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Idling out in Que


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As so many players have given up on GSF and stopped queuing to the imbalance between the imperials and republics I am finding that I can que for a match and look at my ship components and crew and pre-plan how I am going to upgrade and in the process forget to make my character jump every now and then and out of no where I get AFK-disconnected even though I was busy moving my mouse and opening tabs looking at my ship. Can it be changed to not kick people off line that are waiting in a GSF Que please? Or maybe just fix the gross imbalance that has imps refusing to play so that we can launch more often and avoid getting bumped off line for being AFK?:rak_02:
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Ok to sum up your rambling...


1. Please don't auto-kick me (for "inactivity") while I am clicking things in the hangar screen.

2. Fix the imbalance issue between Pubs and Imps...


1. Agree! Also feel that way about GTN surfing....

2. WHAT IMBALANCE ISSUES? (ok I over-reacted a little, but beyond differences in crew skills, there are no imbalance issues!)

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Ok to sum up your rambling...


1. Please don't auto-kick me (for "inactivity") while I am clicking things in the hangar screen.

2. Fix the imbalance issue between Pubs and Imps...


1. Agree! Also feel that way about GTN surfing....

2. WHAT IMBALANCE ISSUES? (ok I over-reacted a little, but beyond differences in crew skills, there are no imbalance issues!)


Thank you for reformatting my "ramblings". I don't mind as you did a fair job of it. As far as the imbalance it is not in the ships, equipment, or crew it is in the team stacking that has resulted in 90% or so stomping by pubs. That is why most imps don't do GSF anymore. That is what will kill GSF. That is why que times are long.


They could...


(1) Separate teams into skill brackets forcing an even match.


(2) Give much more requisition to which ever team is the under dog and less to the over dog I guess you would call it based on level of challenge so that the drastically newer imp players would catch up quickly and balance things.


(3) They could remove same faction "war game" matches so that some of those players that switched from the empire to the republic so they could win would have to come back or wait in the same long que's that they caused the imps by switching sides in mass.


(4) (insert your better idea here) as you seem the type that always has one and honestly the more the merrier because some one will hit the nail on the head and name a perfect fix and the dev's will implement it immediately. I am pretty sure it won't be me.


If they are not going to fix the problem it would be nice to at least address the symptom which is afking out in long que's.

Edited by HoloGrinder
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Thank you for reformatting my "ramblings". I don't mind as you did a fair job of it. As far as the imbalance it is not in the ships, equipment, or crew it is in the team stacking that has resulted in 90% or so stomping by pubs. That is why most imps don't do GSF anymore. That is what will kill GSF. That is why que times are long.

That doesn't explain why the pubs stomped the imps in early December... (I honestly thought that was an anomaly initially)

They could...


(1) Separate teams into skill brackets forcing an even match.

How would they go about this? Skill meaning Requisition earned per match average? Total requisition earned is not a fair comparison, as some people are more persistent than others.

(2) Give much more requisition to which ever team is the under dog and less to the over dog I guess you would call it based on level of challenge so that the drastically newer imp players would catch up quickly and balance things.

And how would they determine who is the underdog/favorite for a match? Gear only? I believe that player skill makes up more than 50% of a ship's effectiveness. Think of it this way, if I (who have played in over 600 matches) were flying a completely basic (not upgraded) ship faced off against a rookie who has not played once (but was given a totally mastered ship), who would win? (me) so skill trumps gear... now if skill is reasonably close, gear can be a difference maker. So who is the underdog? Win/loss ratio? Across legacy? I just don't see a fair way to manage this.

(3) They could remove same faction "war game" matches so that some of those players that switched from the empire to the republic so they could win would have to come back or wait in the same long que's that they caused the imps by switching sides in mass.

Sometimes that is the only time pub pilots get to fly, is when it is against their own kind. (I've probably been in 100 Pub vs Pub matches and like 3 Imp vs Imp)

(4) (insert your better idea here) as you seem the type that always has one and honestly the more the merrier because some one will hit the nail on the head and name a perfect fix and the dev's will implement it immediately. I am pretty sure it won't be me.


If they are not going to fix the problem it would be nice to at least address the symptom which is afking out in long que's.


Cross server queuing... that's what I'd like to see... Bigger player base to match up more geared vs more geared and less geared vs less geared.

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Cross server queing as stated by Bioware is something they wish to avoid.


I completely agree with this in regards to PVE queing, people are just free to be evil and get away with it(see: WoW)


However people are evil anyways in PvP it's sort of part of the game.


I would like to see cross server queing for ranked, I hope GSF gets ranked and I can get on a full squad.


Currently I've been seeing what my server calls Super Ques where one forms an 8 man group and both que at same time and decline matches until they both pop up at the same time. In a Super Que you have a 70-80% chance to be on the same team in the same match. and they are simply vicious deadly, often with all 8 traveling in one impossible to fight bulk group.


My response to Super ques as GSF makes it seamless to see the names of opposing players and I know who the strong premades are is to simply leave match and recommend everyone else do the same. It's a waste of my time and it's not at all fun. Sometimes I'll hang around and practice my evasion skills but only if I haven't finished my Daily.


My goal would be to see the super que premades shut out of the game. They are not cheating, but they are still hurting the game.


Don't get me wrong I love messing with a premade now and again, I have many tactics that prey on some inherent weaknesses that premades have when there are only 4 of them. If I lose to a premade 1000:~700 I'm still happy especially if I didn't die a lot and took them on a merry ol' chase that hopefully has them flipping out and remembering my name so one day I can tell them a Solo Que got to them.

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That doesn't explain why the pubs stomped the imps in early December... (I honestly thought that was an anomaly initially)


How would they go about this? Skill meaning Requisition earned per match average? Total requisition earned is not a fair comparison, as some people are more persistent than others.


And how would they determine who is the underdog/favorite for a match? Gear only? I believe that player skill makes up more than 50% of a ship's effectiveness. Think of it this way, if I (who have played in over 600 matches) were flying a completely basic (not upgraded) ship faced off against a rookie who has not played once (but was given a totally mastered ship), who would win? (me) so skill trumps gear... now if skill is reasonably close, gear can be a difference maker. So who is the underdog? Win/loss ratio? Across legacy? I just don't see a fair way to manage this.


Sometimes that is the only time pub pilots get to fly, is when it is against their own kind. (I've probably been in 100 Pub vs Pub matches and like 3 Imp vs Imp)



Cross server queuing... that's what I'd like to see... Bigger player base to match up more geared vs more geared and less geared vs less geared.


Total requisition earned by an account is not a totally accurate means of measuring skill but it would be close because it represents both gear level and GSF experience. Other flight/space sims don't translate as most have fixed reticles so GSF experience is unique to GSF. So a team requisition earned vs team requisition earned would be an accurate way to not only decide the under dog but also by much allowing them to adapt a requisition earning modifier based on the level of challenge to both teams. This would also work for grouping player que's by experience for matchmaking brackets.


As far as the multitude of republic vs republic "War game" matches it is caused by imps that got sick of losing switching sides so they could win more often. It is not only the biggest contributor to the imbalance but it is also glaring proof of the imbalance that no one can deny. Shut down the same faction "War game" matches and the pubs have to wait for an imp team... for a long while... every time... They will get sick of that and fly imp to balance it out and solve the problem.


I know the reason for protesting this is because of how fun it is to just get in there and rip imp noobs that have not yet figured out that they need to fly pub to shreds every game but common you know as well as i do that it would be more fun if we could actually keep the imperial faction involved.


Lastly just as a litmus test of sorts, I'd like to ask every one that reads this 2 questions and i'd like them to answer honestly.


(1) Which faction is wining on your server?


(2) By how much?


Even if some one spins a beautiful fairy tale here about how it's evenly matched and great fun for all they will know the truth and they will know they are liars and every one else will too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Lastly just as a litmus test of sorts, I'd like to ask every one that reads this 2 questions and i'd like them to answer honestly.


(1) Which faction is wining on your server?


(2) By how much?

1. Well I fly on 3 toons. I fly the dailies at least, sometimes more. As of this post I have 784 total matches played, though about 20 of those were "forfeits" which count as losses automatically. My Imp side toon has about a 45% win rate... which is damn near even. Both of my pub side toons are higher, one is ~70%, the other is 79% (checked as I am in queue at this moment). So are the pubs winning more? Yes, Do the Imps win enough to be considered fun? Yes, ask Shayd.


But since you're psychic...

Even if some one spins a beautiful fairy tale here about how it's evenly matched and great fun for all they will know the truth and they will know they are liars and every one else will too.


I play on both side. I have fun on both sides. But I guess according to you, I must be lying.


This is EXACTLY why I just put you on ignore...

Edited by Zharik
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Cross server queing as stated by Bioware is something they wish to avoid.


1- That's a cop out because it's expensive.

2- There ARE issues with cross server queuing, but almost all of these are pve based issues.

3- There are NO ISSUES with cross server GSF queueing. It's absurd to suggest that, and I'm sure the devs have not tried to.


My goal would be to see the super que premades shut out of the game.

"People who play more than me should be made to quit."

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"People who play more than me should be made to quit."


seriously, these people who don't think you should be able to group up and do content IN AN MMO should really get it together. And to those who suggest a group only que, lets face it, it would not pop as much, and to top it off, lets say I am trying out gsf for the first time and am with a friend. We group up to try it together, go into a group only que, wait forever, and even if there is not wait we are ROFL stomped by a real premade team, and as Bioware has stated lots of times, they won't interfere at all with the ability for players to que up for content together like that.

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