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Rakghoul Companion Customizations


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I just tried purchasing a couple of event customizations for my companions. As they are BtL, I presumed it wouldn't matter which characters I gathered the event currency with. I, however, had to realise, I seemingly can only buy customizations for the companions of my class.

I will try to get 4 Canisters on my Juggernaut before the event ends, but I'm a bit confused about why this is the case.

As I said, they are BtL, so I should be able to purchase them on any character.


Is it on purpose? If yes, what's the reasoning behind it?

Is it a bug or an oversight (I never tried to purchase companion customizations for companions that were not from my class but I can imagine it's not possible to do so)?

Or am I the only one with that problem and it should be possible to buy them?

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Other companion customizations are purchasable and traded to other characters.


Are you sure they are not just greyed out because you cannot use them? Try buying one. You can always refund it within 2 hours.

Edited by Bstr
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Other companion customizations are purchasable and traded to other characters.


Are you sure they are not just greyed out because you cannot use them? Try buying one. You can always refund it within 2 hours.


I could buy my first one corresponding to class. The words "customization" and "requires [companion name]" were red, but buying it worked.

Then I tried purchasing a customization that was for a different companion. The same words are marked as red, but when I click on it it says: The item is unavailable. ([Name of customization]).


It's just the act of purchasing, mailing the previous customization worked fine.

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It annoyed me quite a bit too, especially since my juggernaut is < level 55 and thus not getting canisters. No infected customization for douchebag Malavai this time either :(


Hm, my level 27-29 (leveled up with those dailies) Operative now has 10 canisters (two runs of daily quests and some more spreading the infection dailies), so she obviously got some canisters. I've seen the thread regarding this bug, but have you actually tried doing those quests with him? If yes, that sucks and I feel for you, if no, give it a try, maybe it will work.

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Hm, my level 27-29 (leveled up with those dailies) Operative now has 10 canisters (two runs of daily quests and some more spreading the infection dailies), so she obviously got some canisters. I've seen the thread regarding this bug, but have you actually tried doing those quests with him? If yes, that sucks and I feel for you, if no, give it a try, maybe it will work.

Yep. Missions work just fine but the canisters doesn't show in the rewards list in log or at completion. Have a grand total of 1 canister and that's from talking to Jeelvic.


To not derail your thread entirely though; it seems all the customizations from the previous event (named Infected X) cost 4 canisters and all the new ones (named Plagued X) cost 8. I imagine someone might chime in here and think of that as a bug/oversight too but I assume it's just to make things more pleasant for people who missed them the first time around or had really lousy luck then since which one you got was random.

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Yep. Missions work just fine but the canisters doesn't show in the rewards list in log or at completion. Have a grand total of 1 canister and that's from talking to Jeelvic.


To not derail your thread entirely though; it seems all the customizations from the previous event (named Infected X) cost 4 canisters and all the new ones (named Plagued X) cost 8. I imagine someone might chime in here and think of that as a bug/oversight too but I assume it's just to make things more pleasant for people who missed them the first time around or had really lousy luck then since which one you got was random.


I'm not sure I got your point :confused:

My issue is not with the prices, but with not being able to purchase customizations of other classes' companions.

(Personally, I hope it's a bug, because it doesn't make much sense to me).

So why would they make it that way to make it more pleasant for people?


(Forgive me if I got something wrong)

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I'm not sure I got your point :confused:

My issue is not with the prices, but with not being able to purchase customizations of other classes' companions.

(Personally, I hope it's a bug, because it doesn't make much sense to me).

So why would they make it that way to make it more pleasant for people?


(Forgive me if I got something wrong)

Oh no, I was on about something different there. People may consider the different pricing a bug and since this thread is about the rakghoul companion customizations having some sort of bug (not letting you buy them on characters that doesn't have the spesific companion) they might dump "bugged pricing" in this thread as well, if they also consider that a bug. I was just pre-emptively suggesting that the price difference is not a bug.


The original, cheaper, "Infected" customizations was a gamble to get in the first rakghoul event; you'd pay and get a random one. Thus the fact that they're cheaper this time around is possibly Bioware trying to make up for that just a bit.

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Oh no, I was on about something different there. People may consider the different pricing a bug and since this thread is about the rakghoul companion customizations having some sort of bug (not letting you buy them on characters that doesn't have the spesific companion) they might dump "bugged pricing" in this thread as well, if they also consider that a bug. I was just pre-emptively suggesting that the price difference is not a bug.


The original, cheaper, "Infected" customizations was a gamble to get in the first rakghoul event; you'd pay and get a random one. Thus the fact that they're cheaper this time around is possibly Bioware trying to make up for that just a bit.


Alright, thanks for clearing that up :)

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