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Validation email!


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So... I was back to SWTOR about 1 week and wanted to level up another character and I did a sage level 20.

Now I am supposed to "validate" my email in order to be able to play. I did that 4 times and guess what it doesn't work!

Thanks for making me cancel my subscription due to having a "mechanic" that prohibits me continuing to play... I don't understand why you still have in your team people that came up with such "mechanics" and release them untested. And to think that I was even subscribed.....

Edited by Rdica
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Man I tried 4 times and it is the same email as the one I created account with. It simply doesn't work. Good luck with getting them to fix such a "mechanic". Have no idea how such a thing is approved and released without testing and it is the best way to get rid of your customers by stopping them to play with unfriendly mechanics =/ . Edited by Rdica
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Man I am the administrator and belive me i checked every section of my email and if it were to be blocked then how would the play code be sent instantly since have my ip on a routing table. So I instantly receive that code but the validation email information never in 4 tries.... this is untested mechanic and there is no way to avoid this... and means I lost a half of month of gameplay because I cannot continue after level 20.... great going Bioware.
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Swap to another email address, see if validation works then swap the email address back to the original


changing email address sometimes triggers it correctly


I will try that but sincerely if you are offering something for sale and you know that there might be issues with something that is not necessarly related to the actual product you might want to warn your customers or post a workaround with sticky on the forums

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Sadly you method didn't work either. So here I am after i tried everything with more than 2 weeks payed for subscription unable to play after I even created a new email account and trying to use that.

So the game i paid for only works until level 20. Is there any way to recover from this since it is not my fault they didn't sent an email with validation?

I did try the specific links to my account too and they don't seem to work either.

But the mails with the code arrive instant if I try to login from another PC.... this is on their side for sure as I never had problems of that sort since the game launched.


This should not take more from a GM to fix... but it seems there is none to reply! It is sad because giving even my money back, or anything else won't make up for the loss of time. I lost 1 weekend day pffff.

Edited by Rdica
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What do you mean by this ? - I did try the specific links to my account too and they don't seem to work either.


I gather you submitted a in-game ticket ?


The only other thing I have ever seen was an issue was where an origin account existed that was linked to the swtor account, albeit the passwords always synched but the email addresses where now different and yep OTP went to one email and other emails went to the origin email, go figure.

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Yes I have submitted an in-game ticket but sincerely I doubt anyone would answer. Is like they take you money then they are done with you and don't care anymore.

I sincerely thought they changed but unfortunatelly I was wrong since I love the game but this is making me quit =/

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No idea what email validation you're talking about.


Did you create a thread in the Customer Service section? They are typically pretty quick on responding there.


You're no going to get a valid answer here because frankly no one gives a crap about your whiny OP.

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My friend had the same problem a few days ago, spent a few hours trying to solve it and failed and in the end he called support and it was solved within 10 minutes (if you do call support I suggest you call really early in the morning; 2-6 am). Edited by GuruVII
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Calling support means extra money =/. I could do that but why should I since is not my fault?! I pay and they provide and if I don't pay they will not provide. This is the common sense law so everyone should follow it.
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Calling support means extra money =/. I could do that but why should I since is not my fault?! I pay and they provide and if I don't pay they will not provide. This is the common sense law so everyone should follow it.


Psst, ever heard of Skype? Or other VOIP programs?

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You spent hours trying to solve this and it still hasn't been solved. If you had any common sense you would have called tech support immediately, spent 0.07€ for the 10 minute skype call and then went and solved a paid survey to recoup your HUGE monetary loses, instead you wasted hours and still haven't solved the problem. Edited by GuruVII
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