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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Yea... Because that's what Swtor needs. More storyline.... And more cutscenes..... And more voice acting..... That's what I was thinking the other day, a glorious day of pub stomping; "Hey! This could really use some dialogue"


-From Facetious


Well aren't you cheeky. :p But hey not all of us are pub stompers like you! And you know what? Maybe some chat bubbles would be great too, then you could have your dialogue with your stomped on buddies. :eek::D

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Species. Not race.


Cats because they were the most complete / closest to being ready for players. While this game doesn't have a lot of customization over looks, it does have some.


Not Voss because they really only have very few looks / customizations. It would take a lot more work to get them ready for players.


The big question that I haven't seen asked or answered is, will BioWare do another species? They said if the Cathar went over well, they'd do another one. They have been silent since the Cathar's release.


It's time for an answer, I think.

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The big question that I haven't seen asked or answered is, will BioWare do another species? They said if the Cathar went over well, they'd do another one. They have been silent since the Cathar's release.


It's time for an answer, I think.

I very much agree. Someone quoted a dev from one of them cantina events having said that they were happy with the Cathar sales but I have no idea how accurate that is and would really like a yellow post on it.

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It's fair to assume that following each truly MAJOR update, like RoTHC, a new species will most likely follow eventually, which is what happened with the Cathar.


Other than that, it's pretty clear by now that Bioware is in no rush, nor do I see a reason for them to be. Would be cool if new races actually translated into actual meaningful content, like conversation variations, which is something that could've probably been rectified by now, taking into account the race legacy unlocks and all.


That won't happen for sure either, since I can imagine the hassle it would be to either scrap entire content and rerecord with new actors or call the original ones. Plus, kinda doubt anyone would be able, on Bioware's side, to justify that investment in a way that would help retain or bring new players and / or subscribers.

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After coming back to the game after a year, I noticed a new race...cat people. Why?


Because they were the most popular. You seem to be incapable of reading that. Let me state it again: There were numerous polls when Bioware started developing a new race. The most common winner was Cathar. The second and third place species were a rough tie between Nautolan and Togruta. Since both of those have modeling, animation, and clipping issues, the choice seemed clear.


Your complaints, then, amount to basically saying: "They should ignore other people's opinions and just listen to mine." It's a rather immature argument.


The voss on the other hand.... Unique to the storyline, and would make sense for a split faction race.


Except it wouldn't make sense at all for a split faction race, as the Voss had no significant presence or integration into either faction. The Voss culture doesn't understand the idea of bounty hunting or smuggling. A Voss slave doesn't make sense (Inquisitors) nor does it make sense for them to be a Sith traditionalist (Warrior). A point is made that there are no Voss Jedi, and since the Republic military seems to come exclusively from Republic worlds, a Voss special forces member is a bit of a stretch. Even more of a stretch than imagining that Imperial Intelligence would hire one as a spy. It's hard to justify a Pureblood Sith Trooper, but at least that race fits into the stories somewhere. Voss don't fit anywhere, whereas Cathar fit quite well into any Republic role, and the Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter roles very well.


They were also noticeably taller than other species, which would cause problems for cutscenes and some quests, as well as a number of datacrons. They also have a distinctive speech pattern, which would not match the existing script. They also have a different voice sound, which is more than just an accent change. That, too, wouldn't match the existing voiceovers. Cathar, on the other hand, use the same model sizes and work fine with the existing script and voiceovers.


So... why Cathar? Because they were popular, they fit the technical requirements, and they fit into the lore. Those are three things we can't say about the Voss.

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A point is made that there are no Voss Jedi...


Actually that's not entirely true...



On Voss, I believe it's part of the Jedi storyline, that they encounter a Sith Lord (can't recall his name atm) who was training young Voss to be Sith, and after the Jedi defeats the Sith, they have the option of sending the young Voss to learn how to be Jedi...so there would be actually two Voss that I know of learning to be Jedi, because they don't quite conform to the Voss way.



But I agree completely with everything else you mentioned, and as I stated before, I have my own reasons for disliking the Voss.


I really would enjoy seeing the Gormak more actively, given the people on that planet. I rather enjoyed them, but that said, there are quite a few other species/races I'd rather see come up.


I also agree with DarthTHC that it's about due time for the powers that be, to tell us, if or when we're getting any new species/races soon, or ever again.

Edited by Lunafox
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Actually that's not entirely true...


It is at the start of both the Consular and Knight stories, when you pick your species.



So it would be a bit weird for you, as a Voss Jedi, to happily convince a pair of Voss Force-Sensitives to be the first Voss padawans the Council has seen, right?


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The worst thing was Bioware told us that if it sold well they would bring in more species.


So like many other folks I bought it without any intention of ever having a Cathar, months down the line there has been no movement on any new species. Bioware really showed us what their word meant more fool us I suppose for believing them in the first place.


Well and I did NOT buy the Cathar because I am paying a monthly subscribtion, and this should not be in the cash shop in first place.

So I will be really glad if they dont bring ANY other species in their cash shop ever.

And I hope it sold really really bad. :rolleyes:

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Still waiting for a playable Jawa race. Can't wait to make a Jawa Sniper.


I think this is never goin to happen. They are focusing solely on species that have human-like bodies.

Look at the cathar, if you put a helmet on the poor thing, you wont be able to tell what species he/she is.

Edited by Vodamin
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I think this is never goin to happen. They are focusing solely on species that have human-like bodies.

Look at the cathar, if you put a helmet on the poor thing, you wont be able to tell what species he/she is.


The human body restriction is for multiple purposes;

-showing emotion (we understand humanesque emotional body language, far harder to pick up on an insect or tentacle creature's emotions)

-relatability (the more human something is, the more people can form an attachment to it in regards to emotional stories)

-romance arcs (you wouldn't make out with a wookie, for example)

-clothing availability (would need all new armor designs for midget races or nonhumanoid ones)

- 2 hands (goes in hand with humanoid body type, but you won't be seeing any 4 armed playable races either as the natural thought would be why can't they hold 4 blasters?)


just to name a few

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The human body restriction is for multiple purposes;

-showing emotion (we understand humanesque emotional body language, far harder to pick up on an insect or tentacle creature's emotions)

-relatability (the more human something is, the more people can form an attachment to it in regards to emotional stories)

-romance arcs (you wouldn't make out with a wookie, for example)

-clothing availability (would need all new armor designs for midget races or nonhumanoid ones)

- 2 hands (goes in hand with humanoid body type, but you won't be seeing any 4 armed playable races either as the natural thought would be why can't they hold 4 blasters?)


just to name a few


I wouldn't mind a jawa romance bit :D!

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