should clarify.

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Does anyone have videos to share? I would like to watch.


You can see a good vid here by Scott Manley,

. He's a Brit who is probably THE biggest cheerleader for EVE, but also honest about what you will get into when you get there. It is quite dated, but the principles remain (except PLEX is running @ 620 million isk). All he says was true then and now.



aka "Titanomachy" was the fight most recently spoke of. The vid is from a participant or possibly group of them as it is edited and sped up since the battle took 21 hrs. The game is all about what YOU want to do. There are NPCs that offer missions to undertake, but they are all just meant to keep the wheels of the game moving. The REAL game begins when you join a corporation. Some will grow, some will stagnate, and some will implode with small but spectacular battles. You may want to start your own corporation, you may want to go pirate and join a gang, you may just want to be an industrialist (you gotta REALLY love number crunching for that), you probably will go through all and never really decide (kind of like life).


But then there are the days you just happen to be at the right place at the right time and you get to see mayhem on an epic level. The one thing that got me over the hump of dying: I remembered I'm immortal. Well not me, but my character. Losing a clone is no more disruptive than losing a ship. Sure it's a bit of a drag, but then again, when was the last time you felt your blood pulse in your temples and your heart feel like it will jump out of your chest? Rollercoasters are the first thing I always think of. This is a rollercoaster that you make.


Click on my link and send me a pm to my account here with your email address (the one that you will be using for the game) and I'll send you a 21 day trial, rather than doing the 14 they offer. One more week to decide if you REALLY like it, or like some, just not your cup of tea.

Edited by Thylbanus
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