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<The Sanctuary> PVP Registration *Assassin 101* - Instructor Faatt 1/28 @ 7pm 8pm EST


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<The Sanctuary> has opened registration for our first PVP class!


Class: Assassin 101

Instructor: Faatt Brownie

Date: Tuesday 1/28

Time: 8pm EST

Location: Ziost Training Dummy Area


If you plan on attending, you will be required to post the toon you plan on attending with here in this thread. You do NOT need to be an assassin to attend, however, you DO need to be on an Imp toon. We will have favors for those who attend - nothing crazy, just something small to help you on your way to better PVP.



**For those wondering (and I'm sure there are), this was going to be held at the Outlaw's Den, HOWEVER - we know the trolls come out at night, and we don't need that bullsh*t from anyone. These classes are a means to improve PVP on our server, not an open invitation for the elitist pvp guilds to pick on the weak. They do enough of that in WZs.

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confirmed peb is back, fingerprint evidence available elbow deep up klomas ***,


Well played sir... made me spit my coffee.



Thanks to everyone that attended. Special thanks to both Faatt and Peb who answered a lot of my questions and confirmed what I already knew... and that is that I'm horrible at playing my assassin.

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